
Showing posts from March, 2019

Opposing Thoughts

Some people find it difficult to accept what they see in the mirror, refusing to be honest with themselves and accept reality. Many would opt to live a lie, pretending to be something they aren't despite the reflection in the mirror. Now ask yourself this, "at what point in your life did you look yourself in the mirror and accept the image you've projected"?

Impartial Thoughts

Why is it that anger is rarely ever a topic of discussion in the United States? Why isn't anger even addressed? We have people that are literally walking around angry for no reason. If you're one of those individuals that would allow the actions of others to dictate your emotions, you are spiritually in the wrong place with your life. Each and every time you allow someone to make you angry, is indicative of a person that exhibits lack of self control within themselves.

Mystified Thoughts

Have you ever wondered how information about your life (mysteriously) leak out to the wrong people? Jealousy and hatred are almost always the foundation for unnecessary leaks. Problem is, often times these leaks can sometimes take years to circulate back to its original owner. And by that time, so much damage has been done, until the person that originally created the leak, becomes a chameleon and unrecognizable to the naked eye.

No Thoughts

When comfort avoids you, where does your mind take you for peace and comfort? Religion often times can be stale, leaving you lost. Music isn't the answer, as it can often times become demonic, hitting you exactly where it hurts, making matters even worse. Friends and family aren't any help, as they tend to mostly talk about themselves or become to preachy. Crying tends to zap the remaining energy you have left inside of you. So where do you go? Millions and millions of people are walking around with lost souls, working side by side with you, walking past you in stores, or even catering to you in disguise in the form of a nurse. It could be anyone you see on a daily basis, only you have no clue to whom that person is, including yourself?

Peculiar Thoughts

It's a plethora of things in life we simply cannot get away from no matter the circumstances. On the other hand, it's a plethora of things we (can) get away from, but only if we opt to do so. You should never allow yourself to be compromised at the expense of someone else's agenda.

Defeated Thoughts

Why are so many people scared to fail in life? Failure is not designed to lower your value in life, nor is it designed to embarrass you. Failure is strategically designed for us to educate ourselves on life and learn. Feeling embarrassed to fail in life is arrogant and selfish, because in order to succeed, you must fail.

Fatal Thoughts

It's funny how some people will write you off after one fatal mistake in life, yet will seek forgiveness each and every opportunity God allows. How does that work? What would our lives become had we not been allowed to make a mistake?