
Showing posts from June, 2019

Derailing Thoughts

Have you ever met a person that had absolutely no ambitions, yet will try and tell you how to live your life? Chances are you probably have, as many of you probably even fell prey to people with negative ambitions on life. Such people will inject enough negativity into your bloodstream, it will literally kill anything you thought you had going for yourself. Its at that point you will find yourself later in life, wondering how did you allow your hopes and dreams to drift away from you? If you think back, you can trace it back to those negative injections you received in the prime of your life. (Derailing advice).

Stunted Thoughts

Have you ever come across a person that's always referencing on the past? They can never have a conversation without always resurrecting negativity nobody wants to hear, into the conversation. If indeed you come across a person that does this, those are people that are completely (stuck). They have a inability(mentally) to grow, move forward, and release themselves from the past. Its those same people that will train and condition there own children into adopting those same concepts on life. So if a person is willing to unconsciously/consciously, inject that concept into the blood stream of there own children, you don't stand a chance in holding down a constructive conversation with them.

Futuristic Thoughts

You probably couldn't fathom the thought of being where you are now in life. You definitely couldn't envision the struggles you've involuntarily incurred during that same time frame. Now with that being said, where are you presently in your life (mentally).

Opportune Thoughts

Have you ever search for something so long in life, to the point you decided it just wasn't meant for you to have, only to have it fall directly into your lap? It probably didn't even feel real in the beginning, especially knowing how long you've waited to get to this point. But then you took a step back, reflecting on your long journey through life, and here it is, exactly the way you wanted it. Now you have a choice to make, do you accept it? Or do you walk away from it, knowing that opportunity may never cross your path again in life. Lesson learned, (its some things in life that only roll around once), its up to you what you do with it. But remember, (it only rolls around once).

Grounding Thoughts

It doesn't matter how grounded you are in life, life itself will change you. It doesn't matter how financially secure you are in life, life will change you. It doesn't matter the number of people you've helped in life, life will change you. It doesn't matter the crimes you've committed in life, life will change you. It doesn't matter the number of people you've hurt, life will change you. Life has a way of grounding the strongest of individuals, humbling them, and reducing them down to the point our voices become mute. So don't think for one moment that it can't happen to you, because it can. Stay humbled, and don't take life for granted, but have as much fun as you possibly can along the way, you owe it to yourself.

Significant Thoughts

Have you ever came across a person that's always talking about faith, elaborating on the strength of there faith? Yet in times of trouble, when things start truly falling apart, you see no signs of faith. What good is it to say you have faith, when you don't do anything to show you have faith? (James) Chapter 2 verse 14. The proof is in the pudding, its that simple.

Compatible Thoughts

Companionship can be a very sensitive area when it comes to happiness. If you like what you like, why would you concern yourself with what others think? You only have one life to live, and its yours to do whatever you choose to do with it, whether good or bad. Good companionship should not be based on what a person can do for you, financial status, or physical presence. If you can't love a person for who they are, you'll never find happiness in your life.