
Showing posts from 2017

Unnecessary Thoughts

Do you believe in rituals? It's subjective in that some are good, some are bad, and some are just flat out ridiculous. But then isn't that the foundation this country thrives on? Some will call it rituals, others call it traditions, its just according to how its presented, big deal. Irregardless of your thoughts or opinions, its a belief that many people support for various reasons. mainly as a reminder of something/someone admired. But do you truly need a landmark as a reminder? It's only so many of these so called anniversaries you can fulfill anyways, otherwise your life is one big self created landmine, created to keep you reflected back on the past.

Your Thoughts

If all your desires you ever wanted were met, where would you be today? Before answering that question, lets not confuse desires with necessities, seeing as its a contrast difference between the two. Lets also keep in mind the depth of those desires, and understand that not everything is built for public consumption, so being honest with yourself is an absolute must. So now that we have that out of the way, lets pose that question once more. Where would you be today if all the desires you ever wanted were met?

Complacent Thoughts

You wake up to the same thing today that you experienced yesterday. You've now realized you're getting older because your days all look the same(so they appear). Now where do you go from here? You've unconsciously molded, manipulated, conditioned, and strategically rearranged your entire life to fit YOUR comfort zone. And now that you've done that, you've become complacent in everything you do(routine), with every day now looking exactly the same. So much so that all your time has been monopolized based on YOUR creation, yet you wonder where all the years have gone? Your life has slipped away from you because you've accounted for every minute of the day(invisible to the naked eye).

Electrical Thoughts

When was the last time you've truly been hugged? Are you aware that in times of need, something as simple as a hug can generate enough electricity to relieve you of that unnecessary tension? In fact, its days you may not even be aware of how much tension you're carrying around, until you've received a hug from someone. FYI: Don't be selective with whom you desire to receive a hug from, because voluntary hugs are generated from God(unexpected), it's not your choice. God provides you with your necessities, not your desires, remember that.

Pondering Thoughts

Do you recognize your enemies? If you answered yes, you're only kidding yourself. Recognizable enemies aren't those you've had past acquaintances with, that's far to easy. Enemies are unrecognizable, like chameleons, almost invisible to the naked eye, and extremely venomous to your everyday livelihood. Now ask yourself that question again, "Do you recognize your enemies"? You see, enemies can come in a plethora of disguises, ranging from someone you presently hold close to you as a friend, family member, co worker, neighbor, stranger, or even a companion. FYI: You THINK you know who that person is, but chances are you don't. And they notice you every single day, watching you, knowing your every move, and you still haven't a clue whom that person is, think about it. Enemies aren't revealing.

Gracious Thoughts

Have you ever just sat back and reflected on your personality, thinking, "It's not easy being me"? Many people probably look at you thinking (they wish they could be you). Well, whether you know it or not, you have admirers you don't even know, hiding behind bushes staring at you(without you knowing), wishing they could "look like you", "be like you", or even "think like you". Not realizing the internal package that comes with being the person those magnetic eyes love to see. What they also don't know, is that it's not easy being you, not knowing the internal pain that's hidden and stored away for nobody to see. Your personal life is not for public consumption despite what many may think. Lesson learned, everything shiny isn't gold, so don't allow yourself to become consumed with shiny ornaments. Just be happy with who you are, because although someone is ALWAYS watching you, they are admiring you equally as much as yo...

Demonic Thoughts

Do you have a song/songs that takes you places you want or don't want to go? Chances are you do, as you can probably listen to those same songs over and over again, completely zoning you out mentally from the present. But be careful, because overdosing yourself on those reminders, can be demonic to the spirit in its own subtle way. Never allow yourself to become overly consumed to the point you're incapable of pulling yourself back to reality.

Certain Thoughts

Have you ever met a person you deemed "different"? If so, what makes them so different than the average person? Because although we as whole, have a common way about ourselves in our journey through life, doesn't mean our way of life is better than someone you deemed as "different". Did you ever stop to think that our way in life was a conditioning tool into approaching life in a certain way? Think about it, foreigners that migrate to the United State, have a totally different concept than we do. So why can't a Caucasian/ African American be "different" from those of there own culture? Just because a person(from your culture) views and approaches life from a different perspective than you, doesn't make you any better than them. Life has no set blueprint on how we should live our lives despite what common interest people think.

Character Thoughts

If you've offended someone unknowingly, yet offered an sincere apology based on the context of the words you spoke, speaks volumes about your character. If you've offended someone knowingly , yet offered no apology despite the context of the words you spoke, speaks volumes about your character as well(think about it).

Reflecting Thoughts

When you think about all the challenges you've conquered throughout your journey through life, dd it ever occur to you how strong you truly are? Yes you've fallen weak from time to time, kicking yourself because you felt things should have turned out differently, we've all done that. But if you sit back and think for a moment, slowly back away from the picture, and take a long look at your life. You'll discover that your life is not as bad as you make it out to be. In fact, you're so blessed, that if you were blessed anymore than you already are, you wouldn't be able to stand yourself.

Small Thoughts

Sometimes in life we come across the smallest of things, blowing it off as if its nothing significant to impact our lives. Well, that very well may be true, but we should never take for granted the things that cross our path in life. Why? Because its the smallest of things that carry the most weight. It doesn't matter whether it impacts your life or not, God placed it in your path for a reason. Stop ignoring life as if life owes you something, life owes you nothing. Sometimes God will strategically place things in our path to educate us to help others in life. And remember, life is not about you, its about what you can give to life.

Today's Thought

Have you ever heard the sports term, " You're only as good as your last game"? That same analogy can be used in describing ourselves in life. In other words, it doesn't matter how great you were yesterday, you'll be judged by today. And if you sit back and think about it, it's true, because nobody cares about yesterday, all we care about is today. And to be honest with you, that's all that matters.

Ones own Thoughts

It's funny how we can turn on the TV and see greatness, even if it is in the form of entertainment. It's also funny how we can see the greatness in people we respect, whether that be family friends, etc. Yet we can never see the greatness in ourselves. Why is that? Seeing the greatness in ones own self is not arrogant, selfish, prideful, or boastful. Seeing ones own greatness is merely understanding who you are, acknowledging your gifts, and expressing it for the world to see. You should NEVER be ashamed of self expression, it's your right, and God gave it to you.

Opinionated Thoughts

Have you ever had someone develop an attitude only because you didn't agree with them? Why is that? If you have an opinion on something, it's your opinion, plain and simple. Always keep in mind that an opinion is NOT defined as a blueprint on life, it's (an opinion). Developing an attitude over a difference of opinion, is basically an indirect way of coercing a person to agree with you, by using your emotions, and that's just silly. We're all entitled to our own thoughts, God created us that way, so leave it at that and move forward.

Wishful Thoughts

Have you ever felt so low you just wanted to die? No matter how strong you THINK you are, you aren't as strong as you think you are. You can pray all you want, cry all you want, and beg all you want, nobodies going to hear you during your darkest moments, but God. And even then, the suffering doesn't stop. Where do you go at that point? Look at it this way, praying to God is like trying to get over the common cold, no matter how much medicine you take, the coughing doesn't stop, so you have to let it runs its course, just as you do your prayers.

Average Thoughts

Some people want to be great, some people want to be average, that's what makes the world go round. Some people are even comfortable living below average, and that's fine as well. In life we must love each other despite others personal desires for themselves, whether that be our children, family, friends etc. We must meet them where they are, love them, and not judge them. And besides, its people across the globe living average lives well into there 90's, and HAPPY. Isn't that our ultimate goal in life anyways, living an extremely long life?

Insightful Thoughts

Love love love is the name of the game, no matter the circumstances, no matter the person, no matter the pain, and no matter that person's walk through life. We must love unconditionally, despite our own personal thoughts and feelings. We must love whether we want to or not. We must love despite the outcome, as love should never become an option. Why? Because once you've placed love as an option in your life, spiritually your defeated both mentally and physically, and you can never become the person God needs you to be.

Healthy Thoughts

Leave your worries at the doorsteps...

Careful Thoughts

If you disagree with something someone stands for, why not take the time and do your own personal research and find out why that person feels compelled to take such a stance? You should (never) look at things from the surface and form an opinion with no foundation to back up your thoughts. Uninformed people are the worse kind of people to converse with, because if you listen to them closely, you'll discover that ignorance is the foundation of there thoughts.

Revealing Thoughts

How do you feel about life? Not everybody is going to share the same principles on life, nor are we going to hold hands throughout our journey in life. But we should all agree to (respect) life and everything life has to offer, so one would think anyways. Listen, nobody said it would be easy, nor could anybody prepare you for the struggles you've endured throughout the years you've lived thus far. We must learn to RESPECT life, and not allow the rigors of life to transform you into a bitter person that hates life. Because one thing is certain, ( if you disrespect life, life will disrespect you).

Strong Thoughts

Have you ever had a thought so strong it came true? Upon having those thoughts, did you have a strong visual as well? Rarely do we have such convictions, but when we do, its like tapping into supernatural powers beyond your imagination. And what's even more strange, is that you have no control over those convictions once they occur. If only we could tap into those powers on command. Strong Thoughts

Emotional Thoughts

Sometimes in life we get so caught up in our own feelings, we fail to see the blessings God has in front of us. It just comes a time in life as we get older, that we must stop thinking about ourselves, remove the emotions, and look at what's in front of you. Until you do that, you'll never be able to enjoy the fruits of life that God gave you. STOP thinking about yourself and remove the emotions, its that simple.

Marinating Thoughts

Is it possible to run out of love? If so, how? Because in the end, it doesn't matter what a person does to you, running out of love should never be an option. Where would we be today had Jesus ran out of love 2000 years ago? Marinate on that for a moment. And while your marinating those thoughts, think about everything you've learned about Jesus and his suffering. Think about those that mocked him, crucified him, and doubted him. Yet his love NEVER wavered, not once. And now look at you, just look at you. 2000 years later, here we are reaping the benefits of his unwavering love. Now with all that being said, if you can't find it within yourself to forgive, let go, and still love unconditionally, something is truly wrong with you.

Vindicated Thoughts

Are you vindictive? Many would probably say no, falsely saying they've moved on and haven't looked back. Yet at first chance, most consciously/unconsciously would jump at the first opportunity to even the score secretly. Why secretly? It eliminates being judged for committing the exact same act. Others would prefer being incognito because of the negative perception that follows foul decisions. But in the end, ask yourself this, "What did you gain from it"? "Did it make you feel better about yourself"?

Amazing Thoughts

Have you ever just sat back and thought about some of the things you did in the past and thought, "Wow"? You probably even wondered how did you even make it through those times? Or how did you even manage? It's because your script was already written at birth. As promised in God's word, he would NEVER put more on you than you can bare. Remember that? Keep that in mind for future considerations during troubled times, it to will pass, and that God will see you through it as he's done all the other times you've endured problem situations. Know that whatever it is your going through, its ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel.

Different Thoughts

Remember the days of having everything to lose based on your affiliation with the wrong person? We're living in a different time now, as those days are long gone, and have been for quite some time, you just didn't know it. These days you have absolutely no idea who is who, what or why, or when did it happen? Gone are the days of being able to visually make the right choice based on a person background, conversation, or basic affiliation. We're now living in the times of chameleons. They blend in so beautifully with our everyday lives, and you have absolutely no idea what they've done in life. You could for example, be standing in the store next to someone that's committed the most horrific crime you could ever imagine, and you would (never) know it by looking at them. Chameleons look and act exactly like YOU, very attractive, charming, kind, helpful, thoughtful, low key, articulate, and very prayerful.

Thoughts of others

If someone extends a friendly gesture in good faith, don't blow them off showing no interest, that's arrogant. And even if you aren't interested, it's a such thing as proper etiquette. It's not going to hurt you to respond with class and integrity, showing that person that you at least have some respect for what they are offering. Nothing is more deflating to the spirit as blowing off a friendly gesture. Step outside of yourself sometimes, and be considerate of the feelings of others, and stop getting so caught up in your own feelings.

Charismatic Thoughts

If you have nothing good to say about a person that's hurt you in the past, what's that say about you? You should never allow past pain to dictate your value in life, your better than that. You see, once you've allowed past pain to dictate the words you speak, negative spirits become energized, preying on your every weakness. And once this occurs, the person that injected you with the pain, becomes an even more stronger force than they were in the beginning. Why make a person stronger than they deserve? Now if you really want to get back at them, pray positive things from the heart, always say great things about them, and watch them crumble in the end.

Peculiar Thoughts

We take chances in life because we all have agendas behind those thoughts. But for many, exhibiting peculiar behavior behind those chances, just isn't worth the risk. For example, high risk low reward behavior, carries little to no value even in executing those high risk low reward opportunities in life. You must always weigh the pros and cons before attempting such ridiculous buffoonery. Sure time is not on our side true enough, but at the same time, you can't rush and manipulate life the way you think it should be, that's not how life is designed. Now please understand, this is not an attempt to assassinate your character, as we've all taken high risk low reward chances in life, but as time passes, we have to learn that what's meant to be, is going to be, no matter how you slice it. You've got to stop fighting what God has placed in your life to comfort you. Just enjoy the moment and make the best of those moments.

Wonderful Thoughts

Today, literally thousands of people died, with mostly not being by choice, and few by choice. And yet here you are, still here, still standing, still breathing, and still blessed to see another day. Amazing isn't it? Friends, family, classmates, neighbors, coworkers, etc, you've seen them all die, never to be seen again, and here you stand once again, living through the madness that surrounds us on a daily basis. It just comes a time in life you have to ignore the nonsense, and appreciate the life you live, albeit not what you aspired for yourself years ago, but your here. Love yourself, love your companion, love life, and appreciate each and every day you open your eyes to see yet another day God has given you.

Dark Thoughts

Are you aware of the demons and heinous you're surrounded with on a daily basis? Chances are you don't, because many aren't visible to the naked eye. And oh by the way, not only are you faced with invisible forces beyond your control, you're also face with an enormous amount of negative spirits, looking and lurking in the shadows to consume anybody that has a weak spirit. One may ask, "How can those invisible spirits become visible"? It's simple, notice, negative spirits almost ALWAYS attack the dark spots in your life. They attack those places that nobody knows but you and only you. And its no way of avoiding or getting around those dark spots, because we were all born with them. It's at that point we must pray and exercise extreme self discipline, and NEVER waver away from positive thinking no matter the circumstances surrounding your life. Always stand strong in your beliefs, stand strong in your prayers, and most importantly, stand strong in your ...

Humbling Thoughts

The grass always looks greener on the other side doesn't it? In the past, you've probably been fooled numerous times, thinking things will be much better than your current situation at that time. Problem is, you found out the grass isn't greener on the other side, and you probably wished you could reverse that decision. You've probably even had opportunities to correct some of those poor decisions, but pride wouldn't allow you. so you took the loss. Now we all know what God says about a person with pride("show me a man with pride and I'll show you a fool"). Lesson learned, once you've found out things aren't what you thought it would be, don't be ashamed to admit it. That's life, nobodies perfect, and certainly nobody cares. It's your happiness on the line, nobody else's.

Calm Thoughts

Are you a take charge type of person? If so, why do you continue to struggle so badly sustaining a relationship? Why do you struggle financially? Why do you struggle with family & friends? Taking charge of your relationship is not defined by terminating your struggles. It simply means taking the necessary steps to improve your happiness. Taking control of your finances is not defined by the amount of money you make. It simply means you need to get your priorities in check, removing luxury items, including expenses that will drop you below the money you make. Taking control of your family and friends relationships doesn't mean you have to express your feelings to get your point across(it never works). It simply means you have to accept a person for who they are, meet them half way, and never allow bad spirits to dictate your actions towards them.

Confused Thoughts

Sometimes in life, you can see things the other person can't see, thinking to yourself,"should you or should you not say anything"? A part of you wants to say something, especially knowing that vision is (grim) for them. It's at that point you have to come to your senses, knowing its nothing you're going to say that's going to change the thoughts of the person your trying to help. Stubborn is what stubborn does, and if a person is unwilling to step outside of themselves and look at life from another view, let them suffer in peace. We can't erase ignorance, nor can we change it, so we must obey God's wishes and understand his words, "People in ignorance shall perish".You have to understand, some people RATHER suffer, thinking there way is the best way, than to change to make things right.

No nonsense Thoughts

Have you ever had someone say something to you that truly made you angry? Was it enough to make you want to harm them? Or did it make you say some truly nasty things to them? If so, why would you even react to it? For example, if someone made some derogatory comments towards you disrespectfully, why not just ignore them and walk away? You're making it seem like one word will ruin your entire life, as if your world will come crumbling down,over the ignorance of a foul tongue. Because if all it takes is the mere words of stupidity to send your world into a tailspin, you truly have life figured all wrong, and you definitely haven't found Jesus.

Strategic Thoughts

Most of our toughest challenges in life, are those that come from within, coercing us into irrational thoughts, irrational behavior, and limited vision. Scientifically speaking, its unclear how the human brain can cause blindness in times of trouble. But what we do know, is that visual blindness can be avoided, by allowing our brains to open up and receive God's blessings as they come. Ignoring his presence can be futile if consciously/unconsciously not respecting and acknowledging his blessings he;s given us by HIS choice.

Thoughts of acceptance

If you (hate) someone because of something they said to you, how can you (love) someone for the same reasons? That absolutely makes no sense whatsoever. Because to allow your feelings to get THAT deeply wound into some mere words that truly DON'T define you, means your heart is truly in the wrong place. On the other hand, you cannot love someone over some mere words they've said to you, only to exhibit hatred towards someone you least desire. The saying (It's a thin line between love and hate), is one of the biggest myths ever told. Love and hate can never be used in the same sentence in the eyes of God, nor can be accepted. And besides, if hatred could be THAT easily exhibited and accepted, we would ALL be dead by now over the sins we've committed over the years.

Joyful Thoughts

Joy doesn't just come when times are good. Joy can also come when times are bad. You see, during those times of trouble, we become so consumed with our problems, we fail to see the good that comes with the bad. In other words, that light never stopped shining on you, even during those times of darkness. In fact, even in death, that light will never stop shining on you, because even then, you will shine in heaven. You can't see what's in front of you if you're always looking back. DON'T become that pillar of salt.

Your Thoughts

Never allow a person to dictate to you how to think, as if to say your thoughts are irrelevant. Rule to follow, "no two people think alike". We were all born in our own uniqueness, our own beauty, our own minds, and our own beliefs. Once you've discovered who you are, NEVER allow anyone to take that away from you. Be who you are, because you can only be you.

Inexcusable Thoughts

Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue being a drunkard. Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue doing drugs. Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue smoking cigarettes. Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue poor eating habits. Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue being stubborn.Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to not exercise. And although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to not seek Jesus.

Paranoid Thoughts

Paranoia is THE biggest form of insecurity a person can possess, lending itself to second guessing, lack of confidence, twisted perception, low self esteem, and quitting. And we all know, its nothing worse than a quitter. Sure we've all had our bouts with paranoia at some point in our lives, but you should never allow yourself to be consumed with negative thoughts to the point to lose site of what's in front of you, because in doing so, you'll drive yourself further and further into a hole with no way out. When have you ever known God to use paranoia and faith in the same sentence? Real troopers aren't paranoid, nor do they allow themselves to be consumed with negative spirits. Prayer changes things, use it, and use it constructively.

Thoughts to release

Now that you've taken life's worst punch, where do you go from here? It's okay, you can exhale, relax, reflect, gather your thoughts, and know that God had your back through life's worst times. Sure you'll have some more hiccups waiting in the bushes, looking to ambush you the moment you let your guard down. But see that's it, DON'T let your guard down. You've chased off those demonic spirits that consumed you much longer than you desired. Now you're cleansed, cleansed of all the things that stunted your inner growth. Keep that guard up, remain prayerful, and know you have a higher power that will protect you in times of trouble.

Designated Thoughts

According to the blueprint designed strategically for you, you've experienced the worst that life has to offer. Or maybe you're in the midst of the worst that life has to offer. You've probably even shared those experiences with close friends and relatives, needing that listening ear in times of despair and confusion. Listen, do yourself a favor, and stop with the chattering about your problems, we've all got problems. Stop wallowing around in your own mess(manure), because that's all your doing. You're stepping in it over and over and over again, so much so that by the time you clean your feet, you're stepping in it all over again. You must move forward, stop reflecting, stop complaining, stop blaming others, and stop talking about it. Tomorrow's a new day, new beginning, and new start to your future. We all know the sun doesn't shine all the time, but it doesn't rain all the time either.

Self Loving Thoughts

You must love love love yourself before you can receive the same love in return. STOP expecting people to treat you better than you treat yourself. Don't think for one moment, that a person can't look at you and see what you're trying to hide, because they can. Never set expectations on somebody else that you can even do for yourself. The love you have for yourself is more transparent than you think, you're NOT fooling anybody into thinking otherwise. Love can't be tricked, fooled, manipulated or compromised, especially to those that know exactly how to love themselves unconditionally.

Conveying Thoughts

If you're affiliated with a person you can't even be friends and have a conversation with, why tolerate them? What do you stand to gain from it, other than aggravation? Simply convey to that person you have no desire to converse or interact with them, and remove that person from your life. Why fake it? Not having the capabilities of conveying your true feelings to a person you least desire, kind of sort of makes you a coward in disguise. Life is to short and a peace of mind is priceless.

Eternal Thoughts

When was the last time you prayed over someone you loved that's deceased? What, you thought it's unnecessary to pray for the deceased? Says who? Praying for the deceased pertaining to the eternal welfare to whom your prayer for, builds a covenant bond between both parties that will keep you united (forever). So just because you've lost them physically, doesn't dissolve you from losing them spiritually.

Thoughtful Thoughts

Have you ever woke up feeling so grateful you couldn't stop smiling because you know you've been blessed? As long as you have your health and strength, able to come and go as you please without assistance, nobody should be able to wipe that smile off your face. Time after time when you're feeling low, falling into that low place nobody knows about that takes you places you wish would just go away, just know that your not alone. But today is a new day, a new beginning, and you're still alive, looking out the window realizing God is (still) blessing you despite your struggles.

Animated Thoughts

Have you ever laughed at someone's joke you knew wasn't funny, but you played along for the sake of socializing? What would have happened had you not laughed? Does lack of humor mean you HAVE to laugh at dead humor? Is it a sin to simply be yourself? Is it an unwritten rule that we must exhibit false humor in order to blend in? If laughter is good for the soul, do we have scientific evidence on fake laughter? That being the case, if subjecting yourself to forced humor is a requirement for socializing, why socialize?

Realistic Thoughts

If the parable behind a relationship revolves around the finances of an individual, how do you sustain happiness? Sure we would all enjoy living in comfort for the rest of our lives, but whatever happened to integrity? Maybe integrity takes a backseat to happiness, placing that of material possessions as the number one priority into establishing happiness. With that being the case, you have to pity the fool that gravitates to those values, not realizing that just as easily as you were bought, someone else can be bought equally as fast. Go figure.

Self Explanatory Thoughts

Why would you share someone else's life, AFTER they've confided in you in the first place with complete confidentiality? Just because a person doesn't tell you not to share it, doesn't mean you're suppose to share it. Confidentiality is NOT a judgment call defined by sworn secrecy. Confidentiality is defined by the respect that individual has for (you), to even share themselves with you in the first place. It's an unwritten rule that's self explanatory, based solely on the trust that person has for you.

Generated Thoughts

How much is a peace of mind worth to you? Before answering that question, think long and hard about all the things you've gone through in life that put you in the place you are today. If you're currently experiencing unnecessary suffering, what's the catch? Meaning, why are you so persistent in allowing yourself to suffer? If God doesn't want you to suffer, why should you? Inner peace doesn't develop overnight, nor can you rely on quick fixes as a way of sustaining peace. Life is a process, as you must be willing to suffer short term in order to gain peace long term.

Relative Thoughts

If you are absolutely sure about yourself, why would you ask someone to validate you? Sure we've all had our moments of indecisiveness, wondering if right is right, or wrong is wrong, wanting something more definitive you can live with internally. Fortunately for you, God presents us with clarity all the time, and its in the form of self awareness, knowing who you are, and not allowing anyone to force anything on you that doesn't agree with you. Never allow your spirit to accept something you KNOW is wrong, because knowing what you know you know, should never be compromised under no circumstances.

Valued Thoughts

The more you value yourself in life, the longer you'll live. The more you (think) your value is to life, the lesser your value becomes. Your value in life is based on the love you have for yourself, not the value you mentally place on yourself in society. The lesser the value you place on yourself, the more invisible you become in life. The self worth you place on yourself depends entirely up to you. Our value in life is based solely on the position God strategically has formatted for us to use. Do not allow the gifts God gave you to erode away as if it never existed, he would be very displeased.

Acceptable Thoughts

If someone is expressing themselves to you, don't ignore them just because you do not believe in the things being said to you. Far to often we exercise an ignore mechanism, designed to tune out things we wish not to digest into our system we least desire. Now in saying that, lets get an understanding, don't (force) yourself into mentally accepting things your inner spirit rejects. But you shouldn't allow yourself to get to comfortable ignoring people that open themselves up to you for your listening ears to hear. Because if a person thought enough of you to open up to you, God thought enough of you to send them to you. (Think about it).

Your Thoughts

Have you ever thought about your life and the race against time? We live our lives each and everyday to the best of our ability, approaching each day with an agenda, often times prioritizing days in advance, monopolizing our lives to suit our needs. But the thing that goes unnoticed, is time, our worst enemy. You never really pay attention to it, until subtle warning signs start tapping you on the shoulder, like seeing people your own age you haven't seen in years, or seeing someone you failed to recognize due to age. It's at that point you have to look yourself in the mirror and wonder how do you appear to others? You've witnessed family, friends, and even pets, leave to live another life stress free. Have you ever thought about (your) race against time?

Dysfunctional Thoughts

Raising children is one of the most difficult challenges life has to offer for any parent/parents, giving way to dysfunction, frustrations, stress etc. (ALL families have dysfunction). That being said, why do some people feel compelled to judge others that have family dysfunctions? Just because your dysfunction is not open to the public, doesn't give you the right to pass judgment on others. Truth be told, dysfunctional parenting should never be open to the public, under NO circumstances, its just not a good look. So for future reference, if you see someone with open dysfunction, pray for them, don't judge them.

Preposterous Thoughts

Have you ever had a person tell you,"I'll trade my problems for yours"? Really? Do they even realize how ridiculous that sounds? It's absolutely preposterous that anyone would want to relief from ones own problems to inherit someone else's problems. Because for one, whether you know it or not, our problems are conducive to our personalities, almost as if its tailored to our strengths and weaknesses. In other words, God wouldn't dare put more on us than we can bear. It's like wishing you were someone other than yourself in order to run away from your problems. So in the future, be careful what you wish for, and understand that exchanging problems doesn't in no way, lesson the sting of what life has awaiting you.

Inadvertent Thoughts

Has it ever occurred to you, that sometimes your worst option is your best option? That's right, sometimes the wrong road, can be the most beneficial, even during life's darkest moments. How so? Because often times we seek convenience in generating our happiness, not realizing that life by no means is Picasso. It's never pretty, never easy, never convenient, never forgiving. You should never live your life using "regret" as a description of past mistakes, because without those mistakes, wisdom eludes you.

Mirrored Thoughts

Upon looking in the mirror, privately, what do you see? Before answering, keep in mind this is the image YOU created for yourself. This is the exact same image you're displaying for the world to see. This is the image you've worked very hard to create, despite the many setbacks you've incurred in life.This is the image you've created nobody can take away from you, despite your indifferent behavior you so uniquely cover up. This is the image you have only yourself to blame. So the next time you look yourself in the mirror, privately, ask yourself, what do you see?

Critical Thoughts

Why do some people deem constructive criticism as that of negativity? Notice, some people when being corrected, will not only become offended, but will allow themselves to be consumed with pride to the point of anger. How silly is that? Others will interpret constructive criticism as that of an attempt of character assassination. Once these instances occur, simply step back, remain silent, apologize once permitted, and refrain from offering knowledge in the coming future. You'll save yourself unwarranted frustrations and aggravation.

Future Thoughts

If your future plans consist of doing something against your beliefs, (don't do it). If your future plans consist of doing something you'll probably regret,(don't do it). If your future plans consist of doing something you KNOW is wrong, (don't do it). Never go against the grain just to shake things up because your bored with living life the right way. It's not healthy in trying to live a perfect life, as that goes against God's wishes, but if you live a life of boredom, you're doing a plethora of things right in your life.

Pertinent Thoughts

If you focus your energy on things that carry no energy, what does that say about you? Exerting energy into things of no substance, is time you've wasted you can't have back in your life. Never allow a person you KNOW brings nothing to the table, to occupy unnecessary space that can be otherwise used constructively some place else.

Divine Thoughts

Sometimes in life we incur problems beyond our control, stressing and worrying, doing everything we can to remove or ease the pain we so desperately want to go away. Well believe it or not, we are in direct control of our stress level no matter the circumstances, no matter the magnitude, no matter the pain its caused. You simply cannot allow things beyond your control to control YOU, that should never happen. Simply because, you not only stand to gain nothing, but its unhealthy, it removes years from your life, and it ages your entire mind body and soul. Now who in there right mind wants that? Anybody with a sane mind wouldn't want that for themselves. And besides, its not as if you don't know better to do better, because you KNOW better, so do better.