
Showing posts from January, 2016

Curious Thoughts

What would you do if someone was evil to hurt your soul? How would you handle that person, knowing they didn't know of your knowledge of those desires? Of course you do know that acknowledging to them of your knowledge of them does nothing for you right? So what would you do? Would you inadvertently or blatantly avoid them? Because you do know that running isn't the answer HOPEFULLY? Well, in the event you do run across someone evil to hurt your soul, just know that a person can only do what you ALLOW them to do. And (do not) empower them by allowing them to use your personal life against you, as that will only coward you down to there level. Simply allow life to play itself out and you'll break even in the end, just learn from it and keep on moving.

Reserved Thoughts

If the fabric you come from cannot co exist with someone of a totally different cloth, why force your beliefs on them? You ALREADY know God created us different, in that we all have a totally different perception on the way we view life. So if a person does not share the same beliefs as you, humble yourself and be more understanding, and realize your perception on life is NOT the gold standard blueprint for all to follow. We must ALWAYS make room within ourselves to be (impartial) no matter the circumstances surrounding our beliefs. So its okay to be content with who you are, just as long as you clear out enough space for others to fit in WITHOUT being judged.