
Showing posts from December, 2023

Evil Thoughts

  Who's running the earth? Do you know? We have a plethora of religions across the earth, as all are serving the same person, only it's spoken in different languages. So we all know the God almighty is our saving grace as Jesus Christ gave his life for our sins. That being said, we have wars taking place, global warming has been escalated to insane levels across the globe. Drugs are dominating our society, we've quietly transformed into a don't touch me society. People are going to prison at an alarming rate. Today's young generation has developed a huge disconnect with the older generation, so much so they have openly expressed hatred towards their elders. The homeless population continue to grow dramatically with each passing year. It's been an enormous decrease in women having children over the past 40 years, sparking a huge decline in population among americans, and we're living in a time that promotes material possessions and money as the foundation of ...

Acting Thoughts

 If you realize your mistake, it would be in your best interest to exercise accountability and admit you made a mistake. Camouflaging it by redirecting that accountability to someone else is showing lack of character. Have some respect for yourself.

Human Thoughts

 As the saying goes,"lead, follow or get out of the way". Many would opt to follow despite the ignorance of the person being followed. Following ignorance is a classic example of the sensitivity centered around the human brain. It's the single most precious organ on the human body, yet it's not nurtured nearly as much as it should. Allowing your brain to go to waste is like being a waste of life itself, don't be a waste of skin. 

Sensible Thoughts

  If it doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't mean it doesn't make sense, it simply means you aren't comprehending why it doesn't make sense?

Risky Thoughts

 Where did you leave it? Did you leave yesterday behind you? Do you still look over your shoulder, and if so, why? Is it something you missed? Because if you did, certainly it's nothing you can do about it now. Are you so curious that your willing to risk being transformed into a pillar of salt? Is it truly worth it? Why do you continue to carry around that extra baggage? Do you even realize your only hurting yourself? The weight that you continue to carry around will ultimately be your future demise in life

Cherished Thoughts

  It's not uncommon to love someone that doesn't give you equal value in return, don't feel bad. It's also not uncommon to continue loving that person quietly without them knowing it. However, to not love someone at all isn't healthy, nor is it common. It's better to love someone than to not love at all.

Lonely Thoughts

 Loneliness is not good for the soul.

Selfish Thoughts

 Sometimes in order to see the big picture you have to set aside your own feelings, because life is not about you. You cannot see in front of you if your incapable of removing yourself out of the way. 

Live Thoughts

 Why complain about something that's not going to change? The life we live is a regurgitation of a plethora of events that has already taken place numerous times over, and yet the complaints keep coming. Life itself is inevitable and it's nothing you can do to prevent it. But if you truly want to make a change in life, why not start with"you'? Change starts with self. 

Broken Thoughts

 Why would you tinker with something that's already working for you? If it's not broke don't fix it. This can be applied to a plethora of areas in life, whether it be job related, personal appearance, relationships, etc. Some people will alter something that's working, thinking they can improve on something that doesn't need improving. 

Fatal Thoughts

  If only you knew. What would you do if you did know? Would things be different? Would that one decision had shifted your life? Where would you be today if not for that one fatal decision? What path would you have chosen?

Weak Thoughts

 Giving up is a choice not an option. It's many things in life that seem unattainable because it requires a lot of work to attain it. Some people feel it's worth it, some don't. But if you sit back and notice, that very same person that gave up, is that very same person that does all the complaining. Don't be that person.