
Showing posts from August, 2016

Questionable Thoughts

What does a person have to do in order for you to hate them? Some people hate liars, thieves, murderers, race etc. But then to hate them, would mean you're unwilling to forgive them, and if you can't forgive them, what does that make you? Hate and forgiveness simply cannot be used in the same sentence, nor has any affiliation or attachment that defines greatness. You'll find that most people that exhibit hatred, struggle with forgiveness, and are quick to judge. You simply cannot forgive a person and turn around and judge them. Either you forgive them or you don;t, plain and simple. Because to reflect back on your own forgiveness, means you never forgave them in the first place.

Pre written Thoughts

If you wrote a story about your life, revealing the best and the worst, including your inner most thoughts, would you alter or re-write details to make it suitable for readers? Of course you would, because its certain things about your life you'd rather take to your grave rather than expose yourself to the public. Look at it this way, everything written that describes history has been altered, including the holy bible, further validating that the full truth on life will NEVER be exposed for public consumption. Now in saying that, it doesn't mean that everything in history isn't true, it just means that (everything) in history has been strategically altered FROM the full truth.

Careful Thoughts

We must always be careful who we reference as friends, and refrain from abusing the culture in which friendship was created from. People need to stop abusively using the term (friend) as if its something that's easily attained. You can't sit here and create a template for friendship, because its creation existed long before we were thought of. The template for friendship is just as genuine as the Holy Bible itself, IT NEVER CHANGES. Friends invest in each other, mainly in the form of spiritual and emotional context. Do finances play a part? In some instances yes, but only in that you're willing to suffer equally as much as the person you're emotionally attached to.Also worth noting, friends will never judge or forsake under ANY circumstances, nor blow you off with pointless excuses involving meetings with pointless people that carry little value to your way of life. Now that you've read this, you'll probably realize that 99% of the people you CLAIM are friends, ...

New Thoughts

Have you ever woke up in the morning saying to yourself,"Today is going to be better than yesterday"? At some point during that day did someone attempt to make yesterday current? And upon doing so, did those feelings from yesterday's spirit resurface? Well, ask yourself this, who's fault is that? If your spirit is THAT weak you would allow someone to dictate the rhythm of your day THAT easily, you (deserve) your day to be ruined.