
Showing posts from February, 2019

Wondering Thoughts

It would be nice if we could all live a luxurious lifestyle, filled with comfort and relaxation. Unfortunately that's just not the way life works. If Jesus Christ lived a luxurious lifestyle, where would we be today? How could he have become the teacher he became?

Keen Thoughts

Great insight is something we all have as human beings. It's a natural gift we were all born with at birth, but it doesn't mean our insight is equal. Meaning, some people were gifted with (keen) insight, allowing them to see much further than you. So on that note, if you come across someone that has great insight on situations you feel you can match, humble yourself, listen, take a step back, and know that's it's always someone greater than you.

Smart Thoughts

If you know what you know, and you have facts to back up what you know, why would you debate with someone that doesn't know? Debating with someone that doesn't know, is basically arguing with ignorance, and that's not being smart. You can't change, redirect, or reason with ignorance, therefore you must leave it as you found it, move forward and don't look back.

Unrealistic Thoughts

What if society operated off potential, as opposed to what you can actually do? Where would the world be today? Marinate on that for a moment. Because if we had to take an educated guess, 90% of the human race, never live up to there full potential, and that's probably being modest. Yet modern day relationships, continue to fail miserably, for the exact same reason 90% of society continues to do on a daily basis. So to put this in laymen's term, take your foot off the gas and look in the mirror at yourself, before you start holding someone to unimaginable expectations that can't be met.

Peculiar Thoughts

It doesn't matter how long you've had relations with your companion, you (don't) know them the way you think you know them. It doesn't matter the things you've shared with them, or the tears you've shed, or the finances you've invested. You still do not know that person the way you (think) you do(life is not set up that way). In fact, if you actually knew that person the way you thought you knew them, you never would have gotten involved with them in the first place, it's that simple.