
Showing posts from October, 2021

Approved Thoughts

  It's amazing how some people will "boast" and "brag" on themselves when things are going well for them, telling you how good God has been to them. But when things aren't going so well, you won't hear a peep out of them for long stretches at a time. Why is that? First and foremost, the Lord despises and frown on people that boast and brag on themselves, he disapproves of such actions. Life doesn't care about your material possessions, or things people do for you. Why not tell people how blessed you are that the Lord allowed you to struggle? Are you even aware that it's a blessing to struggle in life? Why? Because it reminds us that Jesus struggled even more, suffering just as we did, thus creating an avenue for us to develop humility. We must embrace the bad with the good in order to understand life as we see it.

Peculiar Thoughts

  If your wondering just how much God loves you, don't look at material possessions, they mean nothing. So how can you gauge his love for you? Look no further than the reflection in the mirror, that will tell you everything you need to know.

Original Thoughts

  Normal is defined as conforming to the standard type(usual state). So what is normal? What is usual? Who established the standards for all to follow? Conforming can be interpreted as "trendy" of sorts, doing what's popular. Example: Carrying a gun has become the standard(normal). Therefore a person not carrying a gun would be defined as "not normal". Does that mean its something wrong with the person not carrying a gun? In other words, "normal" isn't distinct, nor does it carry a template for all to follow.

Construed Thoughts

 We're living in different times, no longer can you say incriminating words that will assassinate someone's character based on how you feel about that particular person. Some would say, "stop being so sensitive", citing that you shouldn't be caught up in your feelings. The problem with that thinking, is, why say it in the first place? Sometimes the words you say, can be deemed as bullying to a certain degree. It's not a matter of being to sensitive, it's a matter of being respectful. Your thoughts and opinions of a person isn't the template for all to follow.

Required Thoughts

  Why would you be offended for feeling under appreciated? Jesus Christ was under appreciated, and didn't complain not once, so why should you? What makes you so special that you have to be acknowledged for the great deeds you've done? Doing great things doesn't require a pat on the back, your not a child, so grow up. It's your "job" to do great things in life. Why would you need man to appreciate the great things you've done when you have the Lord on your side. Haven't you learned by now? Man will let you down every single time, and won't think twice about it.

Altered Thoughts

  God created us to be good people, not evil. However, most of us tend to do sinful things because sin taste good, and it feels good. Some people will do sinful things to you because they have a corrupted spirit that energizes them to do bad things. You must not allow the corruption of bad spirits, poison your spirit and provoke you into transforming away from the person you were born to be. Once this happens, you've allowed the bad spirits to win, and you lose.