
Showing posts from 2023

Evil Thoughts

  Who's running the earth? Do you know? We have a plethora of religions across the earth, as all are serving the same person, only it's spoken in different languages. So we all know the God almighty is our saving grace as Jesus Christ gave his life for our sins. That being said, we have wars taking place, global warming has been escalated to insane levels across the globe. Drugs are dominating our society, we've quietly transformed into a don't touch me society. People are going to prison at an alarming rate. Today's young generation has developed a huge disconnect with the older generation, so much so they have openly expressed hatred towards their elders. The homeless population continue to grow dramatically with each passing year. It's been an enormous decrease in women having children over the past 40 years, sparking a huge decline in population among americans, and we're living in a time that promotes material possessions and money as the foundation of ...

Acting Thoughts

 If you realize your mistake, it would be in your best interest to exercise accountability and admit you made a mistake. Camouflaging it by redirecting that accountability to someone else is showing lack of character. Have some respect for yourself.

Human Thoughts

 As the saying goes,"lead, follow or get out of the way". Many would opt to follow despite the ignorance of the person being followed. Following ignorance is a classic example of the sensitivity centered around the human brain. It's the single most precious organ on the human body, yet it's not nurtured nearly as much as it should. Allowing your brain to go to waste is like being a waste of life itself, don't be a waste of skin. 

Sensible Thoughts

  If it doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't mean it doesn't make sense, it simply means you aren't comprehending why it doesn't make sense?

Risky Thoughts

 Where did you leave it? Did you leave yesterday behind you? Do you still look over your shoulder, and if so, why? Is it something you missed? Because if you did, certainly it's nothing you can do about it now. Are you so curious that your willing to risk being transformed into a pillar of salt? Is it truly worth it? Why do you continue to carry around that extra baggage? Do you even realize your only hurting yourself? The weight that you continue to carry around will ultimately be your future demise in life

Cherished Thoughts

  It's not uncommon to love someone that doesn't give you equal value in return, don't feel bad. It's also not uncommon to continue loving that person quietly without them knowing it. However, to not love someone at all isn't healthy, nor is it common. It's better to love someone than to not love at all.

Lonely Thoughts

 Loneliness is not good for the soul.

Selfish Thoughts

 Sometimes in order to see the big picture you have to set aside your own feelings, because life is not about you. You cannot see in front of you if your incapable of removing yourself out of the way. 

Live Thoughts

 Why complain about something that's not going to change? The life we live is a regurgitation of a plethora of events that has already taken place numerous times over, and yet the complaints keep coming. Life itself is inevitable and it's nothing you can do to prevent it. But if you truly want to make a change in life, why not start with"you'? Change starts with self. 

Broken Thoughts

 Why would you tinker with something that's already working for you? If it's not broke don't fix it. This can be applied to a plethora of areas in life, whether it be job related, personal appearance, relationships, etc. Some people will alter something that's working, thinking they can improve on something that doesn't need improving. 

Fatal Thoughts

  If only you knew. What would you do if you did know? Would things be different? Would that one decision had shifted your life? Where would you be today if not for that one fatal decision? What path would you have chosen?

Weak Thoughts

 Giving up is a choice not an option. It's many things in life that seem unattainable because it requires a lot of work to attain it. Some people feel it's worth it, some don't. But if you sit back and notice, that very same person that gave up, is that very same person that does all the complaining. Don't be that person.

Incapable Thoughts

 If you desire quality people in your life but aren't sure whom to allow into your circle, you may want to use the following guidelines as a barometer. 1. The words a person speaks. 2. The passion a person has for God. 3. The love a person has for themselves. If a person does not love themselves they speak foul language that's displeasing to the spirit. If a person does not love themselves they are incapable of loving you. And if a person does not love themselves they do not love God.

Knowing Thoughts

 Traumatic experiences can often times leave a person mentally distraught with no answers to your problems. Have no fear because the answers lie with Christ. Yes it perhaps sounds like a clich'e but its true. To love him is to know him, and not many people actually know him. Loving him and not knowing him can pose a huge problem in times of need. Knowing him brings inner peace, knowing him erases anger, knowing him brings joy, and knowing him generates appreciation for life itself without complaining. Fair warning, once you get to know him you'll lose a few friends and familiy members along the way, but you'll find that it was well worth it in the end. 

Grateful Thoughts

 The same gratitude you take towards thanksgiving, is the exact same gratitude you should take 365 days a year. Each day is a day to be thankful to the Lord that you were even allowed to open your eyes and see another day. It's thousands of people that die everyday of the year, and it's not of natural causes. Exert that same energy in the morning as you rise and start your day.

Sick Thoughts

  Many people view love as a sickness, which in many cases the reason relationships are avoided, fear of the unknown. It's a plethora of ways many have tried to cure love's sickness as many have failed. But the one sure remedy of curing that sickness is "patience".

Judgemental Thoughts

 Do you realize that many of your prayers are answered? Many of your prayers are answered through messengers, and can sometimes be answered through people you least desire or respect. Remember that scripture God spoke on referencing not to judge people? You see, God will test you by answering your prayers through people you've consciously or unconsciously judged. And in doing so, it gives the appearance that your prayers went unasnwered when in actuality he did answer your prayers. Only you didn't acknowledge it because it came in a form you didn't recognize. When the Lord says don't judge, that's exactly what he meant.

Inspired Thoughts

 You do not have to inform anyone of your love for God, your character will reveal everything they need to know. Your love for God reveals the love you have for yourself. His light that shines within you will glow for the world to see. 

Strong Thoughts

 Unwritten rules: Don't ask a question you already know the answer to. Don't apologize for something you didn't do. Don't be something you aren't. Be yourself despite what others think. Accept life for what it is and not what you think it is. Don't be ashamed to show affection in public. Accept a person for who they are and don't judge them. And love yourself despite of what others think of you. 

Escorted Thoughts

  Yesterday has come and gone and your one day closer to your last day before the Lord calls your number. It's one of those things you never truly think about until an unforseen illness takes you by the hand and remind you. But then, not everybody will be taken by the hand and escorted to heaven, as some will be taken abruptly with no warning. Here today and gone tomorrow, you just never know. One must enjoy each and every day and not take for granted tomorrow is promised to you, because it isn't. Have you looked in the mirror lately.

Altered Thoughts

  Just because your way of thinking brought you where you are today, it doesn't mean your thinking shouldn't be altered. Ignorance can shorten your life quicker than you think.

Extended Thoughts

 Without patience you have nothing. Patience is required during every aspect of life, especially with prayer. Life is a process that requires extreme perseverance despite extenuating circumstances. Failure in patience will result in prayers going unanswered. The Lord doesn't need your help.

Different Thoughts

 All monkeys cannot hang from the same branch on a tree. That being said, life is not one size fits all. So if a person doesn't agree with you, it's not because of anything you said wrong, it's because God made them different and they aren't looking through the same window as you.

Insightful Thoughts

 If someone tried to give you their vision and you still didn't understand the vision they gave you, it's not because you couldn't see it, it's because you didn't want it. Stop thinking that your vision is the vision for all to see, because it isn't. God gave us all our own distinct lense, feel free to look through others besides yours, you'll be surprised at what you see.

Smart Thoughts

 If you aren't capable of evolving away from the person you once were, something is truly mentally wrong with you. Why? Because we must change who we once were in order to elevate our level of comfoft in life. Refusing to change from the person you once were, shortens your overall life span on earth.  

Triggered Thoughts

 If you know what you are, why would you "listen" to someone tell you what you aren't? The Lord knows exactly who you are and that's all that matters.

Same Thoughts

 You cannot force a person to learn if they aren't willing to learn. Change for some, can be very difficult as we are all creatures of habit. However, the Lord say we must change because change is good. "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” (Ephesians 4:20-24). Remaining locked into your own way thinking will only stunt your overall growth as a person. 

Dead Thoughts

 If you know that your ideas work, why would you debate with someone that disagrees with your ideas? It's like arguing with ignorance, it doesn't equate. It's people that will challenge you because ignorance doesn't allow them to understand no matter the number of times you explain it. (Dead brain cells). Let the dead stay dead. 

Future Thoughts

 Where have our children gone? The expectations we once put upon ourselves, were expectations others could follow with confidence they could realistically achieve those same expectations. So where are we now futuristically speaking? Have we somehow maximized our output in society? Or has it been theoretically compromised by coonspiratorial thoughts from our younger generation? Where are we?

More Thoughts

 Do you know who your biggest enemy in life is? Your biggest enemy in life is "you". Nobody knows you better than you, make no mistake about it. Do not be complacent in the knowledge you've already attained in life, because you should always be willing to allow your brain the opportunity to absorb more. 

New Thoughts

 If your over 50, your the new era of senior citizens for the future. You were who you were, but you are now entering a new chapter in your life, make the best of these years with the little youth you have left.

Bad Thoughts

 It doesn't matter how smart you "think" you are, you can still drown in your own ignorance. Do not become so cemented into your own thinking that you can't change. Because if you allow your brain to drift into one direction to long, you'll find it difficult to change as needed in order to enjoy the life that God gave you. 

Realistic Thoughts

 Have you ever sat back and thought about things you missed out on? Sometimes in life golden opportunities only roll around once in a lifetime. That's a classic example of just how precious life can be, and yet we were far to ignorant to even realize it. Lesson learned, the window of opportunity is very small, so small that if your not careful you'll miss it without even realizing it until it's to late. 

Stable Thoughts

 Gifts are blessings from God no matter the value of the gift. Do not take the gifts that God handed you for granted by showing lack of respect for those gifts. Because if you do, you'll find if very difficult to receive likeness in those gifts in the future.  Embrace what's given to you and understand that God is always thinking about you.

Iffy Thoughts

  If the first thought that enters your mind is something negative when looking at a person, something is definitely wrong with you. Life is life, and your vision on life is not the vision for all to follow. Where would we be in life if the first thought from God was negative?

Backwards Thoughts

 How strong is your faith? Some will "proclaim" to have faith, until it's time to show it. Many relationships fail due to lack of faith, relying solely on the companion to act as God. Notice, God never enters the picture in times of trouble "during the relationship. God only enters the picture "after" the relationship has been dissolved and strength is needed to move forward. Backwards thinking breeds poor results. 

Tinkered Thoughts

 If your trying to make a point, you do not have to undermine a person to make your point. Nor do you have to devalue a person just so you can elevate a person to where you think they should be. Why not simply acknowledge the greatness in a person and leave it at that? God created us all with our own distinct uniqueness, so why tinker with it?

Guarded Thoughts

 One value lesson to learn in life, is to never allow your emotions to overpower you no matter the circumstances. Maintain control of your tongue and guard the words you speak, especially in the presence of those whom are wicked(Psalms 39.1). 

Analytical Thoughts

 You thought about it, yet you didn't do it. You pondered over it, yet you didn't do it. You analyzed it, yet you didn't do it. Why? You've gone over this thing over and over again. You've even played it back in your head under different circumstances, weighing the pros and cons, yet you didn't do it. Either your going to do it or your not, if not, than stop thinking about it. 

Apprehensive Thoughts

 Have you ever conversed with a person that gives one word responses? It can often times be a little frustrating, but we should also take the time to look beneath the surface as to why some people converse in that manner? Many would come to the conclusion that it means a person simply isn't interested into engaging in a conversation. That's not necessarily true in all cases, because it could be an indicator of a person that's not into socializing. Or it could be that person is not a good conversationalist. It could also mean that person mentally has a complex within themselves and is afraid those hidden demons with be exposed by speaking. So as you can see it's a plethora of ways this can go. Don't be so quick to judge. 

Keen Thoughts

 God gave us a keen sense of awareness, yet many people fail to use it. Pay attention to your surroundings and stop ignoring the gift that God gave you. 

Repeated Thoughts

 Have you ever did something for someone and regretted it later because you had to repeatedly perform the same favor? One rule of thumb to follow, "Do not do something you know you are incapable of doing over and over again".

Ignorant Thoughts

 If you feel that material possessions validate your place in society, you have a conjecture on life. Because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how poorly you've lived, or comfortably you've live, we will all be buried in the same dirt. 

Stagnant Thoughts

 Change is inevitable as we go through life. But when does the true change begin? Just because a person accepts you as you are, doesn't mean change isn't needed. And that's because often times its the people that care about you the most, are the people that enable you from changing.  

Growing Thoughts

 It's funny how we can look at children in observation on the years that have passed us by, yet we fail to notice the years that have passed us by in ourselves. Looking at the same face on a daily basis, it's virutallly impossible to see your age with the naked eye. But if you look closely in the mirror, you can see those same number of years in your face as you see in children growing up.  

Battled Thoughts

 Have you ever had a battle between your heart and your spirit? Only the heart can get you in more trouble than you can imagine. Your inner spirit is a gift from God that reveals truth inspite of the circumstances. Yet many people will ignore God's gift, opting to follow the heart. One would think they go hand in hand, but they don't. 

Lost Thoughts

 If you lean onto your own understanding you'll always be lost. Understand this, it doesn't matter what you think or how you configured your thoughts, your calculations can still be incorrect. So if a person is trying to educate you on something, step outside of yourself and listen for understanding. 

Willing Thoughts

 Being clueless doesn't mean your stupid, nor does it mean your ignorant. It just means your mentally lazy and unwilling to open up your mind in order to listen for understanding. 

His Thoughts

 Some of the hardest things in life to overcome, are the things that bring us pain. Sometimes it's hard to love, sometimes it's hard to forgive, sometimes it's hard to be positive, sometimes it's hard to be accountable, sometimes it's hard to accept the truth, and sometimes it's even hard to cry. And now you know what Jesus felt like when he made the ultimate sacrifice for all mankind. Can you exhibit that same unconditional love?

Your Thoughts

 If those thoughts and dreams told you to do it, why didn't you do it? Those thoughts and dreams were placed upon you by God, and when God is for you, nobody can be against you.

Strong Thoughts

 How far are you willing to go for money? Is your love for money that strong? If your love for money puts you in a place that you'll do anything for it, than you've removed yourself from the luxuries of enjoying the values of life.

Critical Thoughts

 You can learn a lot about a person during a moment of crisis, it will tell you everything you need to know. Because in a moment of crisis, a wise person will build a bridge as foundation. But a person filled with foolishness will build a dam.

Committed Thoughts

 Sometimes in life, the person witnessing an act of wrong and saying nothing, is more dangerous than the person committing the act. It's like a person beating the drum for the bad person to dance, as the person beating the drum is no better than the bad person himself.

Calm Thoughts

 Just because the waters are calm, doesn't mean danger doesn't await you beneath the surface. Meaning, do not take for granted the calmness that's bestowed upon you, for dangers can arise at any given moment in your life. 

Judged Thoughts

 It is wise to judge the contents of a message based on it's merits, not by the person delivering the message. Far to often people lose site of the message because they are focused on the character itself. We're not God, therefore you must understand that God does not place value on the person itself, only that the message itself be delivered. So remember, each and every time a message is delivered, you are being tested by God, because as you know, he specifically instructed us not to judge.

Real Thoughts

 If a person says they love you today, and 6 months later lack compassion for you, they never loved you in the first place. Love is not conditional, nor can it be manipulated. Either they love you or they don't, it's non negotiable. 

Valued Thoughts

 Sometimes in life, a person views of you is cemented in that they will never see you in other way, nor do they want to. It's amazing how the human brain can become locked in to a certain mindset, refusing to change despite evidence things have changed. Isn't that what happened to Jesus? Despite the greatness within him, it was never good enough to those that only saw him one way. And because of that mindset, ignorance is why we must all die some day. 

Extensive Thoughts

 It's truly amazing the strength of a person faith and it's extention when everything in life is working accordingly. Where is that same faith when nothing seems to go right and the lug nuts begin to loosen on the wheels? Who receives the glory at that point? Whe receives the blame? Exactly.

Ignorant Thoughts

 God created you in his light, molding you into a wonderful human being. On that note, why would you allow someone to change how God created you to be? If you allow ignorance to change you, you've allowed ignorance to influence you. Allowing ignorance to influence you would mean your ignorant for allowing it.
 Complaining about life is flat out disrespectful to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Why? Because Jesus had to endure more than anything we could ever encounter in life, including torture and public humiliation. You need to think about that the next time you sit back and complain, moping around as if life owes you something. Life owes you nothing, you owe the world for being here. We're nothing more than a grain of sand in this world. Each time you complain, you remove a blessing from yourself. You'll be surprised at the number of blessings you've lost due to complaining.

Thought Thoughts

 Why would you seek approval for something you already know is correct? Are you doubting yourself? Self doubt can be tricky and sneaky. You'll find yourself overthinking something you've already mentally conquered, yet you'll start back tracking. Once this occurs, self doubt begins to leak through the cracks. God provided you with six sense from birth, so why seek someone that possesses the same gifts as you? Stop doubting the gifts God gave you and use them.

Engineered Thoughts

 Do not allow anyone to bait you into going out of character. They will provoke you solely for the purpose of engineering an argument, therefore you should carefully guard your inner spirit, and be mindful of people invading your place of peace.

Leaked Thoughts

 Leave your worries behind you and look around you. Blessings have been bestowed upon you more than you know. And by the way, if negative spirits and doubt starts to leak into your spirit, look no further than the people that are homeless, that should tell you everything you need to know.

Fun Thoughts

 If your wondering why you don't feel better? It's because you're not doing anything to make yourself feel better. Stop the wondering and just do it. God blessed us with a plethora of ways to enjoy life and maximize the fruits that life has to offer, it's up to you what you do with it.

Real Thoughts

 At what point in your life do you stop concerning yourself with what others think of you? Do you carry that for your entire life? If so, that being the case, at what point do you grow up and realize the thoughts of others doesn't matter? It's funny how most people don't realize they are irrelevant until they become seniors, not realizing society saw you as irrelevant your entire life. You aren't what you think you are. Your only here for a brief period of time before you become extinct as if you never existed.  

Opted Thoughts

 It's 3 things in life that are our biggest enemy. 1. Ignorance 2. History repeating itself 3. Failure to acknowledge history. Why? Because the further removed we are from history, the chances increase of history repeating itself. And if you opt to ignore what's already been done, history will repeat itself, which is why the process continues to regurgitate itself on a daily basis. Each and every day you complete, is a day that's already been completely by someone else trillions of times over despite the contents of your day. 

Negative Thoughts

 Many people struggle generating happiness within themselves, often times resorting to a plethora of things outside of ones own spirit to generate that happiness. Whether that be companionship, alcohol, drugs, friends, family, and even church worshipping, yet nothing worked. But the one thing that's never mentioned, is a person with a lost soul. Once your soul is lost, life becomes a blur and your spirit becomes unsettled. Happiness begins with loving ones own self and appreciating the life God gave you. You must eliminate any and everybody that generates negativity no matter the individual. Once this occurs, your on your way to living in peace.  

Next Thought

If you are lost in life, admit it. It's nothing wrong with admitting you've lost your way in life, heck we've all at some point lost ourselves, feeling our way through, wondering is the next step we take the wrong step. But don't pretend to know something you don't know, because if you do, it will definitely reveal itself instantly. 

Seamless Thoughts

 If you like what you like, do not allow anyone to redirect your desires. You only get one life to live, live it to the fullest. 

Smart Thoughts

 Many shortcomings in life are due to people that fail to swallow their pride. Pride has taken down the strongest of individuals. So if you are a person filled with pride, you have zero room for widsom. The Lord says, " Show me a man with pride, and I'll show you a fool". 

A Mother's Thoughts

 What exactly defines Mother's day? Many would view it as a day to give thanks to all whom have given birth to children. Others would view it as giving thanks to the person that raised them, showing appreciation. But in actuality, it runs far more deeper than that. Mother's day is a day that showcases why the Lord created a woman, as she continues to keep our planet earth populated. It's also a day to celebrate the survival of many women whom have given birth to children. And for those "men" that don't know, giving birth to a child is the closest thing to death for a woman, because it is not a foregone conclusion that a woman survives the birth of the child she delivers. That in itself is taken for granted and never talked about. Mother's day is a day that defines the gift of life itself, and should always be taken serious. 

Trivial Thoughts

 Issues cannot resolve itself, it takes communication. So if you are incapable of extending yourself for the sake of resolution, you have noone but yourself to blame when things don't work out for you. Basic communication can resolve more problems than you realize, but you have to be willing to extend yourself to do so.

Faulty Thoughts

 In case you haven't noticed, repetitive knowledge in times of need, comes off as a cliche. It's not your fault the advice your giving is ignored, it's the person that's receiving the advice that has the issues. Because if somebody is telling you something you've heard numerous times over, it's a reason for that. Obviously it's good advice, otherwise you wouldn't keep hearing it from multiple sources.

Soft Thoughts

 Have you ever been around a person that's quick to anger? Some people will actually unconsciously force their anger on you, by continuously coming at you with anger, and that's not cool. In such cases, simply walk away on don't reply, because you should never allow a person to dictate or provoke you to respond with equal emotions as they exhibit towards you. People that are quick to anger, are not at peace with themselves. When a person is at peace with the Lord, anger is not an option.

Problematic Thoughts

 It's millions of people, starting in the 40's, 50, and even 60's, that have never experienced marriage, but desire to be. Problem is, it's just not in the cards for some people to be married. Why? Only God knows. Perhaps some people simply do not possess the sex appeal required, that would attract someone to marry them. Nobody knows the answer to that question? But what we do know, is that one of the hardest things to accept in life as a human being, is (reality). You can fool yourself, pretending that it's something other than the truth, but who are we kidding here? Sometimes we just have to accept the hand we were dealt and move forward. And besides, it's not that nobody desires you, it can just be a matter of you desiring something that's not meant for you to have.

Rare Thoughts

 God created us all different, as we all have our own distinct uniqueness about ourselves. On that note, it's rare that you come across a person in life with good insight. So when you come across individuals like that, don't undermine them by minimizing their gifts, as if to say you are equal to that person, when in fact you aren't. It's called staying in your lane and giving a person respect, plain and simple. 

Morphed Thoughts

 Mental illness has (quietly) become a very serious epidemic across the world, and it's only getting worse. And please, do not attempt to connect mental illness with people of abnormal behavior. Most everyone has been linked with some form of a mental illness at some point in their lives. It effects everyone, from doctors, nurses, teachers, police officers, children, or just your everyday common person we see on a daily basis. Mental illness has morphed into an exclusive group of people, not visible to the naked eye. The only difference between you and the next person, is that some people illnesses are visible for everyone to see, whether that be someone committing crimes, or simply doing things uncommon that draws a lot of attention. But even then, it doesn't make you any better than them, it just means their illnesses are open for the world to see, nothing more. 

Safe Thoughts

 You can only go so far in life without a safety net to cushion your fall without Jesus in your life. It's in your best interest, that you should at some point reach out to Jesus for help, and understand that it is HE that is your biggest safety net in life.

Navigational Thoughts

 In relationships, or even your interactions with people in general, is all about sacrifice. If your incapable of compromising for the betterment of good, you truly have some deep rooted issues within yourself. Sometimes you have to improvise in order to navigate through life with success. Life is like a maze, filled with twist and turns that will take you places you've never been. So rather than back track and go back to where you were in order to pacifier your comfort zone, be willing to take on the unknown and enjoy life during the process. 

Special Thoughts

 One of God's great specialties, is specializing in things that don't make sense. You know, those things that leave you wondering, thinking, why me? Those things. He continues to bless us over and over again, even when we feel we don't deserve it. Fortunately for us, it's not our decision to make, it's his. 

Validated Thoughts

 If you believe in what you believe in, why would you allow someone to indoctrinate you into something that contradicts your beliefs? You are being studied more than you know, because you see, once a person finds a weakness, they will use that as an opportunity to slip through the cracks and disrupt that place of peace you coveted so much.

Risky Thoughts

 It's amazing how we as people, take the smallest things for granted in life. For example, if you have something in place that's already working for you, why change/remove it? Is it because you feel it's something better that awaits you? What if your long wait doesn't come into fruition, then what? Because once you remove what you already have in place, more times than not, cannot be restablished, which means your left with nothing. Is it worth the risk? Lesson learned, enjoy what you already have in place, God gave it to you. If it wasn't meant to be, he wouldn't have placed it on your doorstep to enjoy it.

Direct Thoughts

 It's not everyday you come across someone that genuinely cares about you. However, the moment you become insensitive to the feelings of others, that will be the moment life will become challenging for you. Rejecting, ignoring, dismissing, and exhibiting abrasive behavior towards a person that genuinely cares about you, is plain arrogant, and that's not cute. Remember this, if God placed an individual in your life, he strategically did it for a reason, it wasn't an accident. 

Transitional Thoughts

 Some people will say, "It's no benefits to being a good person, it's filled with heartaches and pain". If that's how you feel, what are the benefits of being an abrasive person, where will that get you in life?  You can't have it both ways. Either you remain the person God created you to be, or you can allow man to transform you into a person God doesn't want you to be, take your pick. 

Soft Thoughts

  Just because a person doesn't exhibit the love you desire, doesn't mean you have to stop loving them. Continue to love them unconditionally without judgment. Do no waver in your feelings inspite of their abrasive behavior towards you. Do not feel guilty for loving someone that doesn't give you the same value in return. Be respectful, not forceful, be kind, be gentle, be polite, speak softly, and most importantly, be prayerful. Because in the end, it's not you with the problem, it's them.

Timeless Thoughts

 Father time has a way of reminding us of our journey through life, whether through music, old family members, old friends, old neighborhoods, or even an old car. It's funny how that works, but in the end, it's just a reminder that time keeps right on moving. We're reminded that time is our enemy. Your reminded by the way you get out of the bed in the mornings, the changing in your clothing styles, or even when you look in the mirror and notice your hair is starting to change colors. It's all affiliated with "

Applied Thoughts

 If negative thoughts are the first thing that enter your mind upon looking at a person, something is mentally wrong with you. If your always viewing things from the dark side of life, something is mentally wrong with you. If all it takes is a few words to provoke anger from you, something is mentally wrong with you. If indeed this applies to you, somehow and someway, you've conditioned yourself into filtering out all the positive things that life has to offer. God didn't build you that way, you did this to yourself.

Defeated Thoughts

 The moment you tell yourself it won't work, mentally you are already defeated. Yes, it's a given that we will fail at many things in life, however, many of the things you failed at, could have been conquered if not for your defeated mindset.

Poor Thoughts

 Do not allow anyone to goat you into an argument, it's senseless and it means nothing. Some people will reference an argument as being healthy, but don't be fooled. Arguments are human teachings, stemming from the powers of the world. (Colossians) Chapter 2 verse 8. 

Rare Thoughts

 "Logic" is very underrated in that many people rarely use it. "Common sense" on the other hand, can be overrated in a sense, because often times it doesn't (require) logic. If you don't believe it, exercise those two basic principles in your next conversation and see what you come up with. A person will use common sense that will only fit their own narrative, but will totally ignore logic during the process, which makes absolutely no sense. 

Trusting Thoughts

 Have you ever felt alone, feeling that you've been placed in a position where you can't trust anyone? It's because God will strategically place you in a lonely position, just so you can only lean on him in times of need. That's how he operates. 

Planned Thoughts

 Life is like being in prison, you have nothing but (time). Carefully and strategically create an action plan, but follow through with those plans. Because without a plan, you have nothing. 

Joyess Thoughts

 Lack of knowledge can deprive you from a plethora of joyess things in life, as it can also lead to sickness, or even death. Stop depriving yourself of the fruits that life has to offer. 

Absent Thoughts

  You remembered, but you didn't remember, and when you did remember, you opted to do something different. Yet upon remembering, it occured to you the importance of remembering, only it's too late, so who's fault is it?

Gracious Thoughts

 Patience & perseverance can take you places in life, but only if you are willing to take a step back, be a willing participant to what God has in store for you, and show him gratitude. He's trying to bless you, but you won't allow it because your standing in his way. One must remove themselves in order to receive his blessings, it's no other way around it. Stop making life all about you.

Unstable Thoughts

 Where are we in life with honesty? Some people will proclaim to be in your corner through tough times, but the moment you exhibit honesty, things change. Why? If a person gives you the truth despite your feelings, why not be accepting of that and move forward? Distancing yourself from a person is not only foul, it portrays you as a person that's mentally unstable, with an inability to handle the truth. If lying to you is what you need for mental stability, your heart is truly in the wrong place, God help you.

Answered Thoughts

 If you pray for something, you cannot pick and choose how those prayers should be answered. Many times the Lord will answer your prayers, but because your not accepting of his responses, those blessings go unnoticed. We are not allowed the luxury of cherry picking our blessings, only to receive them. So if it appears that your prayers went unanswered, your wrong. You either accept it, or do without. If it wasn't meant for you to have, the Lord would not have provided it for you to have, be grateful, because it can always be worse. 

Concluded Thoughts

 Learn and condition yourself into appreciating the small things in life. Stop taking those things for granted, as if it's a foregone conclusion those blessings will always be at your disposal, because they won't. Understand this, that what comes easy for you, is very difficult for others, but because it's always been easy for you, those subtleties are taken for granted. So just keep this in mind, that no matter how easy certain things come to you in life, thank the Lord for paving the way and making it easy for you. 

Stronger Thoughts

 Have you ever tried testing yourself? You know, like putting yourself through different test on life? Life practices. For example, loving someone that doesn't love you back. It's the conditioning of the mind. You see, the more you condition your mind, the stronger you will become. It will prevent you from taking the smaller things in life for granted, so when you do receive love, you'll feel it, appreciate it, and understand what life is truly all about. Sometimes you have to put yourself through a series of test in order to build stronger character. 

Generated Thoughts

 Have you ever made a decision you later felt you shouldn't have made? Did you come away thinking your life would improve "after" you made that decision, only to find out it didn't? In certain instances, you can reverse those decisions, but only if you're willing to swallow your pride. Humility can be tough at times, especially when you know you've made a fool out of yourself, however, humility can also generate a peace of mind as well. 

Wallowing Thoughts

 If the Lord wanted you dead, that would have happened a long time ago. Sometimes the Lord will allow us to suffer in order for us to open our eyes. Stubbornness is sinful, so much so that the Lord will allow us to wallow in our own buffoonery. So if you are incapable of developing humility through your stubbornness, you will be overwhelmed with suffering at the hands of your own doings. 

Speakable Thoughts

 Why do some people feel life favors them over others? If life favored select individuals, the unselected would live miserable lives, go figure. The fact that you have life, speaks for itself. 

Concentrated Thoughts

  We all make mistakes, even if it's repeated. However, if a person continues to exhibit unconditional love towards you despite his/her mistakes, you owe it to yourself to persevere through those mistakes. If Jesus can do it, so can you.

Consequential Thoughts

 Humility is one of the toughest things in life to conquer. It challenges you from every aspect of life, as it will embarrass you, expose your flaws, and expose the truth of who you really are in life. Anybody can exercise humility when your at a point of no return, but can you exercise humility at the height of your anger? Can you exercise humility when you've made a poor decision? Can you exercise humility in the face of others watching you while your in the midst of being watched? Most people will not exercise humility if it's no consequences or repercussions for their actions.

Hurtful Thoughts

 The people we take for granted in life, are the very same people we ignored when it mattered most. Life itself is a gift that we should all take serious, as our place in life is only momentary. The subtleties we take for granted, will be those very same subtleties you'll miss when you no longer have them at your disposal.

Real Thoughts

  Sometimes in life, your best just isn't good enough. Not that it's anything you did wrong, it's just not accepted in the context that you desire. Rejection is displeasing to the inner spirit no matter it's transparency. The human mind is the most powerful thing on earth, and can be very fragile.