
Showing posts from March, 2023

Transitional Thoughts

 Some people will say, "It's no benefits to being a good person, it's filled with heartaches and pain". If that's how you feel, what are the benefits of being an abrasive person, where will that get you in life?  You can't have it both ways. Either you remain the person God created you to be, or you can allow man to transform you into a person God doesn't want you to be, take your pick. 

Soft Thoughts

  Just because a person doesn't exhibit the love you desire, doesn't mean you have to stop loving them. Continue to love them unconditionally without judgment. Do no waver in your feelings inspite of their abrasive behavior towards you. Do not feel guilty for loving someone that doesn't give you the same value in return. Be respectful, not forceful, be kind, be gentle, be polite, speak softly, and most importantly, be prayerful. Because in the end, it's not you with the problem, it's them.

Timeless Thoughts

 Father time has a way of reminding us of our journey through life, whether through music, old family members, old friends, old neighborhoods, or even an old car. It's funny how that works, but in the end, it's just a reminder that time keeps right on moving. We're reminded that time is our enemy. Your reminded by the way you get out of the bed in the mornings, the changing in your clothing styles, or even when you look in the mirror and notice your hair is starting to change colors. It's all affiliated with "

Applied Thoughts

 If negative thoughts are the first thing that enter your mind upon looking at a person, something is mentally wrong with you. If your always viewing things from the dark side of life, something is mentally wrong with you. If all it takes is a few words to provoke anger from you, something is mentally wrong with you. If indeed this applies to you, somehow and someway, you've conditioned yourself into filtering out all the positive things that life has to offer. God didn't build you that way, you did this to yourself.

Defeated Thoughts

 The moment you tell yourself it won't work, mentally you are already defeated. Yes, it's a given that we will fail at many things in life, however, many of the things you failed at, could have been conquered if not for your defeated mindset.

Poor Thoughts

 Do not allow anyone to goat you into an argument, it's senseless and it means nothing. Some people will reference an argument as being healthy, but don't be fooled. Arguments are human teachings, stemming from the powers of the world. (Colossians) Chapter 2 verse 8. 

Rare Thoughts

 "Logic" is very underrated in that many people rarely use it. "Common sense" on the other hand, can be overrated in a sense, because often times it doesn't (require) logic. If you don't believe it, exercise those two basic principles in your next conversation and see what you come up with. A person will use common sense that will only fit their own narrative, but will totally ignore logic during the process, which makes absolutely no sense. 

Trusting Thoughts

 Have you ever felt alone, feeling that you've been placed in a position where you can't trust anyone? It's because God will strategically place you in a lonely position, just so you can only lean on him in times of need. That's how he operates. 

Planned Thoughts

 Life is like being in prison, you have nothing but (time). Carefully and strategically create an action plan, but follow through with those plans. Because without a plan, you have nothing.