
Showing posts from November, 2023

Incapable Thoughts

 If you desire quality people in your life but aren't sure whom to allow into your circle, you may want to use the following guidelines as a barometer. 1. The words a person speaks. 2. The passion a person has for God. 3. The love a person has for themselves. If a person does not love themselves they speak foul language that's displeasing to the spirit. If a person does not love themselves they are incapable of loving you. And if a person does not love themselves they do not love God.

Knowing Thoughts

 Traumatic experiences can often times leave a person mentally distraught with no answers to your problems. Have no fear because the answers lie with Christ. Yes it perhaps sounds like a clich'e but its true. To love him is to know him, and not many people actually know him. Loving him and not knowing him can pose a huge problem in times of need. Knowing him brings inner peace, knowing him erases anger, knowing him brings joy, and knowing him generates appreciation for life itself without complaining. Fair warning, once you get to know him you'll lose a few friends and familiy members along the way, but you'll find that it was well worth it in the end. 

Grateful Thoughts

 The same gratitude you take towards thanksgiving, is the exact same gratitude you should take 365 days a year. Each day is a day to be thankful to the Lord that you were even allowed to open your eyes and see another day. It's thousands of people that die everyday of the year, and it's not of natural causes. Exert that same energy in the morning as you rise and start your day.

Sick Thoughts

  Many people view love as a sickness, which in many cases the reason relationships are avoided, fear of the unknown. It's a plethora of ways many have tried to cure love's sickness as many have failed. But the one sure remedy of curing that sickness is "patience".

Judgemental Thoughts

 Do you realize that many of your prayers are answered? Many of your prayers are answered through messengers, and can sometimes be answered through people you least desire or respect. Remember that scripture God spoke on referencing not to judge people? You see, God will test you by answering your prayers through people you've consciously or unconsciously judged. And in doing so, it gives the appearance that your prayers went unasnwered when in actuality he did answer your prayers. Only you didn't acknowledge it because it came in a form you didn't recognize. When the Lord says don't judge, that's exactly what he meant.

Inspired Thoughts

 You do not have to inform anyone of your love for God, your character will reveal everything they need to know. Your love for God reveals the love you have for yourself. His light that shines within you will glow for the world to see. 

Strong Thoughts

 Unwritten rules: Don't ask a question you already know the answer to. Don't apologize for something you didn't do. Don't be something you aren't. Be yourself despite what others think. Accept life for what it is and not what you think it is. Don't be ashamed to show affection in public. Accept a person for who they are and don't judge them. And love yourself despite of what others think of you. 

Escorted Thoughts

  Yesterday has come and gone and your one day closer to your last day before the Lord calls your number. It's one of those things you never truly think about until an unforseen illness takes you by the hand and remind you. But then, not everybody will be taken by the hand and escorted to heaven, as some will be taken abruptly with no warning. Here today and gone tomorrow, you just never know. One must enjoy each and every day and not take for granted tomorrow is promised to you, because it isn't. Have you looked in the mirror lately.