
Showing posts from June, 2024

His Thoughts

 You must always remember, just because your nice to a person, doesn't mean that person will be nice to you. And just because that person isn't nice to you, doesn't mean you have to lower your standards and give them the same treatment in return. Lowering your standards to match ignorance, undermines the person God created you to be. 

Corrupt Thoughts

 We're suppose to chastise our children in raising them. However, you must choose your words wisely and not abuse your authority upon correcting them. Because remember, you were once an adolescent as well, so don't forget where you came from. You must nuture your offspring accordingly along with learning the skills of speaking. It takes special skills and special talents in raising children. Not everybody is born with those skills as evident with the crime and corruptivity seen on a daily basis. 

Selfish Thoughts

  Why would you take the life of another human being? Despite the circumstances surrounding your reasoning, is it going to make your life whole again? Is it going to restore what was taken from you? If you felt in your mind it was worth it, what does that make you? The bible says "thou shall not kill". Are you even aware that Jesus did not permit killings? Perhaps that means nothing to you because your leaning onto your own understanding. Didn't Jesus say " Lean not onto your own understanding"? If these words fall on deaf ears, your soul is totally lost.

Guided Thoughts

 The best is yet to come, but you aren't able to receive it because you can't get out of your own way. Stop blocking your blessings. 

Calm Thoughts

  Sometimes in life it's the smallest things that dig into your spirit, causing you to go out of character and say things you wouldn't ordinarily say, or do things you wouldn't ordinarily do. It's at that moment you have to take a step back, take a deep breath, relax, say a small prayer, and remind yourself that ignorance isn't worth your energy.                    

Body Thoughts

 You should never allow someone to dictate the way you see yourself. Speak positive things about yourself and your body will respond to it. Why? Because your body doesn't know the difference one way or the other. You are what you speak, remember that. You can actually cast a spell on your body by speaking positivity of yourself. So if you're not changing the things within yourself, you're also choosing unconsciously. 

Corrective Thoughts

 If someone corrects you in your wrong, don't feel embarrassed, your human. Feeling embarrassed for being wrong is arrogant, and that's displeasing to God, because nobody is perfect. So if someone corrects you in the midst of a conversation, do not elevate your voice to be heard. Elevating your voice does not translate your words into correctness, it makes you a fool.

Resourceful Thoughts

 In life we encounter a plethora of wars we simply cannot win regardless of the resources we have at our disposal. And that's fair, because life is not designed for us to win every war we're involved in. However, we must tackle the wars we can win, and learn from the wars we lost. But we must first learn how to lose in order to learn how to win.