
Showing posts from May, 2018

Endearing Thoughts

Have you ever liked a person that didn't like you? Did you find yourself softly trying to facilitate a conversation with them, only to find your efforts blatantly rejected because they refused to allow your kindness to embrace them? They'll even fight you tooth and nail on basic conversations, all in efforts to show you the feelings aren't mutual. You've probably even lost a few hours of sleep over them, wondering how can ignorance consume such a wonderful person. In such cases, you have to allow ignorance to run its course, and hope that common sense will one day bring them back to you.

Regrettable Thoughts

Just because a person openly commits sins, that doesn't give you the right to judge them, nor elevate yourself above them. A person that openly commits a sin, is no worse than a person that privately commit sins. No human life form on this earth, is without committing sins, NOBODY. So it doesn't matter that you attend church several times a week, it doesn't matter how many great deeds you've done in life, nor does it matter the amount of humanitarian work you've done in the past, you're still a sinner, and you'll always be a sinner til the day you die. At least the person that openly commit sins, is honest with who they are, and don't try to hide from it. Heck those that are in hiding, are the most dangerous sinners of all.

Pointless Thoughts

We say we love our children unconditionally, but do we? Loving your children is defined by setting aside your differences for the sake of doing the right thing, removing your inner feelings despite any pain that's been bestowed upon you. Unconditional also includes seeking God for understanding, and not taking matters into your own hands for the sake of your own personal satisfaction. What good is a child without his parents? Keep this in mind, it doesn't matter how much money or time you spend with a child in providing for his/her needs for happiness, nothing can replace a parent in a child's life. You never know what goes through a child's mind during the absence of one parent? They'll NEVER tell you. And for those that were raised by one parent, it's funny how you forget where you came from, so why would you subject your child through the same exact thing knowing how that felt? That's NOT unconditional love.

Calculated Thoughts

If you love someone, why would you crucify them for making a mistake? Don't we all make mistakes? One might say well, what if they repeatedly make the same mistakes, should we continue to forgive them? The answer is yes. Not only are we suppose to forgive them, but we must remain supportive of them despite the mistakes that were made. God says we must extend our forgiveness no matter the amount of mistakes that were made. You can't have it both ways, meaning, you can't walk around telling everybody how strong your love is for God, knowing deep down inside, you have an extremely willingness to NOT forgive and let go as God instructed, that's hypocritical. You're either ALL in or you’re not, plain and simple

Influential Thoughts

Why would you dispute information given to you, designed to improve your health? If what you're doing isn't working, why not try something different? Stubborn is what stubborn does, and if you aren't willing to accept information given to you to help you improve your lifestyle, accept the consequences and repercussions that follows your ignorance.

Love Your Thoughts

If you can't love the one you're with, who can you love? it's plenty of love you can spread around, but you won't find that type of love in return. So if you already have someone you can love, you may as well place all your chips on the table, roll the dice and see what you come up with, because life itself doesn't love you, you have to love yourself. Love yourself, and life itself will allow you to love IT. Love don't love nobody.