
Showing posts from June, 2021

True Thoughts

  Have you ever thought about embracing your flaws? Yes, understandably you accept them, but do you embrace them? Perfection is not attainable because we're human, however, we cannot avoid the reflection in the mirror. Some people will opt to turn off the lights to avoid that reflection. You can only avoid that reflection for so long, as sooner or later you'll have to turn on the lights and face the inevitable you strategically avoid. You must embrace the good with the bad, and know that despite your elusive behavior towards your shortcomings, God loves you unconditionally.

Timely Thoughts

  Time is nobody's friend, and never will be. We're allotted a certain amount of time based on the blueprint that was given to us at birth. None of us know our blueprint, therefore we're unaware of our timetable left here on earth. Which means you have to make the best of the time you have left, and stop pigeon holing yourself into thinking time is on your side. Have you looked in the mirror lately?

Manageable Thoughts

 Why do we as people try to live up to the expectations of what we feel defines a man/woman? It's been proven time and again, that the roles of women and men do not carry templates for all to follow. It has also been proven that men can perform the duties of a woman, equally, if not better than a woman, and vise versa. What works for one, does not necessarily work for the next person. Our roles in life are defined by what we feel makes our lives manageable, not by myths that have been passed down through the generations, brainwashing us into one form of thinking. As if to say life has a blueprint for all to follow, and that's simply not true. 

Relevant Thoughts

 Some people seem to think modern day thinking carries more relevance than yesterday's way of thinking. That may be true( in some instance). However, much of today's modern day way of thinking, carries the exact same ingredients as yesterday's thinking, only the wording is different, but the recipe is the same. 

Responsible Thoughts

  Noticeably, it has become a growing trend that many people struggle with ignorance. Why is that? Often times it's your own ignorance that landed you in poor predicaments, yet more times than not, you will redirect and place blame on someone else rather than yourself. But the irony in all of this, is that in the midst of your own ignorance, you can't even recognize the paper trail that leads directly back to you, and that's a shame.