
Showing posts from November, 2017

Demonic Thoughts

Do you have a song/songs that takes you places you want or don't want to go? Chances are you do, as you can probably listen to those same songs over and over again, completely zoning you out mentally from the present. But be careful, because overdosing yourself on those reminders, can be demonic to the spirit in its own subtle way. Never allow yourself to become overly consumed to the point you're incapable of pulling yourself back to reality.

Certain Thoughts

Have you ever met a person you deemed "different"? If so, what makes them so different than the average person? Because although we as whole, have a common way about ourselves in our journey through life, doesn't mean our way of life is better than someone you deemed as "different". Did you ever stop to think that our way in life was a conditioning tool into approaching life in a certain way? Think about it, foreigners that migrate to the United State, have a totally different concept than we do. So why can't a Caucasian/ African American be "different" from those of there own culture? Just because a person(from your culture) views and approaches life from a different perspective than you, doesn't make you any better than them. Life has no set blueprint on how we should live our lives despite what common interest people think.

Character Thoughts

If you've offended someone unknowingly, yet offered an sincere apology based on the context of the words you spoke, speaks volumes about your character. If you've offended someone knowingly , yet offered no apology despite the context of the words you spoke, speaks volumes about your character as well(think about it).

Reflecting Thoughts

When you think about all the challenges you've conquered throughout your journey through life, dd it ever occur to you how strong you truly are? Yes you've fallen weak from time to time, kicking yourself because you felt things should have turned out differently, we've all done that. But if you sit back and think for a moment, slowly back away from the picture, and take a long look at your life. You'll discover that your life is not as bad as you make it out to be. In fact, you're so blessed, that if you were blessed anymore than you already are, you wouldn't be able to stand yourself.

Small Thoughts

Sometimes in life we come across the smallest of things, blowing it off as if its nothing significant to impact our lives. Well, that very well may be true, but we should never take for granted the things that cross our path in life. Why? Because its the smallest of things that carry the most weight. It doesn't matter whether it impacts your life or not, God placed it in your path for a reason. Stop ignoring life as if life owes you something, life owes you nothing. Sometimes God will strategically place things in our path to educate us to help others in life. And remember, life is not about you, its about what you can give to life.

Today's Thought

Have you ever heard the sports term, " You're only as good as your last game"? That same analogy can be used in describing ourselves in life. In other words, it doesn't matter how great you were yesterday, you'll be judged by today. And if you sit back and think about it, it's true, because nobody cares about yesterday, all we care about is today. And to be honest with you, that's all that matters.

Ones own Thoughts

It's funny how we can turn on the TV and see greatness, even if it is in the form of entertainment. It's also funny how we can see the greatness in people we respect, whether that be family friends, etc. Yet we can never see the greatness in ourselves. Why is that? Seeing the greatness in ones own self is not arrogant, selfish, prideful, or boastful. Seeing ones own greatness is merely understanding who you are, acknowledging your gifts, and expressing it for the world to see. You should NEVER be ashamed of self expression, it's your right, and God gave it to you.

Opinionated Thoughts

Have you ever had someone develop an attitude only because you didn't agree with them? Why is that? If you have an opinion on something, it's your opinion, plain and simple. Always keep in mind that an opinion is NOT defined as a blueprint on life, it's (an opinion). Developing an attitude over a difference of opinion, is basically an indirect way of coercing a person to agree with you, by using your emotions, and that's just silly. We're all entitled to our own thoughts, God created us that way, so leave it at that and move forward.

Wishful Thoughts

Have you ever felt so low you just wanted to die? No matter how strong you THINK you are, you aren't as strong as you think you are. You can pray all you want, cry all you want, and beg all you want, nobodies going to hear you during your darkest moments, but God. And even then, the suffering doesn't stop. Where do you go at that point? Look at it this way, praying to God is like trying to get over the common cold, no matter how much medicine you take, the coughing doesn't stop, so you have to let it runs its course, just as you do your prayers.