
Showing posts from December, 2021

Liable Thoughts

 Where are we with today's generation? Who failed who? One would say the liability lies within the younger generation, but does it? Where is the accountability with the parenting of the younger generation? It's more children living at home than ever, stretching from 25 to 35 years of age, with zero desire of having independency. So who's fooling who here? 

Smart Thoughts

 Your contributions in life doesn't dictate your longevity in life. So if the premises of your contributions, center around the mindset of great deeds transcending into an extended lifespan, your sadly mistaken. Live your life to the fullest with no regrets, because life offers no guarantees. And whether you know it or not, each day your only a split second away from death, you just don't know it. 

Open Thoughts

 Life doesn't favor you just because you live a long life, it simply means God isn't ready for you yet. 

Hindered Thoughts

  Whatever it is that led you to where you are today, do you think you can improve on that? Do you think you have maximized your growth on life? The answer to those questions will determine how far you've come. Hint, if you feel you've reached your ceiling on life, you still have a lot of growing up to do.

Watchful Thoughts

  Who are your real friends? Do you know who they are? Beware, some people will infiltrate themselves into your life, pretending to be something they aren't, just so they can gather personal information about you. Once this occurs, they will become a chameleon in your life, becoming totally unnoticed, just so they can tell all of your business out of jealousy.

Deliberate Thoughts

  One of the worse things in life you can be, is a person that's fake. One of the most dangerous people in life, are people that suffer in silence, but will tell you everything is fine. Many people suffer silently with depression, but will tell you everything is fine. Those are the people that will often time commit suicide, those are the people that abruptly die from heart attacks, and those are the people that will quietly move away from you to never be seen by you, ever again in life. Life isn't as transparent as you think.

Appreciative Thoughts

  How can you make your dreams come true when your always telling someone about them? For God sake, stop sharing your dreams, keep it to yourself. If your wondering why nothing has happened, it's because your unconsciously shattering your own dreams. You have absolutely no idea how the person your sharing your dreams with, thinks of you. It's a plethora of ways a person can privately block your dreams from coming true, but it's one sure way you can "prevent" them from being blocked, by simply keeping it to yourself. You don't know the person your sharing your dreams with, as well as you think you do, believe that, those are called dream blockers.