
Showing posts from 2022

Riddled Thoughts

 Life itself can be difficult to manage from one day to the next, yet we can sometimes make something out of nothing. The simplicity of life revolves around what you make of it, why add to it? Some of the riddles you encounter, are riddles you already have the answer to, you just have to take a step back and think about what your thinking. 

Inconspicuous Thoughts

It's nothing wrong with falling in love with someone involved with someone else, even if they don't know it. Who laid out the ground rules saying what you can and cannot do in life? It's no such thing as "selective" love, and it's nothing biblically written that says you can't. So if someone attempts to escort you down the path of ethics, politely excuse yourself from that conversation. Some people will create "unwritten" rules and claim it as the gospel, as some of these rules have been force fed to you for so long, you've come to believe it.

Timed Thoughts

 Life is like a race, only it doesn't have a winner, just an ending. From the time you were born, you were running a race and didn't know why you were running, only that you were taught to run. Each and every day that you wake up, it's a race against the clock and every second counts. Unconsciously, your watching the clock on a daily basis, and why? Why are you unconsciously counting the seconds? You'll be counting until your clock stops ticking, and you will count no more.

Testified Thoughts

 Do you truly know how precious your life is? Each and every day you wake up for the rest of your life, your journey is like a minefield. You have no idea, from one day to the next, whether you will step on a landmine and your life takes a turn for the worse. But what you do know, is that you've either witnessed or heard of others stepping on those landmines and they are no longer with us. So just be grateful, enjoy life, stop complaining, value your health, and recognize that God has spared you each and every time you avoid stepping on one of those landmines.

Described Thoughts

 The definition of "fate" is inevitably predetermined. Which would describe us presently from birth. Each and every day you wake up, each and every step you take, each and every problem you encounter, and each and every blessing you receive, has been predetermined from the day you were born. It's absolutely nothing you can do to redirect your path in life. So just remember from this day going forward, that no matter what happens in your life, your script was already written, only your not allowed to read it, just live it. 

Decisive Thoughts

 If your curious as to the state of where mental health in society, look no further than the people you are associated with. You see, mental health isn't relegated to just people that perform criminal activities, stress, retardation, or depression. It could be someone  you hold in high regards, that made a questionable decision that insulted your character, knowing how you would feel about it before they made that decision. Where was that person mentally when they made that decision? 

Sensored Thoughts

 If your waiting on companionship you've prayed for, stop waiting, because you won't receive it. Why? Because God has already granted you your wish, only you ignored it and blew it off. The moment you took your prayers to the Lord, your prayers were answered. You see, your not allowed to cherry pick your blessings, only receive them, it's up to you what you do with it. 

Sensitive Thoughts

 Have you ever been around a person so negative, it's nauseating to listen to them speak? They speak harm on themselves and don't even recognize it, and that's amazing. The Lord plainly states that the words you speak will come into existence, so if you speak harm on yourself, you have no one to blame but yourself. Those same individuals will never waste an opportunity to castrate you at a moments notice, solely because you opt not to subscribe to that way of thinking. Stay prayerful, and don't allow those negative spirits to become apart of you. 

Quiet Thoughts

 It's nothing in life more pleasing to the spirit than peace. However, it's consequences involved with acquiring peace, like doing away with people you love, yet will bring disharmony into your life. Disharmony can come from a wide range of people, whether that be your parents/parent, siblings/sibling, friends/friend, or anyone you've been affiliated with fire an extended period of time in your life. It's nothing wrong with doing away with someone you love in order to bring inner peace into your life.

Moving Thoughts

 If you are incapable of seeing God's movement in your life, you truly don't know him.

Controlling Thoughts

  "Control" has slowly and quietly become the popular trend over the past few years. It's all about dominating and influencing a person into favoring whatever that agenda calls for. Such things are occurring in relationships, friendships, families, politics, and even the most modest of friendships. We're at an all time high when it comes to the sensitivity level of people in general, so we have to be guarded with the things we say and do, or you will be otherwise alienated as if you never existed.

Mental Thoughts

 Just how serious is mental health? Mental health is so serious, that the average person still doesn't take it serious. Just how serious is mental health? Mental health is so serious, many people have mental health issues and don't even know it. Just how serious is mental health? Mental health is so serious, most people that need mental health, fail to recognize it's "them" that needs mental help.

Exposed Thoughts

 Sometimes in life, you have to swallow your pride and accept what God has afforded you to have. So if you have someone in your life that's been good to you, why not be good to them in return? One of the hardest things in life to accept, is the hand you were dealt. You already know what you have at your disposal, why not keep it? Because if it were someone better for you waiting, don't you think you would have received it by now? The same person you see in the mirror, is the same person everyone else can see, keep that in mind.

Quintessential Thoughts

 Figuratively speaking, why hold back the truth? If you know what you know, and you know it works, do what works for you, and stop concerning yourself with the thoughts of what others may think. Because at the end of the day, it's your life to live, nobody else's.

Life Thoughts

 Always remember, your struggles aren't the struggles of those around you, only "yours". Keep that in mind as you continue your journey through life. Because remember, everybody has a story, so don't act like your struggles are anymore important than the next person.

Conducive Thoughts

 Have you ever been around a person that forcibly inject themselves in situations they don't fit in? If you are amongst people that come from a totally different background that's not conducive to yours, chances are you will have nothing in common with them. Stop lowering the bar just to fit in. Why? Because lowering the bar will not only water down your level intellect, it will provoke them into judging on the merits of your IQ being above what they can handle. 

Steady Thoughts

 You weren't ready for most of the things you've gone through in life. However, apparently God knew you could handle it, because you persevered through it despite the obstacles that stood in your way. Obviously you're stronger than you thought you were.

Internal Thoughts

 Your inner strength doesn't begin during the midst of your struggles, it begins after you've recovered from your struggles.

Trusted Thoughts

 Have you ever met a person that believes in something that doesn't exist? Listen, if you knowingly support something you know doesn't exist, your enabling wrong. Wrong has become the new right, and that's sad. Goodness, if the truth hurts you (that) much, God help you.

Gracious Thoughts

 Just because someone has done something to hurt you, doesn't mean you should find it fulfilling to see them suffer for the things they did to you. Karma is not a descriptive term you should use in referencing someone suffering, it's not of God, nor does he approve of such a term. God's grace covers us, not "karma". 

Confirmed Thoughts

  At some point in your life, you will hit that certain age, informing you of the realities of life, confirming to you what you couldn't accept in years past.

Straight Thoughts

 Have you ever thought about the origin of an argument? Most of the time it centers around buffoonery that neither party has zero control over. So why entertain it? It's not going to change anything, nor will it help you. The best solution would be to allow the discrepancy to resolve itself without your assistance. The truth always rises to the surface.

Smart Thoughts

 Failure does not come with an option, only that it's inevitable that one day you will. However, it doesn't mean that life ends for you, it simply mean that you must learn from it, embrace it, and use it as a tool to succeed.

Gratutive Thoughts

 Have you ever noticed, people will sit around and complain about the things you haven't done for them, but fail to acknowledge the things you have done for them? Gratitude has become a thing of the past.

Careful Thoughts

  You should never allow something someone says to you, to destroy your spirit. Allowing someone to destroy your spirit, basically means they are in control of you mentally. Once this occurs, you are at the mercy of his/her tongue. The lord say the tongue is more powerful than any army man can put together. (James) Chapter 3 verse 8. Like Comment Share

Settling Thoughts

 If you're settling for something you don't want, what exactly do you want? Why haven't you attained it? Sometimes in life, settling doesn't mean it's not good enough, nor does it mean you could do better. Because if you felt settling wasn't good enough, why did you settle in the first place? If what you actually want hasn't been attained, obviously it wasn't meant to be.

Limited Thoughts

 We're here on borrowed time, so why waste it away and not enjoy it? The life you live is the life you own, nobody can take that away from you. Stop passing up on opportunities to enjoy life, thinking it wasn't meant for you to enjoy These opportunities wouldn't have been presented to you in the first place if it wasn't meant to be.  Not everybody is presented with the same opportunities in life. Our opportunities in life were strategically tailored to suit our desires as God saw fit, it's up to you what you do with those opportunities. 

Existing Thoughts

 What is the legitimacy of something that's not legit? Some people will try and coerce you into believing in something that doesn't exist. If it doesn't exist, what's the purpose?

Weak Thoughts

 If you want to unveil a weak person, look no further than a person that seeks revenge, only a weak person would seek revenge and lack forgiveness. Such people will hold you hostage, and won't think twice about salvaging your mistake. If you desire to seek out a strong person, look no further than a person that's very forgiving. It takes a very strong person to forgive without being cynical. If your desires is to also seek intelligence, observe those that ignore ignorance/stupidity. Intelligent people will refuse to allow ignorance to invade their spirits, with no regards to the contents of the words being spoken to them. 

Logical Thoughts

 When someone gives you a theory, do you judge that theory by evaluating the contents of that theory? Or do you judge that theory by creating your own theory? Logically speaking, theorizing a theory before examining the contents of the theory your judging, isn't using proper judgment. Eliminating logic from a theory eliminates value to your thought.

Even-Tempered Thoughts

 Anger is a wasted emotion, so why bother with it? You have nothing to gain from anger, yet you allow those emotions to rise to the surface at any given moment, why? An even-tempered person is not easily angered, making them very easy to communicate with no matter the circumstances. Anger is an emotion that provokes distorted thoughts, preventing you from making sound decisions. It can also generate inconclusive thoughts that lead to empty results.

Behavioral Thoughts

 If you feel that life has dealt you a bad hand, it's because life didn't deal you a bad hand, your destiny was decided at birth. It's up to you how you choose to live your life. Reckless behavior breeds reckless results. However, opting to live a certain way in efforts to guarantee your place in heaven, offers no guarantees. So you can sit around trying to live perfect, thinking it will elevate you over those you feel are unworthy of occupying the same place as you. Those same people will be occupying the exact same space as you.

Wasteful Thoughts

 What exactly is the shelf life of sentimental valuables? Yes, we all have certain things clingy to our inner soul, used as a reminder from the past. However, at what point does an accumulation of those valuables become "hoarding"? Does, "Until death do us part" apply to material possessions? If so, why? What would the Lord say about that, or does it matter what he thinks? It just comes a time when to much is to much.

Greatness in Thought

 Why do some people say and think they are the best at something? That's one of the dumbest things anybody can say. The United States represents a very small portion of the population around the world, it's always going to be somebody better than you. It's no such thing as "the best". You can only do what your God given talents allow you to do, nothing more. It's an infinite amount of greatness, even around you, you just don't know it. It's not meant for us to see everything, only what God allows us to see.

Enjoyable Thoughts

 Each and every day, we are coming closer and closer to death, yet some people still sit back and complain at every turn. Complaining about life is the ultimate disrespect towards the Lord. Nobody ever said it would be easy, but we must take life one day at a time and enjoy it as much as possible. If all you can do is sit back and complain at every turn, obviously you don't love yourself. Enjoying life starts with loving yourself. 

Posed Thoughts

 Do you remember the catch phrase, "Inquiring minds want to know"? Your better served listening to the person asking the questions, over the person that has all the answers.

Modified Thoughts

  Sometimes in life, we encounter situations that require us to change our way of thinking, despite previous success we've experienced using that old way of thinking. Because every situation we encounter, will not result in equal success using the same formula. We sometimes have to modify our way of thinking in order to receive the fruits in what we want out of life.

Different Thoughts

  Did you know the average time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes? The average time a man can keep a secret is 2 hours and 47 minutes. Amazing isn't it? Women are also more emotionally intelligent than men. Perhaps this is why women excel more in physical/life science than men. Women also mature much faster than men. In short, men simply don't get it. Not that this is a strike against men, but it's some things in life that comes natural that just can't be helped. However, men are naturally more smarter than women. Like Comment Share

Inquiring Thoughts

 Why would you have toxic individuals in your life? Having such individuals in your life says a lot about you as a person, because you are the company that you keep.

Blurred Thoughts

 If it wasn't meant for you to know, the Lord would not have allowed you to know it. If it wasn't meant to happen, the Lord would not have allowed it to happen. If it wasn't meant for you to enjoy it, the Lord would not have exposed it to you to enjoy it. Stop minimizing your exposure to life, thinking that something better is waiting for you on the other side, because it isn't. Enjoy the life you have left while you still have health on your side. Your health declines each and every day that passes, it's just not visible to the naked eye.

Smart Thoughts

We often times hear that old thinking is the best kind of thinking, and that's simply not true. Innovative thinking is essential to surviving and moving forward in life. Old thinking will only get you left behind, ignored, and eliminated out of conversations. Mentally strong people embrace change and welcome challenges.  Like Comment Share

Surreal Thoughts

 You can't fail in life if your not trying. The fear of failure does not have an infrastructure designed for success. You can't win in life if your not trying. The inevitables of life cannot be avoided, nor can you run from it. Fear itself will only hold you back from the joys of what life has to offer, because it's nothing to be gained in life through fear. For example, if you have a fear for driving because you don't want to kill yourself behind the wheel, you can still be killed with someone else behind the wheel. In other words, you can't escape death, it's unavoidable. So if fear is the premise of your thinking, you'll never enjoy the fruits that life has to offer, and the only thing waiting for you at the end of the rainbow is death itself, nothing more. 

Corrective Thoughts

 Are you growing, or are you standing still? If your thought process is the same now as it was in previous years, your standing still. If you've evolved from the person you once were, you've grown in maturity as a person. Far to often, many people seem to feel that old thinking is the correct thinking, refusing to accept correction, which is foolish. A person that refuses correction, is a fool at heart that's destined to perish sooner than later. Humility breeds longevity in life.

Risky Thoughts

 In life, if you do something that has the potential of going wrong, it's not an accident. Far to often, people will define an accident as something that wasn't intentional, (after) it's intention didn't go according to plan. If you know your taking a risk, be willing to accept the consequences for those risk. Don't twist it and turn it into something it's not, based on your own irresponsibility.

Sexual Thoughts

 One of the biggest problems with having a great heart, is that you enjoy pleasing someone that doesn't share the same feelings in return. They'll even play naive and not acknowledge you in your presence, reminding you that you mean nothing to them until they need you "again". 

Great Thoughts

 Most people seem to think intellect defines a great person. That's absolutely untrue, because it doesn't matter how much intellect and education you have, it still doesn't make you a great person. It's character that defines a great person, nothing more.

Idealistic Thoughts

 Have you ever came across a person that proclaims to never make mistakes? If so, that's not a person you want to get involved with. Why? Because a person that doesn't make mistakes, is a person that's not open to new ideas.

Juicy Thoughts

  If you have someone that's close to you, whether that be your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, family member, sorority/fraternity member etc, and you confide in them over anybody else in life, your priorities in life are totally backwards. Confiding in the Lord will always be your best option in life no matter the circumstances surrounding your relationships. The Lord will never judge you, he never has an attitude, he doesn't gossip, his love is unconditional, he's always there when you need him, and he'll never leave you swinging in the wind. Heck those same people you confide in, can transform themselves into a soliloquy, and pretend you don't even exist at the most opportune time. Never put all your eggs in one basket and think it can't happen to you.

Generated Thoughts

  Have you ever had someone attempt to explain something to you, only to come away even more confused? Try asking that same person to explain something to a 7 year old child, that will tell you everything you need to know about that person. In other words, if they are incapable of explaining themselves to a 7 year old child, the person explaining it doesn't understand it themselves.

Natural Thoughts

  Compatibility isn't always defined by the things you have in common with a person. It can also consist of souls that intertwine with each other, blending naturally without any words needed to be spoken. Like Comment Share

Sultry Thoughts

  Why do some people feel falling in love with someone you don't know is wrong? We have absolutely no control over our feelings, nor can it be programmed. Falling in love with someone is not defined by your acquaintance with that person. Love does not have a definitive role in life, it never has, and if it did, we would all be lonely creatures searching for something that doesn't exist. This is why it's very important to keep those deep dark secrets to yourself, knowing that you have something to fall back on when your lying in bed simmering in thought.

Cleansing Thoughts

Are you aware that the loneliest people, are the people that try to make everyone happy? Some people will go out of their way to please others, with no regard to keeping themselves happy. Isn't that sad? Self preservation has always been the first line of defence when it comes to self satisfaction. This can be accomplished through prayer and meditation, as it is soothing to soul and cleansing to the spirit. Like Comment Share