
Showing posts from July, 2016

Great Thoughts

Can you honestly say you've done your best when your best was required? Yes, maybe? In life, we should always be willing to exceed our own expectations, even if our best isn't required at that particular time. You see, sometimes in life unforeseen situations will rise to the surface, requiring your absolute attention at that present time. By design God will TEST you at the most opportune time, sending situations your way just to see how you will respond. And believe it or not, you unconsciously fail more times than you realize, ignoring people in need, only to satisfy your own SELFISH needs that you deem important. Shame on you, yet you (expect) God to be there for your every beck and call. What makes you so important than those that reached out to you? We should ALWAYS strive to be great no matter the circumstances life presents you with.

Boasting Thoughts

Are you aware that bragging is just as lethal as stealing in the eyes of God? Many people don't see it that way, opting only to choose man's way of living over God. The things you think are worthless, useless, and mean nothing at all to God, are those same things God will use to DESTROY you. (1-Corinthians chapter 1 verse 28). So stop boasting and bragging about your children, or the money you make, car you drive, and life you live, because it means absolutely NOTHING.

Secret Thoughts

As a woman, what if you had a secret rendezvous with Jesus, and upon meeting you, all he wanted to do was give you a soft kiss across the lips, telling you he loved you? How would that make you feel? As a man, what if the circumstances were similar, only he kissed you on the cheek saying the exact same thing? How would that make you feel? What if you had a close friend you respected, asking you to do the exact thing, just to let you know you have someone in the flesh that respects you the exact same way? You do know these people exist don't you? Yes its okay to keep your guard up, but not to the point you miss God's messenger stopping by just to let you know he's watching over you