
Showing posts from January, 2024

Fools Thoughts

 Have you ever came across or been involved with a person that's quick to anger and hold a grudge? Do not concern yourself with people like that, simply ignore them. "Only fools get angry quickly and hold a grudge".(Ecclesiastes) Chapter 7 verse 9. You must allow a fool to be a fool and wallow in their own misery.

Worthless Thoughts

 If you don't like what you see in the mirror, how can you love someone else? If you don't like what you see in the mirror, what are you going to do about it? If you don't like what you see in the mirror, others will see you the exact same way. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Excuses are for weak minded people that don't want anything out of life. They are content with living a life of mediocirty. 

Mental Thoughts

 Always be mindful of the feelings of others, it's the right thing to do. Why? Because you cannot determine the mindset of the person your dealing with. For example, if a person tends to be overly aggressive towards you based on something that can be defined as adolescent at best, you could be dealing with a person that's dealing with depression. Such things cannot be determined until that person starts reacting abnormally. Mental illness is real, always keep that in mind at all times through your walk in life. 

Projected Thoughts

 If your not open to change, where do you go from here? Your trajectory in life has been lowered due to your constant inability to change, leaving you with a very low ceiling to work with. It's like minimizing your blessings in life. 

Failed Thoughts

 You don't have to be an expert on life to know forgiveness heals the soul. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else. And it all starts with loving the Lord, because when you love the Lord, everything else falls into place, but you have to know him to love him. 

Sparkling Thoughts

 What is it about looking up at the stars that brings us so much peace? Although we know what a star actually is, far away we see a sparkling image that's beautiful to the eyes and brings peace to the inner soul. It's the one place you wish you could go and live healthy forever, removing you away from all the drama and pitfalls that surrounds us on earth. They look oh so close yet are so far away. If only we could reach for the stars and live in eternity.

Personal Thoughts

 No cause for concern when things aren't favoring you during troubled times, it's just God's way of building strength within you for future problems in life. 

Prayerful Thoughts

 The reason your prayers weren't answered is because you keep getting in the way. Stop trying to do his work for him, you'll only make matters worse in doing so. 

Displeasing Thoughts

  Just think, you survived Covid-19 and lived to tell about it. Don't ever forget those that were with you during those rough times. And especially show your appreciation. Lack of appreciation exhibits poor character, as that is displeasing to the Lord.