
Showing posts from 2016

Demonic Thoughts

Its been said by some, that we should always avoid our demons at all cost, and pray for God to rescue us away from them to avoid future setbacks in life. Well, that may be true, "in some cases", but not necessarily true in all cases. Facing your demons does not necessarily resonate into bad fortunes, nor does it lesson you as an individual for accepting them. If anything, it strengthens you in that you've come full circle with your life, understanding that once you've faced those demons, they can no longer bother you UNLESS you allow them to. Never view your demons as a disadvantage in life, as you must use them as an (advantage), knowing that you will never allow history to repeat itself in your life.

Enigmatic Thoughts

Would you consider yourself an enigma? Chances are you don't, but then if so, you're probably in denial about yourself. Because if you've been consistently misunderstood, somewhat contradictory in your behavior, you truly are an enigma. And besides, if indeed this does apply to you, don't be ashamed to admit it, nor afraid to admit it, as this can be applied to most anybody at any given time pending the circumstances. Plus, in some cases this can work in your favor, as it gives you the luxury of keeping your adversaries at bay, consistently keeping them off balanced and wondering how to take you.

Special Inner Thoughts

What if you could go to that special place you go that brings peace to your inner soul? Do you often times find yourself lost in that special place? If so, don't feel guilty, as we all have that special place we resort to when things aren't going well. It's like an outer body experience you never want to end, only it does. But then, have you ever thought about who gave you those thoughts to take you to that special place? If not, just remember whom is always in charge, God. He gave you those thoughts, giving you that inner peace you so long desire in times of need, So in the future, when you find yourself entering that world nobody knows about, just remember that its God keeping you company, sending you where you need to be.

Uncensored Thoughts

Have you ever had your feelings hurt to the point you ask yourself, "Why did this person do this to me"? Do you think they did it intentionally/unintentionally? Do you think its something you did to provoke them to inflict pain on you? Lets elaborate on provoke for a moment. Believe it or not, sometimes we (provoke) people to say or do things to us, not knowing, understanding, or recognizing what we said or did was wrong. Yes you can only be yourself, but you have to have the understanding that everybody is different, no two people are alike. Therefore you can't just say what you want to say, do what you want to do, and walk away blindly, with the assumption that zero repercussion will come from it. Simply put, you're not as innocent as you think you are in the midst of your pain and suffering in relationships. Not to condone wrong doing, but don't kid yourself and think you're the innocent victim of foul play. Because in the end, nobody is wiling to incrimina...

Biblical Thoughts

How would you view the bible in your mind? Do you believe in the things it says? Can you confirm the things said as being true? Due to its honesty in presenting short comings and failures, some believe sinful subtleties were conveniently prohibited from being written by scribes. Would you agree? Yes/no/maybe? Irregardless, we should (never) use the term convenience and bible in the same sentence, seeing as nothing throughout the bible spells convenience. However, if you read closely, you'll find that certain information was STRATEGICALLY left out, as God himself KNEW, that if revealed, weak minds would fail the test of time no matter the circumstances. So in essence, everything is not meant for you to know.

Controlled Thoughts

Have you ever just sat back and thought about your inner thoughts? Meaning, the things you become stressed/depressed about? No, have you really just took the time and marinated over the things that bring you unhappiness? Chances are you didn't, because if you did, you would know that most everything that contributes to your unhappiness, you have FULL control over. 90% of your unhappiness stems from things (beyond) your control. Get it? Read over this a few times and you'll get it, and once you do, apply it and watch the results, instant happiness.

Internal Life Thoughts

One of the greatest things about life, is our ability to attain knowledge, knowing that once its stored, it's nothing anybody can do to take that away from you. And although the human brain only weighs approximately 3 lbs, it is THE most powerful cell God gave us bar none. So with our brains possessing 86 billion neurons, its safe to say we're capable of accomplishing most anything we want to do in life once we put our minds to it. Just think, maybe one day we'll be able to tap into that part of the brain that make objects move, because with many people having the ability to tap into the future (unconsciously), anything is possible.

Revisiting your Thoughts

If you are one of those individuals always unwilling to be giving of yourself, don't expect people to give more of themselves in return. Typically such actions almost always describes a person that's selfish, thinking only of themselves, and only need you when they need you. Friends like those are (easy) to find, because they always stand out in the crowd. And oh by the way, in case you're wondering if you have a friend that meet these characteristics, look for the following. Life is always about them, they always do most of the talking, always wanting to be seen, flashy, view spoiled as being cute, never available when you need them, very insensitive towards your life, and can never sustain a conversation without redirecting the conversation into making it about them. And let's not forget (needy) as well. Sounds familiar? Do yourself a favor, and don't be afraid to start over and hit the reset button on friends, get rid of them, you'll thank yourself in the end...

Precautionary Thoughts

If you're unhappy with the life you live, do something about it. Stop making excuses, complaining, knowing you lack the mental capacity to make the necessary changes needed to change your lifestyle. Excuses are for people content with mediocrity, unwilling to change, and have no desire to live a better life. Do yourself a favor, stop PRETENDING you have no options, and act like you got some sense. Use the brain God gave you, and STOP acting incompetent, you only have one life to live. You can either live it, or waste it, the choice is yours.

Selfish Thoughts

Do you consider yourself a selfish person? Yes/No/Maybe? If you answered no, you may want to give yourself a personal test, double checking your qualifications to see indeed if you are selfish/unselfish? Question #1- Can you hold down a conversation without talking about yourself? Question #2- If someone came to you with a serious problem, can you help them with the problem without injecting your own personal problems into the conversation? Question #3- Do you ask people to do things your unwilling to do for them? Question #4- Do the needs for yourself exceed those of others? Question #5- Do you considered yourself spoiled? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, not only are you selfish, chances are you also struggle understanding the needs of others when your services are needed. ( Ad that's truly a crime shame).

Trained Thoughts

If bad decisions we made in the past are suppose to make us smarter, why do some people travel down those same narrow roads, thinking those roads have suddenly become smoother? Do you actually expect different results from making the same exact decisions? Such thoughts is defined as idiocy, plain and simple. Shake yourself people, its not that hard to figure out. Do the right thing, because its the right thing to do.

Questionable Thoughts

What does a person have to do in order for you to hate them? Some people hate liars, thieves, murderers, race etc. But then to hate them, would mean you're unwilling to forgive them, and if you can't forgive them, what does that make you? Hate and forgiveness simply cannot be used in the same sentence, nor has any affiliation or attachment that defines greatness. You'll find that most people that exhibit hatred, struggle with forgiveness, and are quick to judge. You simply cannot forgive a person and turn around and judge them. Either you forgive them or you don;t, plain and simple. Because to reflect back on your own forgiveness, means you never forgave them in the first place.

Pre written Thoughts

If you wrote a story about your life, revealing the best and the worst, including your inner most thoughts, would you alter or re-write details to make it suitable for readers? Of course you would, because its certain things about your life you'd rather take to your grave rather than expose yourself to the public. Look at it this way, everything written that describes history has been altered, including the holy bible, further validating that the full truth on life will NEVER be exposed for public consumption. Now in saying that, it doesn't mean that everything in history isn't true, it just means that (everything) in history has been strategically altered FROM the full truth.

Careful Thoughts

We must always be careful who we reference as friends, and refrain from abusing the culture in which friendship was created from. People need to stop abusively using the term (friend) as if its something that's easily attained. You can't sit here and create a template for friendship, because its creation existed long before we were thought of. The template for friendship is just as genuine as the Holy Bible itself, IT NEVER CHANGES. Friends invest in each other, mainly in the form of spiritual and emotional context. Do finances play a part? In some instances yes, but only in that you're willing to suffer equally as much as the person you're emotionally attached to.Also worth noting, friends will never judge or forsake under ANY circumstances, nor blow you off with pointless excuses involving meetings with pointless people that carry little value to your way of life. Now that you've read this, you'll probably realize that 99% of the people you CLAIM are friends, ...

New Thoughts

Have you ever woke up in the morning saying to yourself,"Today is going to be better than yesterday"? At some point during that day did someone attempt to make yesterday current? And upon doing so, did those feelings from yesterday's spirit resurface? Well, ask yourself this, who's fault is that? If your spirit is THAT weak you would allow someone to dictate the rhythm of your day THAT easily, you (deserve) your day to be ruined.

Great Thoughts

Can you honestly say you've done your best when your best was required? Yes, maybe? In life, we should always be willing to exceed our own expectations, even if our best isn't required at that particular time. You see, sometimes in life unforeseen situations will rise to the surface, requiring your absolute attention at that present time. By design God will TEST you at the most opportune time, sending situations your way just to see how you will respond. And believe it or not, you unconsciously fail more times than you realize, ignoring people in need, only to satisfy your own SELFISH needs that you deem important. Shame on you, yet you (expect) God to be there for your every beck and call. What makes you so important than those that reached out to you? We should ALWAYS strive to be great no matter the circumstances life presents you with.

Boasting Thoughts

Are you aware that bragging is just as lethal as stealing in the eyes of God? Many people don't see it that way, opting only to choose man's way of living over God. The things you think are worthless, useless, and mean nothing at all to God, are those same things God will use to DESTROY you. (1-Corinthians chapter 1 verse 28). So stop boasting and bragging about your children, or the money you make, car you drive, and life you live, because it means absolutely NOTHING.

Secret Thoughts

As a woman, what if you had a secret rendezvous with Jesus, and upon meeting you, all he wanted to do was give you a soft kiss across the lips, telling you he loved you? How would that make you feel? As a man, what if the circumstances were similar, only he kissed you on the cheek saying the exact same thing? How would that make you feel? What if you had a close friend you respected, asking you to do the exact thing, just to let you know you have someone in the flesh that respects you the exact same way? You do know these people exist don't you? Yes its okay to keep your guard up, but not to the point you miss God's messenger stopping by just to let you know he's watching over you

Precious Moments of Thoughts

Children are looked upon as the little darlings of our future, caressing our presence with innocence, reminding us of those precious moments we had during those times when life was all fun and smiles. As adults, what happened to those smiles and happy times? Why did it have to change? Sure life has its fair share of ups and downs, but so it did as children ourselves, yet we found a way to move forward and leave the past in the past. Perhaps we should take a page from our own childhood playbook, apply it to our adulthood and leave the past in the past, use it as a source of strength to become a better person and enjoy the life God blessed of to live.

Thoughts on Why

Why would you stop loving a person just because they hurt you? Why would you stop loving a person just because they disagree with you? Why would you stop loving a person just because they refuse to look at you? Why would you stop loving a person just because they cheated on you? Why would you stop loving a person just because they talked about you? Why would you stop loving a person just because you're not receiving equal love in return? If you've stopped loving a person for any of the above reasons you KNOW you've executed yourself, (why do you love yourself)?

Quiet Thoughts

If a person shares something very personal with you, (listen) to them (without) responding. STOP saying ( I understand), because unless you've walked in that person shoes, you DON'T understand. We must learn to LISTEN, be patient, DON'T try giving advise, and comfort them(without) insulting them by saying you understand. It's far more ways to comfort a person without lying to them. Perhaps you can start by simply being quiet and lending a listening ear, offering support by way of physical comfort. Because whether you know it or not, the electricity our bodies generate by way of hugging, holding hands, or the simplest of touching, generates more support than any words you could ever speak.

Selfish Thoughts

If a person walks up to you and says they like you, (knowing nothing about you personally), why would you find that hard to believe? You probably even responded by telling them they don't know you to like you. If indeed you're guilty of that, not only are you selfish, but that's one of the most inconsiderate thing you could tell a person for complimenting you. Who are you to tell a person they aren't qualified to like you? Are you even aware of the millions of people walking around WISHING someone liked them? Only selfish person would utter such buffoonery after receiving the ultimate compliment. And if you think for one moment, that fondness carries a criteria, (your priorities in life are truly twisted, in a very arrogant way). How dare you DICTATE to someone what they can and cannot do?

A hug for your Thoughts

Sometimes you have those days, trying to figure out what's wrong with you? You try eating certain foods, drinking plenty of water, exercising, praying, taking medications etc. But nothing works. Well believe it or not, its none of the above, as some of our problems are simply mind over matter. Our cures can come from something as (simple) as a hug. Are you aware of the (electricity) generated from a hug and what it does for the mind body and soul? Try it sometimes, what do you have to lose?

Consistency with your Thoughts

During your lowest moments of struggle, have you ever got on your knees and thanked God for those struggles? We're always giving thanks for all the good things in life, but NEVER give thanks for the bad things. No matter our struggles and hardships we endure in life, we should ALWAYS be GRATEFUL for those struggles, smiling and embracing those hard times that hurt us so badly. Why praise and give thanks for those hard times? Because that's the ULTIMATE homage you can give Jesus Christ for his (humiliation and suffering) he did all for YOU.

Soft Thoughts

Selfless Thoughts

Why do some people feel the life they live is so important, blatantly ignoring those that RESPECT them is accepted? Yes life presents us with challenges, as some are simply beyond our control, but we must always be conscious enough to take a step back. Take that step back and move away from self, and stop (selfishly) viewing life from your own vision. Try looking at life through the vision of others sometimes, be humble, and understand if somebody is reaching out to you, God placed you in that position for a reason.

Rewarding Thoughts

When you've done your best, and your best isn't good enough, don't scratch your head trying to figure out where you went wrong? Sometimes in life, putting forth your best brings back zero return, and that's fair. Now in saying that, don't become passive and nonchalant, feeling life owes you something for your efforts, because it doesn't. Be who you are, stay positive, stay within yourself, and understand that the gift of life itself is the biggest reward of all.

Hateful Thoughts

if you hate your job, hate your companion, hate your ex companion, hate your children, hate certain friends, hate your community, hate the way people drive, or even hate certain family members, what don't you hate? Because with that much hate, you can't possibly love yourself. That's entirely too much negative energy for one person to have, much less pass along to someone else. Who would want to be around ir involved with a person THAT grumpy?

Funny Thoughts

You've probably never been told this before, but are you aware that sometimes in life, taking a step back is equivalent to putting your best foot forward? At the time you took those steps back, it probably didn't make sense to you in the midst of your setback. But in taking those steps back, the picture became far more clearer, giving you clarity and understanding you never would have gained had you NOT taken those few steps back. Life is funny that way.

Worldly Thoughts

Although we all live and exist in the same world, we truly DON'T live in the same world, nobody does. You see, its the things in life we were never told, are the things in life that will change the perception of everything we see. The life you see is a mirage, the life you live is reality, as nobody will EVER know the internal thoughts that only you know. Because the world you live in is not the world you live in, as the world you live in, is totally different from the world you live in, including the person you're involved with. In relationships, thinking that you live in the same world, is why conflict arises, because you THOUGHT you lived in the same world.

Procrastinating Thoughts

You can't say one thing and do another, procrastinating as if procrastination is attractive. Memo to procrastinators that internally think its okay, its NOT okay. Stop engaging in conversations you know will place you in a position to be untruthful. Some people procrastinate to the point it becomes a common thread, not realizing the negative impact it can have on life itself. DON'T become that person!

Stubborn Thoughts

Knowledge can be given to us in a plethora of ways, distributing comfort, understanding, and wisdom.. As we must also understand that for many, knowledge doesn't necessarily come easy. Because believe it or not, some people aren't willing to accept knowledge, opting to remain in ignorance, unwilling to change, and unwilling to listen. Such stubbornness is a recipe for disaster, creating stress, depression, relationship problems, and a myriad of things falling under the umbrella of things associated with poor values. So in the event this does applies to you, DON'T allow yourself to continue down that road of no return, as it will lead you to a road of indefinite unhappiness.

Appreciative Thought

The element of surprise can be one of the most monumental experiences in life, whether that be through death, infidelity, sudden sickness, or anything affiliated with trauma. Yet here we are, still breathing, still functioning, still utilizing all the tools God gave us to survive. That in itself is a blessing most take for granted, because not all people are equipped to survive life changing experiences. Are you aware that for many, traumatic experiences can lead into mental insanity, temporary insanity, suicide, substance abuse, and even mourning themselves into sickness and death? So you see, you're even more gifted than even YOU recognized, and that is not by accident. But then again, some of this may already apply to you through your own experiences.

Correctional Thoughts

It doesn't take a genius to figure out right from wrong, nor do you need anyone to interpret right from wrong to you. So why is it some people struggle mercifully understanding the difference between the 2? Is it a matter of perception? Well no, because that would mean ones perception would outweigh common sense. What about philosophy? That probably wouldn't work either, because that would dilute the true meaning of integrity, undermining those that believe in integrity. What about ignorance? That could work, but then, life is unforgiving to ignorance. So the bottom line is, do the right thing, because its the right thing to do.

Internal Thoughts

Have you ever fallen in love with someone you don't even know? Prior to developing those feelings, were you aware that person wasn't even available? If you answered yes to both questions, were you internally comfortable having those feelings despite knowing nothing could develop from those feelings? If so, chances are you never shared those feelings, understanding you stand nothing to gain by sharing those feelings. And although you never shared those feelings, its always that chance the feelings were mutual, but because of uncontrollable circumstances, like yourself, they chose not to reveal those feelings. But you know, it comes a time in life exchanging words isn't necessary, as we can sometimes rely on mutual spirits to do all the talking for you..

Inquisitive Thought

Sometimes in life we're placed in situations that puts us in a position of discomfort, disrupting our spirit, throwing our hormones off balance, all while mentally confusing us as to how we should deal with our discomfort. But as you know, often times our discomfort can come from a plethora of areas, some of which can be avoided yet puzzling. For example, why does truth cause discomfort? Because if someone infuses truthfulness into your spirit that causes you discomfort, what do lies cause? Just a thought.

Curious Thoughts

What would you do if someone was evil to hurt your soul? How would you handle that person, knowing they didn't know of your knowledge of those desires? Of course you do know that acknowledging to them of your knowledge of them does nothing for you right? So what would you do? Would you inadvertently or blatantly avoid them? Because you do know that running isn't the answer HOPEFULLY? Well, in the event you do run across someone evil to hurt your soul, just know that a person can only do what you ALLOW them to do. And (do not) empower them by allowing them to use your personal life against you, as that will only coward you down to there level. Simply allow life to play itself out and you'll break even in the end, just learn from it and keep on moving.

Reserved Thoughts

If the fabric you come from cannot co exist with someone of a totally different cloth, why force your beliefs on them? You ALREADY know God created us different, in that we all have a totally different perception on the way we view life. So if a person does not share the same beliefs as you, humble yourself and be more understanding, and realize your perception on life is NOT the gold standard blueprint for all to follow. We must ALWAYS make room within ourselves to be (impartial) no matter the circumstances surrounding our beliefs. So its okay to be content with who you are, just as long as you clear out enough space for others to fit in WITHOUT being judged.