
Showing posts from 2021

Liable Thoughts

 Where are we with today's generation? Who failed who? One would say the liability lies within the younger generation, but does it? Where is the accountability with the parenting of the younger generation? It's more children living at home than ever, stretching from 25 to 35 years of age, with zero desire of having independency. So who's fooling who here? 

Smart Thoughts

 Your contributions in life doesn't dictate your longevity in life. So if the premises of your contributions, center around the mindset of great deeds transcending into an extended lifespan, your sadly mistaken. Live your life to the fullest with no regrets, because life offers no guarantees. And whether you know it or not, each day your only a split second away from death, you just don't know it. 

Open Thoughts

 Life doesn't favor you just because you live a long life, it simply means God isn't ready for you yet. 

Hindered Thoughts

  Whatever it is that led you to where you are today, do you think you can improve on that? Do you think you have maximized your growth on life? The answer to those questions will determine how far you've come. Hint, if you feel you've reached your ceiling on life, you still have a lot of growing up to do.

Watchful Thoughts

  Who are your real friends? Do you know who they are? Beware, some people will infiltrate themselves into your life, pretending to be something they aren't, just so they can gather personal information about you. Once this occurs, they will become a chameleon in your life, becoming totally unnoticed, just so they can tell all of your business out of jealousy.

Deliberate Thoughts

  One of the worse things in life you can be, is a person that's fake. One of the most dangerous people in life, are people that suffer in silence, but will tell you everything is fine. Many people suffer silently with depression, but will tell you everything is fine. Those are the people that will often time commit suicide, those are the people that abruptly die from heart attacks, and those are the people that will quietly move away from you to never be seen by you, ever again in life. Life isn't as transparent as you think.

Appreciative Thoughts

  How can you make your dreams come true when your always telling someone about them? For God sake, stop sharing your dreams, keep it to yourself. If your wondering why nothing has happened, it's because your unconsciously shattering your own dreams. You have absolutely no idea how the person your sharing your dreams with, thinks of you. It's a plethora of ways a person can privately block your dreams from coming true, but it's one sure way you can "prevent" them from being blocked, by simply keeping it to yourself. You don't know the person your sharing your dreams with, as well as you think you do, believe that, those are called dream blockers.

Denied Thoughts

 Why would you ask a question you don't want the answer to? If you experience skepticism before asking the question, perhaps you already know the answer to the question, but your seeking confirmation. Some people will even ask questions NOT wanting the truth. So here is a tidbit of advice for the future, if you ask a question not wanting the truth, (don't ask). 

Prompt Thoughts

 Don't ever allow anyone to tell you what your not, when you know exactly who you are. Your value to yourself is of no concern to those that oppose your beliefs. And if anyone violates that unwritten rule you've carved out for yourself, do yourself a favor and do not allow them to ever invade your space, never in life. Yes, it may seem a bit cynical, however, being cynical can protect you from ignorance entering your space.

Loving Thoughts

  If a person you care about rejects your love, don't stop loving them, simply pray for them. We should never crucify a person for ignorance, that's not being civil, as we've all exhibited ignorance at some point in our lives, and will continue to exhibit ignorance until the day we die. Yes, ignorance is inexcusable in certain aspects of life, however, not exhibiting empathy is inexcusable as well.

Deemed Thoughts

 If you lack the understanding of someone that's very intelligent, don't shun them by passing judgment on them, just accept them as they are. And please, do not use the term "common sense" to undermine those you deem intelligent. Because if you knew the true definition of "common sense", you would refrain from using it as a definitive term in describing yourself against those whom are highly intelligent. So stop using the term "common sense" as a way of elevating yourself above someone else, because you can't. 

Ridiculous Thoughts

 Isn't it amazing how you can be overlooked and plotted against, and yet still come away unscathed? People will say things, especially family, convinced that evil words will elude your ears. Not realizing that just because you didn't respond to the "noise", doesn't mean the words weren't heard. It simply means that the words spoken were irrelevant, and didn't deserve a response. 

Indifferent Thoughts

  Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself who you really are as a person? Often times some people will present false images of themselves for public consumption, knowing those images aren't genuine. It's like waking up to two people. Who are you?

Approved Thoughts

  It's amazing how some people will "boast" and "brag" on themselves when things are going well for them, telling you how good God has been to them. But when things aren't going so well, you won't hear a peep out of them for long stretches at a time. Why is that? First and foremost, the Lord despises and frown on people that boast and brag on themselves, he disapproves of such actions. Life doesn't care about your material possessions, or things people do for you. Why not tell people how blessed you are that the Lord allowed you to struggle? Are you even aware that it's a blessing to struggle in life? Why? Because it reminds us that Jesus struggled even more, suffering just as we did, thus creating an avenue for us to develop humility. We must embrace the bad with the good in order to understand life as we see it.

Peculiar Thoughts

  If your wondering just how much God loves you, don't look at material possessions, they mean nothing. So how can you gauge his love for you? Look no further than the reflection in the mirror, that will tell you everything you need to know.

Original Thoughts

  Normal is defined as conforming to the standard type(usual state). So what is normal? What is usual? Who established the standards for all to follow? Conforming can be interpreted as "trendy" of sorts, doing what's popular. Example: Carrying a gun has become the standard(normal). Therefore a person not carrying a gun would be defined as "not normal". Does that mean its something wrong with the person not carrying a gun? In other words, "normal" isn't distinct, nor does it carry a template for all to follow.

Construed Thoughts

 We're living in different times, no longer can you say incriminating words that will assassinate someone's character based on how you feel about that particular person. Some would say, "stop being so sensitive", citing that you shouldn't be caught up in your feelings. The problem with that thinking, is, why say it in the first place? Sometimes the words you say, can be deemed as bullying to a certain degree. It's not a matter of being to sensitive, it's a matter of being respectful. Your thoughts and opinions of a person isn't the template for all to follow.

Required Thoughts

  Why would you be offended for feeling under appreciated? Jesus Christ was under appreciated, and didn't complain not once, so why should you? What makes you so special that you have to be acknowledged for the great deeds you've done? Doing great things doesn't require a pat on the back, your not a child, so grow up. It's your "job" to do great things in life. Why would you need man to appreciate the great things you've done when you have the Lord on your side. Haven't you learned by now? Man will let you down every single time, and won't think twice about it.

Altered Thoughts

  God created us to be good people, not evil. However, most of us tend to do sinful things because sin taste good, and it feels good. Some people will do sinful things to you because they have a corrupted spirit that energizes them to do bad things. You must not allow the corruption of bad spirits, poison your spirit and provoke you into transforming away from the person you were born to be. Once this happens, you've allowed the bad spirits to win, and you lose.

Meaningless Thoughts

  If you support dishonesty you will support anything. If you support dishonesty, what does that say about you? If you support dishonesty, you have character issues. If you support dishonesty, your living the life of a lie. Let that sink in.

Illiterate Thoughts

 Remember the catch phrase, "that's what you get", meaning, you got what you deserve? It's a phrase children created whenever someone did something wrong, and the consequences for wrong reversed itself back on the perpetrator. But does life truly work that way, or was that something embedded within us from early childhood development? Perhaps that may apply for some, but it definitely doesn't apply to all, because if it did, prayer wouldn't be necessary. 

Real Thoughts

  More times than not, we hear people say they are due for good fortunes to come to them. Where did those thoughts come from? It's no such thing as life owing you anything, so whatever happens to you, happened for a reason. It's people out here that go their entire lives experiencing misfortunes in life, but they don't complain about it. Understand this, no matter what you've experienced in life, whether it be through death of a loved one, sickness, or whatever else you can think of, life owes you nothing, and it doesn't show favoritism towards anyone. So stop walking around thinking good fortune is due to come your way, because your wrong. In fact, good fortune comes your way on a daily basis, but you unconsciously don't recognize it because you don't acknowledge it. The fact that you woke up this morning, and can read this message, is good fortune. Anything outside of that is unimportant, believe that.

Insulting Thoughts

  Nothing is more insulting than someone insulting your intelligence, and pretending to not have a clue what your talking about. When someone insults your intelligence, it's an indirect way of telling you they don't respect you. Keep that in mind the next time you converse with that person.

Moral Thoughts

  If you were face to face with a generational cure (you knew existed), would you avoid it? Unconsciously, most people are faced with a generational curse on a daily basis, and can't even recognize it. In fact, if you told the average person they were in the midst of a generational curse at that moment in time, they would refuse to walk away from it. They would either ignore you, laugh at you, or become angry with you if you brought it to their attention.

Major Thoughts

  It's a given that we all have problems in life, but if one of your problems consist of concerning yourself with who likes you, mentally you have some major issues. Why should it matter who likes you? Satisfying people should be the last thing on your list, because for some people, they are never satisfied, and are always complaining, so why bother? A person that doesn't appreciate you will never compliment you.

Thoughtful Thoughts

  If you truly care about the person your with, you would change your ways, and adjust accordingly in order to make the relationship work. Only a (selfish) person would refuse to change, and (force) that person into adjusting to things that "do not" fit into the relationship. Nobody is asking you to go away from who you are as a person, but sometimes all it takes is minor adjustments to smooth things out to make that road easier to travel on. Always remember, life does not center around you.

Battered Thoughts

  Why do you care so much about what another person thinks of you? Since when did the thoughts of what someone else thinks, dictate how you should live your life? If the thoughts of what someone else thinks of you matters, your truly living a sad life.

Irreversible Thoughts

 If your trying to figure a person out, listen to them speak, that will tell you everything you need to know about them. The tongue will reveal to you everything you need to know, it never lies. Yes, the tongue can speak falsehood, using deception as a mechanism to deceive you, but it can also reveal the character of the person if you listen long enough. 

Irrefutable Thoughts

  If you don't value your own life, at least have the decency to value the life of others. It's disrespectful to think you can force your values on others, with the assumption they will agree with your frame of thinking. God created us all different with our own distinctness that defines who we are as individuals.

Pondering Thoughts

  Many lives were lost along the way throughout your journey in life, many mistakes were made, many opportunities were missed. If you were granted a round trip ticket into your past life, how far back would you travel? It would be redundant to say you would have did things differently, however, traveling back in time would naturally alter your future(slightly), or would it? Perhaps one day you may be given that opportunity, you never know. Or maybe that opportunity has already been given, but you unconsciously don't know it, now do you?

Strong Thoughts

 Why should you have to go away from who you are in order to be accepted? If you have to change who you are in order to be accepted, perhaps you need to hit the reset button and find you some new friends. Stop feeling compelled to maintain communication with the people you associate yourself with, whether that be friend or family member, it's not worth it. 

Criminal Thoughts

 If you have to (hide) behind a law to cover up your ignorance, you are a dishonest individual. Why not reveal to everyone who you really are? If you have to hide your dishonesty, it means you know what your doing is wrong. If you have to (hide) the truth, it means you are afraid it will unveil the wrong in (you). Honest people do not have to explain themselves, liars do. 

Wasted Thoughts

  You don't realize how much time you've wasted in your life, until you get older. It's at that point you realize you wasted a lot of years being unproductive, not maximizing your time as you should have. Sometimes the value of time doesn't become relevant until it's to late, and you come away thinking where did all those years go? Time is the enemy of all of us, and if you don't utilize it wisely, you existence becomes a waste of time.

Faint Thoughts

  If you aren't willing to listen to what's right, why would you entertain wrong? If you listen carefully to some people speak, they'll camouflage the words they speak, because it's the right thing to say at that moment in time. But when the opportunity presents itself to back up those words, the spirit becomes weak, and the voice becomes faint, coming at the most opportune time when a strong voice is needed. On the other hand, pay close attention to the reaction of that same person when wrong presents itself, notice the strength of the voice and how energetic they become. The value of wrong becomes much more prevalent than that of doing the right thing. Amazing isn't it?

Peculiar Thoughts

 Did you know that it's always someone mysterious that loves you? Did you know that it's always someone that's mysteriously in love with you? Sometimes in life, it's the people we fail to acknowledge, are the people that loves you the most. Love isn't relegated to just the people (you) acknowledge, nor does it always make its presence known to the naked eye. So if your one of those individuals that pick and choose who you receive love from, you are totally misinformed on life. 

Coerced Thoughts

  Have you ever had an encounter with a petty person? Petty people are one of the most difficult, if not the worse kind of people to deal with in life. They will (unconsciously) force their pettiness upon you, creating false narratives on the importance of things that mean absolutely nothing in life. Be very careful, because such individuals have the potential to be very dangerous, as they will incentivize things of insignificance, trying to coerce you into believing their cynicism is factual.

Lovely Thoughts

 Have you ever secretly fell in love with someone you didn't even know? They were so beautiful, you wished you could simply kiss them to no end. If only you could reveal it to them, without actually revealing it to them. Life is funny like that isn't it? Is it possible to fall in love with two people? Of course, its nothing in life that says you can't. God didn't restrict us from falling in love with more than one person, nor did he say it was outlawed. Love is a many splendid thing. 

Kind Thoughts

  Why have so many people become so mean spirited? In the beginning, it looked like an illusion of some sorts, with the thinking that over time, the meanness will subside and things will return back to normal. Well, that hasn't been the case, and people have become progressively worse as time passes. And what's even worse, is that its becoming the norm no matter where you go. It takes very little effort to display acts of kindness, and it won't cost you a dime.

Appreciative Thoughts

  It's one thing to go out of your way to help someone, but its another thing to go out of your way to help someone and they respond with an ungrateful attitude. You're looking them square in the eyes like, "really"? It's at that point you shake your head in disbelief, wondering, " how can a person have such a terrible disposition on life"? Word of advice, shake it off, don't dwell on it, and keep pushing forward. Stay dialed in, and disconnect yourself from all the negative energy, (no matter who it is giving you the negative energy).

Private Thoughts

  You don't owe anyone anything in terms of how you choose to live your life. It's your life to live, you only live once, so live it to the best of your ability, and stop giving energy to people that try and dictate how you should live your life. Stop trying to be perfect, stop concerning yourself with what others think, and stop living for someone else and live for yourself.

True Thoughts

  Have you ever thought about embracing your flaws? Yes, understandably you accept them, but do you embrace them? Perfection is not attainable because we're human, however, we cannot avoid the reflection in the mirror. Some people will opt to turn off the lights to avoid that reflection. You can only avoid that reflection for so long, as sooner or later you'll have to turn on the lights and face the inevitable you strategically avoid. You must embrace the good with the bad, and know that despite your elusive behavior towards your shortcomings, God loves you unconditionally.

Timely Thoughts

  Time is nobody's friend, and never will be. We're allotted a certain amount of time based on the blueprint that was given to us at birth. None of us know our blueprint, therefore we're unaware of our timetable left here on earth. Which means you have to make the best of the time you have left, and stop pigeon holing yourself into thinking time is on your side. Have you looked in the mirror lately?

Manageable Thoughts

 Why do we as people try to live up to the expectations of what we feel defines a man/woman? It's been proven time and again, that the roles of women and men do not carry templates for all to follow. It has also been proven that men can perform the duties of a woman, equally, if not better than a woman, and vise versa. What works for one, does not necessarily work for the next person. Our roles in life are defined by what we feel makes our lives manageable, not by myths that have been passed down through the generations, brainwashing us into one form of thinking. As if to say life has a blueprint for all to follow, and that's simply not true. 

Relevant Thoughts

 Some people seem to think modern day thinking carries more relevance than yesterday's way of thinking. That may be true( in some instance). However, much of today's modern day way of thinking, carries the exact same ingredients as yesterday's thinking, only the wording is different, but the recipe is the same. 

Responsible Thoughts

  Noticeably, it has become a growing trend that many people struggle with ignorance. Why is that? Often times it's your own ignorance that landed you in poor predicaments, yet more times than not, you will redirect and place blame on someone else rather than yourself. But the irony in all of this, is that in the midst of your own ignorance, you can't even recognize the paper trail that leads directly back to you, and that's a shame.

Transparent Thoughts

  If you don't believe in yourself, how do you expect someone to believe in you? Sometimes in life, its the subtle things you (think) people don't see, are the things people can see within you crystal clear. Transparency is not as difficult to identify as you think.

Influential Thoughts

  God created you to be a nice person, a loving person, and a caring person. Don't allow people to change you from the person God created you to be. Instead, refrain from engaging with the person that provoked you into changing in the first place.

Present Thoughts

  If you already know life offers no guarantees, why do you reject the fruits that life has to offer? Is it because you feel those same opportunities will be afforded to you at some point in the future? What if those opportunities fail to come into fruition, then what? Stop fooling yourself into thinking your great deeds in life will reward you with the desires you've always wanted, because it won't. Present opportunities in life are just what they are, present opportunities, nothing more. Your contributions to life, are contributions expected of you says the lord, so stop thinking life owes you something, life owes you nothing, you owe the world for being here.

Smart Thoughts

  Just because you've overcome personal sinful acts nobody knows about, doesn't mean your dissolved from being sinful. You'll (never) be cured from being sinful because its in our nature to commit sins, so don't boast about it. Nobody is perfect, nor should you try to be, nor does God expect you to be, and nor does he want to trying to be perfect. You can only do the best that you can to be a decent human being in life, nothing more. So stop going out of your way trying to appease others by living a certain way, it means nothing. Because at the end of the day, those same people that committed more sins than you, will be waiting on you in heaven.

Sacred Thoughts

  Your as beautiful today as you were yesterday, and don't allow anyone to tell you different. We're all God's people, created with our own distinct uniqueness. So the next time you look yourself in the mirror, love and appreciate God's beauty, and know that when he created you, he wrapped his arms around you with warmth and kindness.

Accepted Thoughts

  Some people are willing to forgive, some aren't. Some people have empathy, some don't. Why is it when a woman is broken, she's given the benefit of the doubt more times than not? Yet when a man is broken, he not only doesn't receive the benefit of the doubt, its accepted that he deserves any misfortune that's bestowed upon him. It's as if men aren't capable of being broken, and that's not true. If you're human, you can be broken, plain and simple. Companionship is not textbook and doesn't formulate the same for everyone, nor can you dictate how it should be orchestrated, that's not your calling. Perhaps if you stop being afraid of love, allowing it to embrace you, companionship would top eluding you at every turn.

Gifted Thoughts

  If you are not in tuned with the gifts God gave you, it would be in your best interest to find out. Trusting in someone outside of the gifts God gave you, makes absolutely no sense. If God gave you a gift, why not trust the gift God gave you? Our spiritual gift is the one gift God gave us all, problem is, many people aren't trusting of themselves, or trust the spirit that speaks within them. Without that, you wouldn't have made it this far in life. Do not allow anyone to alter the gift God gave you, by allowing them to tell you what you feel isn't true. If you believe in him, he will quietly reward you privately for trusting in him. And upon him blessing you, stop being so freely to share private blessings with others, because jealously is always lurking in the shadows to bite you.

Truth in Thoughts

  Biblically speaking, if you knew the actual truth behind the scriptures you've read, why they were wrote, and who wrote them, would it change your beliefs and perception on life? Its amazing how select cultures will do everything possible to hide the truth, even if it meant sacrificing its own people to cover it up. The term (never) is a term that's almost taboo to use because of the depths of its meaning. However, its suffice to say we will (never) discover the absolute truth of what happened 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ graced this planet. We will (never) know who those scribes were and what they stood for, we will (never) know the actual truth on how racism begin 2000 years ago, we will never know the origin of perversion and its natural nature that took place during those times, and we will never know the origins of how humans became captivated with believing in spirits to save lives. But what we do know, is that lives were compromised to hide truths, ...

Corrective Thoughts

 As humans, we've all suffered at the hands of misfortunes at some point in our lives. We didn't receive any sympathy, nor did we ask for any. Did we receive empathy? Sure we did, although during that moment in time, in the midst of our sufferings, it probably didn't mean much because we wanted more. That being said, for those that apply, stop feeling sorry for those that have suffered in life. Sympathy is not something the Lord seeks from us, its empathy, big difference. Empathy is genuine, sympathy isn't, because it almost comes off as that person being pathetic. We've all made it this far in life without sympathy, and you still came away smelling like a bed of roses, don't go trying to recreate the wheel that's already been created. 

Involuntary Thoughts

  Are you aware that valuable information is being given to you on a daily basis? Remember this, if someone involuntarily approaches you with information, retain it, even if its substance is insignificant to you, retain it anyways. Because somewhere down the road you'll see it again, whether its beneficial to you, or someone else. Stop selfishly thinking about yourself, stop ignoring the messengers God sends you, and listen to the message itself.

Character Thoughts

 Why is it so difficult to accept a person as they are? If you care about that person, why would you change them? Sure we can all use a little upgrading in our character, however, don't try and coerce a person to do a total makeover just because they don't agree with your basic principles. And besides, if a person needs "that" many changes in order for you to accept them, perhaps that person wasn't meant for you in the first place. 

Incidental Thoughts

  Have you ever had someone that knew nothing about you personally, to verbally violate your character? Such people could be family members, co-workers, people that "think" they know you, but truly don't know that side of you. Chances are you walked away from it, thinking thoughts you shouldn't be thinking, thinking to yourself, "if you only knew". Its at that point you realize God has truly delivered you.

Golden Thoughts

  You've missed out on many things in life you wish you had done differently, where do you go from here? So many golden opportunities you thought were gifted opportunities that would continue to come your way. Problem is, they didn't, and now you realize your mistakes. Just because you missed out on previous opportunities in life, doesn't dissolve you from future opportunities in life. Learn from your mistakes, and learn how to say "yes" sometimes. Life is literally passing you by, you have nothing to show for it because you're always saying "no", and where has it gotten you? A bland life breeds bland results.

Gossip Thoughts

  You should never base your opinion of someone on something someone else said, that's simply not being smart. For example, its people that hate you based on a lie someone told them about you. Its those same people they've passed judgment on, are the exact same people that can be your biggest asset in life. So if you currently or have in the past, developed ill feelings toward someone, do not share those feelings with anyone. Pray and ask God to remove those negative spirits away from you.

Original Thoughts

  If you have to resort to deception in order to achieve success in life, that simply means you aren't comfortable in your own skin. Whatever happened to the real you, and where did it go?

Grounded Thoughts

  It doesn't take a genius to know that life is a privilege, not a right. Don't take life for granted, thinking you're above extinction, because you aren't. Listen, we've all been kissed on the lips of immortality, living life with no regards of life itself, until you begin to realize the walls are closing and the people around you begin to disappear into the ground. Its at that point you realize the value of life.

Incentive Thoughts

  If you're satisfied with failure, knowing you didn't do your best, stop complaining. Far to often some people will complain about failure, knowing they failed to put there best foot forward. So in the future, be careful as to whom you choose to exhibit empathy towards, because you never know, they could be preying on your sympathy.

Cynical Thoughts

  Have you ever stopped and thought about your surroundings? For example, if millions of people can openly support a sociopath/narcissus type of individual, what does that say about them? Marinate on that for a moment. Think about this, each and every time your out in public, you stand a 90% chance of crossing paths with an individual that supports this type behavior. Word of advice, be careful in your footsteps, nonchalantly study the person you lock eyes with, and do not interact with an individual you "know" supports sociopaths and narcissistic type people, it would be in your best interest. By the way, you'll probably develop strands of cynical thinking as a protective mechanism designed keep you alert of your surroundings.

Analytical Thoughts

  Have you ever felt like your life never truly fulfilled itself? Well, in actuality it did, only it wasn't the way you conveniently wanted it to be. You've probably even had some rare moments where you were an actual "profit" with your visions on life. that in itself is life fulfilling. And oh by the way, if you feel like the walls are closing in on you, its only because time has expired for people you once loved, or once had acquaintances with at some point in your life. Perhaps you'll one day grow to appreciate the life you've been given, and understand that it was the life (you) chose for yourself.

Promised Thoughts

  Enjoy each day as if it were your last, and don't take life for granted. You never know what the next day will bring, nor can you assume it will be better or worse. Life offers no promises, nor does it tip its hand. Stop denying yourself the fruits of what life has to offer, because if life presents you with an opportunity, receive it, enjoy it, and understand that it was presented to you for a reason. If God didn't mean for you to enjoy it, he wouldn't have presented it to you in the first place. Life is a dark cloud only if you see it that way, negative spirits generate negative thoughts. If you allow those thoughts to consume you, you become those thoughts. According to the Lord, the sun is always shining, even during its darkest moments. Life is meant for us to enjoy, so enjoy it, embrace it, and be intimate with it.

Derailed Thoughts

  Have you ever noticed, the people that are discreet with there misbehaviors, are the ones that are judged the most? However, those that are open with there indiscretions are judged the least? Not that its anybody's business, but why should misbehaviors be open to the public? We've all sinned, none worse than the other despite the contents of each sin(according to God), yet people will judge accordingly. You cannot go through life looking over your shoulder, nor can you concern yourself with the thoughts of others. Enjoy your life to the fullest, stop trying to be perfect because nobody is qualified to judge you. Your sins will not prevent you from entering into the kingdom of heaven. Its your failure to acknowledge Jesus Christ that can derail you from entering into the life of immortality.

Wise Thoughts

  If you know you have built in issues with someone, why not seek help? Help as in seeking some form of counseling, or if not counseling, seek the Lord, talk to him, and allow him to help you with your issues. Otherwise, sitting on it isn't doing you any favors. It only gets worse over time, not better. At the very least, meet that person halfway, compromise, as often times these things usually work itself out. Lack of communication is the death penalty resolving problems.

Kind Thoughts

  Just for the record, none of us are perfect, none of us are saints, and none of us are humanly better than the next person. However, blatant immorality is something that's unacceptable under any circumstances no matter the reasoning. Such an act is a direct violation of what God stands for and his love for all mankind. Our love for each other is a reflection of God's inner spirit that lies within us, specifically designed to generate peace and happiness for all to follow.

Shrunken Thoughts

  Always be mindful of your surroundings, pay close attention to the people you affiliate yourself with. Shrink your circle of associates as small as you possibly can, because the people you think have your best interest at heart, "don't". It doesn't matter how long you've known a person, it doesn't matter the things you've shared with them, nor does it matter the things they've done for you. Why? Because often times people have an agenda on the what, when, why, and how they do things for you. So do yourself a favor, simplify your life, shrink your circle, and know that it doesn't require an entourage of people to survive in life.

What are your Thoughts

  You receive an anonymous phone call from a gentlemen identifying himself as Jesus Christ, informing you that your time has come, and that he will be over to visit you shortly. What do you do next? After careful thinking, you're not convinced its actually him, and with no hesitation, you nonchalantly go on about your daily routine, until someone comes knocking on your door. Although it was locked, the door opens on its own untouched, and you discover that its actually him, with his feet 3 inches off the floor standing in the door floating on air. What is your next move, and what do you say to him? Keep in mind, you have absolutely no idea how he looks, discovering instantly that the images of Jesus Christ were all false. He extends his hand for you to come with him to Heaven, do you take his hand and leave everyone behind you?

Logical Thoughts

  This is not the time to play the shoulda woulda coulda mind games with yourself. That's time in your life you've lost and can't have back. It's nothing you can do about the past, that's over and done with. But what you can do, is make the best of the present, take advantage of the time you have left, enjoy it, and live your life with no regrets.