
Showing posts from April, 2017

Eternal Thoughts

When was the last time you prayed over someone you loved that's deceased? What, you thought it's unnecessary to pray for the deceased? Says who? Praying for the deceased pertaining to the eternal welfare to whom your prayer for, builds a covenant bond between both parties that will keep you united (forever). So just because you've lost them physically, doesn't dissolve you from losing them spiritually.

Thoughtful Thoughts

Have you ever woke up feeling so grateful you couldn't stop smiling because you know you've been blessed? As long as you have your health and strength, able to come and go as you please without assistance, nobody should be able to wipe that smile off your face. Time after time when you're feeling low, falling into that low place nobody knows about that takes you places you wish would just go away, just know that your not alone. But today is a new day, a new beginning, and you're still alive, looking out the window realizing God is (still) blessing you despite your struggles.

Animated Thoughts

Have you ever laughed at someone's joke you knew wasn't funny, but you played along for the sake of socializing? What would have happened had you not laughed? Does lack of humor mean you HAVE to laugh at dead humor? Is it a sin to simply be yourself? Is it an unwritten rule that we must exhibit false humor in order to blend in? If laughter is good for the soul, do we have scientific evidence on fake laughter? That being the case, if subjecting yourself to forced humor is a requirement for socializing, why socialize?