
Showing posts from May, 2024

Glowing Thoughts

 Far to often people will concern themselves with things beyond their control, why? Why not simply rely on the gift that God gave you, "common sense"? When God is for you nobody can be against you. His light will shine on you regardless of the things said about you. His light will shine on you without you uttering one word. His light will shine on you in the eyes of others. Stay the course, remain silent, and always take the high road. 

Privileged Thoughts

 It's the small things that are the most impactful in our everyday lives we totally ignore. The things you take for granted are the things that will be removed, including life itself. We must learn to be grateful and understand that life is a privilege, not a right. 

Invalid Thoughts

 Some people believe in Jesus, some don't, that's a given. But for those that don't, have you ever tried him? Have you ever just sat back and taken the time to read about him. Oddly enough, many people that don't know him, have never taken the time to even read about him. So if you've never read about him, how can you dispute someone you know nothing about? That would be like saying you dislike a food you've never tried, how does that work? If you'd rather walk through life ignorant, that's on you, however, don't push your values on others based on your own ignorance. 

Healthy Thoughts

 For some people, it's amazing how unimportant the value of health is until you start staring at deaths door. You passed up on a plethora of opportunities to get yourself together, yet you ignored it because it wasn't important to you at that moment in time. But when the moment comes to meet your maker, everything changes. Why not fix it now before that time comes?

His Thoughts

  It doesn't take a genius to know that unconditional love is the formula to peace and happiness, it only takes common sense. On the other hand, if your incapable of seeing that, than perhaps you need to check in with Jesus Christ, learn him, and adopt his vision on life to understand.

Patterned Thoughts

 We've as people have experienced a plethora of setbacks and disappointments in life even though we've moved on without giving it a second thought. However, the one hurdle that always stands in our way without notice, is Lucifer. He's more powerful than you can ever imagine as he is the ultimate chameleon in our lives. He's never visible although he's always watching you and you don't even know it. His spirit is stronger than you'll ever be. His #1 target is our children, followed by an erray of people you see on a daily basis as his spirits lies within them, always watching you. Who are those people? You'll never know because Lucifer has blinded you from ever finding out. And it's probably someone you hold in high regards.

Sustained Thoughts

  The pressure is not on you to be great, nor does it have any impact on your longevity in life. So stop taking the most simplistic of things and turning it into Mt. Rushmore, because it's not that serious. Your job in life is simple, (stay alive and stay healthy), God gave you that much, it's just up to you to maintain it.

Reverse Thoughts

 Sometimes in relationships, decisions are made that you "thought" was the right decision, only to find out that you made the wrong decision. Can that decision be corrected? That depends on the individual. It's difficult to reverse a decision you made when you've pre programmed your brain into thinking one way. Humility is always your best option in reversing a costly decision. 

Chanced Thoughts

 What are you doing every chance you get? Chances are your probably pacifying yourself with one of your many addictions that soothes the soul. What about taking the time to get to know yourself? Now in saying that your probably thinking, "I know myself already". But do you? Whether you know it or not, you don't know yourself the way you "think" you do, because if you did, your outlook on life would be different. Stop using death as the reasoning for changing your outlook, that's an excuse. Do yourself a favor and do some soul searching, digging deeper into the person God created.

Savored Thoughts

  Some people tend to feel life is taken to serious, some people tend to feel life isn't taken serious enough. Either way, it can be deemed as subjective pending on the person being asked. That being said, cherishing the moment is what life is all about. "Cherishing"would be the better way of approaching life because it's the softer more feel good approach that doesn't require deep thought. It also gives you more of a visual on life that allows you to see the past and the present all at once, reminding you that time is of the essence.