Pointless Thoughts
We say we love our children unconditionally, but do we? Loving your children is defined by setting aside your differences for the sake of doing the right thing, removing your inner feelings despite any pain that's been bestowed upon you. Unconditional also includes seeking God for understanding, and not taking matters into your own hands for the sake of your own personal satisfaction. What good is a child without his parents? Keep this in mind, it doesn't matter how much money or time you spend with a child in providing for his/her needs for happiness, nothing can replace a parent in a child's life. You never know what goes through a child's mind during the absence of one parent? They'll NEVER tell you. And for those that were raised by one parent, it's funny how you forget where you came from, so why would you subject your child through the same exact thing knowing how that felt? That's NOT unconditional love.
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