
Problematic Thoughts

  Why do some people seem to feel life has a template for all to follow? If you truly believe that, your a very shallow minded person. If life were that simplified, handling our problems would be a piece of cake. Fortunately for us, that's not the way life is designed thank God. The lense that you view life is for your eyes only, not for all to follow. In order for you to understand life and keep an open mind, you must view life through the lense of others and not lean onto your own understanding. If you are indeed incapable of doing as such, the life you live is in a very small box. Impartiality is an absolute must in order to navigate yourself through life.

Consequential Thoughts

 It's a difference between forgiving and forgiving? If your going to forgive a person you must forgive them from the bottom of your heart without contempt in your heart. You see, some people will say they've forgiven, but in actuality they haven't deep down inside. When you've forgiven a person your actions will exhibit as such, it's just unfortunate that's not always the case. If you've forgiven a person and even went as far as to tell that person you've forgiven them, you must do as such with a clean heart. But if your actions say otherwise, it's consequences and repercussions from the lord that you have to deal with. In other words, you can't double back on your forgiveness once you've uttered those words to that person. 

Invisible Thoughts

  Do you know what today's date is? Today's date is not what you were taught it to be, it's the date that's actually seen. Your already older than your actual age, which means your actual age is not your actual projected age. Your aging faster than you think, only it's not visible to the naked eye.

His Thoughts

  Prayer changes things, more than you'll ever know. Do not be afraid to rely on prayer, nor should you be ashamed. Yes it may sound boring and old fashioned, but it's the one thing that has stood the test of time for over 2000 years.

Bright Thoughts

  Sometimes the sun doesn't appear to be shining in the midst of our struggles, as some days tend to be cloudy. But you should always remember, the sun is always shining in the midst of our struggles, even when it's cloudy. The sun never stops shining, remember that.

No Thoughts

  If you run out of things to say, don't say anything at all. If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything at all. If the only thing you have to talk about is yourself, don't say anything at all. If the only thing you can speak about is something negative, don't say anything at all. If the only thing you can do is complain, don't say anything at all. If talking about the lord is an issue with you, don't say anything at all. (if any or all of the above decribes you, apply it to yourself, and you'll probably come away being a hermit).

Peculiar Thoughts

  Keep God in the middle of everything you do in life and you will always be successful. Far to often people forget and they'll try and resolve their daily battles without due process. It's not your fight to fight, always remember that.