
Showing posts from May, 2020

Her Thoughts

Its funny how certain individuals in life have long been forgotten, or not even mentioned. For example, Susan B Anthony, why is it nobody ever mentions her name? Her place in history is just as important, if not more important than others from the past. Here it is a white woman that fought for blacks harder than anyone in history to date, fought for women's rights harder than anyone in history, and even had a petition of 400,000 signatures in efforts to have slavery abolished . Yet during black history month this woman is never mentioned, why? Does a person that fights for you have to be of the same culture to be acknowledged? Here it is a woman that put her life on the line for all mankind as an activist, yet its as if she never existed, why? History has shown over and over again, change in the United States almost always falls into the hands of women, and without their voices, our society would have been destroyed a long time ago. And by the way, she had a little help from anothe...

Lost Thoughts

Battles are won and lost in life on a daily basis, that's just life. It's not realistic to think you're going to win every battle you face in life, God didn't design it that way. However, many of those battles you lost were within your control had you opted to face those battles. Can you win more than you lose in life? That depends on you, because often times in life it appears that you're losing on the surface, when in actuality you're winning, you just didn't know it. Sometimes you have to allow life to win those battles for you rather than tackling the inevitable.

Inside Thoughts

It's nothing wrong with opening yourself up to the unknown, even if it brings you discomfort in doing do. Sometimes bringing short term discomfort to yourself can bring long term peace into your life, its just a matter of stepping outside of your comfort zone and accepting life the way it is.

Guarded Thoughts

Have you ever been misled by someone you respected, only to find out deep down they aren't who they portray themselves to be? It can disheartening on many fronts because you've mentally placed them in an area sacred to your inner thoughts. It just goes to show we should never elevate a person beyond ourselves, because the fall can be severe.