
Showing posts from 2019

Elected Thoughts

Its many people whom have traveled down the exact same path in life, struggling to accomplish what they set out to do. Problem is, some people make it, some people don't. But for those that do, what is it they did that you didn't do? Perhaps they were more determined than you, unwilling to succumb to failure, unwilling to give up, and unwilling to be defeated. You see, its easy to sit back and say what's meant and not meant for you, electing to settle with failure. And its nothing wrong with that, but at least give yourself a chance, putting your best foot forward, knowing that you gave it everything you had, yet still came up short. Only then can failure be accepted.

Resourceful Thoughts

It's truly amazing how some people will reject healthy advice, even if it benefits them despite its appeal. If advice lacks appeal, its ignored and not acknowledged. Did you ever stop to think that outside sources can often times be the best source of gaining knowledge? Perhaps you should stop relying on your own thoughts, and realize that the power of the brain extends outside of your own.

Human Thoughts

Any and everything man has touched, has become tainted, filled with deception and falsifications. So nothing under the sun is pure, including the holy bible, believe that. Christianity is as tainted as high fructose corn syrup, littered with the fingerprints of man's stamp of approval. Nobody is doubting the existence of Jesus Christ, but lets be honest, many things were strategically left out of the bible in order to keep us honest. This is also not to say the bible isn't tr ue to its word, but if it were written in its purest form under the old testament, why would it have to be rewritten? We're talking about 2000 year old documents that were written by scribes, and with the exchanging of hands over the years, God only knows how much information was edited out and added to those documents. But what we do know, is that the bible of today, has been used for nothing more than a tool to judge people.

Confident Thoughts

If you suffer from low self esteem, or even if you don't, just know, that you are a very beautiful person through and through, and don't ever let anyone take that away from you. So just because you may not have what you want in companionship at this present moment, that has nothing to do with the person you see in the mirror. Sometimes its just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, and allowing your beauty to be seen for public consumption. Never allow yourself to be discouraged, and stop comparing yourself to those you view as beautiful. Because as beautiful as you may see someone else as being, someone is looking at you in that exact same light, only you're not noticing because your eyes and mind is closed from noticing.

Prayerful Thoughts

The power of prayer is one of the most powerful sources we have as humans, yet many misunderstand its results. Whether you know it or not, often times your prayers are met, more times than you know. Those same prayers you've long to be answered, aren't visible to the naked eye, because your eyes are not open to the results. Blessings aren't answered in the form of convenience, meaning, your prayers aren't going to be handed to you on a silver platter, but rather in an indirect way to open your eyes to other aspects of life. The path God provides to you through prayer, rewards you based on your acceptance of the path he has chosen for you. How do you know if you've chosen the right path? Once you've allowed yourself to step away from your comfort zone, your prayers will be revealed to you.

Tailored Thoughts

You've got to stop listening to people that are always feeding you negative energy. Life itself can be a challenge, so why allow someone to add on to what you already have? Sometimes the good outweighs the bad, and vise versa, that's life, but you cannot allow someone to tamper with (your) scales God created for you, strategically designed, and tailored towards rounding you into the person you are today.

Uncomfortable Thoughts

Have you ever heard of unconventional blessings? Unconventional blessings are (coded) blessings, coming to you in silence, designed for nobody to know about, but you, and only you, and not to be shared. They can also come to you in ways that will make you uncomfortable, taking you completely out of your comfort zone. This is why you keep missing out on golden opportunities, because it came to you in a way you weren't accustomed. So in the future, just remember, blessings you've always wanted, don't necessarily come the way (you) want them to come, that's not real life. They will come in ways that may bring you discomfort, and yet reap big rewards. It's nobodies business how you received your blessings, nor should you allow anyone to dictate, and make you feel guilty in trying to obligate you into revealing your sources. Your only obligation is to yourself and the spirit of your welfare.

Regrettable Thoughts

If you could go back in time, and change course of the worse experience you've had in your life, would you do it? If so, how could you have become the person you are today? You see, its easy to sit back and reverse course on things you deem, "unacceptable", wishing things could have gone differently. But it wouldn't have rounded you into the person you are today. Despite your past, whether through childhood or adulthood, those things were allowed to happen to you for a reason. And if those things have created lingering affects on you mentally, its because you haven't made peace with yourself, and the person you had issues with, or the decisions you made.

Dishonest Thoughts

The amazing thing about life, society, and the people that surround us daily, is that (most) people aren't honest with themselves, nor are they honest with the people they need to be honest with. For example, some people aren't equipped to be parents, some people aren't equipped for marriage, some people aren't equipped to be leaders, and some people aren't equipped to have a conversation with. Yet here we are, surrounded by these exact same people, not having a clue who they really are upon looking themselves in mirror. And if you ask these same people are they qualified, 99% of them will tell you yes. These exact same people that can't meet the requirements, are the very same people that blame others for there failures in those categories. The paper trail leads right to them, and they can't even see it.

Bonding Thoughts

Have you ever thought about why a person hates you for no apparent reason? Its probably because you possess something about you they wish they had. It's funny how envious and hatred run hand and hand, bonding together like Velcro in some cases. One would think, rather than hate the person you're envious of, why not converse with that person, swallow your pride, and ask for pointers?

Revealing Thoughts

You're a long long way from where you were, and you're a long long way from where you need to be. Life has a way of humbling us, revealing the truth, and reminding us of just where we stand in life. So despite your success, don't ever think that you have everything in your life under control.

Transitional Thoughts

Anger is not only a waste of time, its a waste of energy, and it never amounts to anything, nor does it lead to anything. It can also be used maliciously, in that it can be used as a controlling mechanism, designed to intimidate, bully, and control people. Anger can also exhibit lack of self control, lack of patience, stubbornness, and an unwillingness to accept constructive criticism. It can also lead to heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. So as you can see, its a plethora of reasons why you shouldn't allow anger into your life

Fair Thoughts

Men that opt not to be fathers of children they impregnated in women, are considered sperm donors. Is that a fair assessment? Yes, because fathering children should not be an option, as many children aren't given a fair chance in life from birth, not being fathered by the biological father(born bastards). Women that opt not to be mothers to children they gave birth to, are nothing more than incubators to those children. Is that a fair assessment? Yes, because mothering children should not be an option, as many children aren't given a fair chance in life from birth, as many are pond off to the grandmothers, or other family members.

Displaced Thoughts

Have you ever come across a person that's always trying to mentally take you places you don't want to go? And it's not as if they are ignorant to the fact, because you've probably more times than not, expressed your displeasure on talking about it, yet they continue to aggravate you to no end. Beware, people that push buttons they know they aren't suppose to push, are people you need to disassociate yourself with effective immediately. A person that has your best interest at heart, are people with great character and positive spirits.

Abusive Thoughts

Men whom are in relations with a woman, more times than not will acknowledge they love her. Well, with that being the case, if so, than why are so many men, physically abusive towards the woman they proclaim to love? Physical abuse is inexcusable, inhumane, and disrespectful. Women were not created to be abused under no circumstances. You cannot raise a fully grown woman, she's already been raised despite the flaws you see in her. We as humans were born flawed for that matter. Abusing a woman isn't cute, nor should be accepted. Love is not abusive, nor should be accepted as a form of love, it's that simple.

Unwilling Thoughts

Have you ever had someone to ask of your opinion, and you responded by telling them you didn't have an opinion? Did that person press the issue, seeking a response, despite your unwillingness to delve into something you (knew) was going nowhere? Your unwillingness to comply, was ultimately the best decision, because often times people will set you up to start an argument, solely for the purpose of assassinating your character. Lesson learned, (protect) your inner spirit from people that try and inject you with negative spirits.

Bad Thoughts

Why would you seek revenge against someone that brought discomfort into your life? Lets say, you sought out, and accomplished everything you set out to do, what's next? Would vengeance make you whole again? And if so, how? Because you can't reverse what's already been done, nor will bringing discomfort into someone else's life eliminate the pain. If bringing discomfort into someone's life brings you inner peace, not only does that lesson the value of you as a person, it shows that you are incapable of disallowing someone else to control you as a person.

Fair Thoughts

Why would you gauge a person by (your) beliefs? Yes, we all have our own personal standards we stand on, but in all fairness, you shouldn't hold a person to the same standards you've created for yourself. You cannot change, redirect, or coerce a person into being someone they weren't born to be. At the very least, you have to meet a person halfway, whether that be a friend, companionship, family etc. Accept a person for who they are, refrain from judgment, and understand that diversity is what makes the world go round.

Composed Thoughts

How can you hate someone you don't even know? What are the grounds for hating someone you don't know? Despite the actions of what a person does, it still doesn't give you leverage to hate them? Perhaps this is the new society we're living in today, using leverage to justify our actions and feelings towards others. With that being the case, mentally, it will only weaken you down the road, later in life.

Grateful Thoughts

If someone compliments you on your physical appearance, understand and know, that God is tapping you on the shoulder, reminding you of who you really are, and that nobody can take that away from you.

Short sided Thoughts

We can all agree that we all have shortcomings we aren't proud of, with many of them hidden away from the public eye, not meant for everyone to see. That being said, some of our shortcomings are visible, despite the beauty in our character. Why is it that some people feel compelled to remind you of your shortcomings? No living soul wants to be reminded of themselves, despite how glaring they may appear. Reminding someone of their flaws, is equivalent to blatantly pointing your finger at them with malicious intent, and that's not nice. Flaws are flaws, we all have them, so stop judging, as you stand to be judged.

Old Thoughts

Where are you now? Can you answer that question? Because if you're the same person at 50 as you were at 20, you've just wasted 30 years of your life, period. We've all been down that road, running into people we haven't seen in years, and they still sound the same, and you're like, " they haven't changed one bit", and that's not good. Its like traveling through a time zone, visiting a place in time you never wanted to see again.

Whole Thoughts

Inner peace should not be generated, or dependent on another individual, even if its your spouse, significant other, friends, family members etc. Only (you) can generate your own inner peace that keeps you whole and complete. Allowing someone to dictate and control your mental state of mind, eliminates any control you thought you possibly had over yourself.

Returned Thoughts

Not all blessings are meant to be shared, as we are all given are own individual private blessings. Now with that being said, its also equally important to be a blessing to those that have blessed you, despite the benefits of those blessings you received, (courtesy) of that person that blessed you.

Precious Thoughts

Life is so precious, that if you could turn back the hands of time, to change the fate of your current place in life, you would. Life is so precious, that if you allow your baggage to trickle off into your children, it could impact and stunt the growth of your children, well into adulthood. Life is so precious, that the impact of your tongue can impact the way you are perceived. Life is so precious, that one wrong decision can impact your longevity in life.

Intense Thoughts

Perseverance is the game of life, as it takes us through every possible avenue, every nick and cranny, leaving nothing for the imagination no matter the severity of our suffering. In fact, our perseverance in life dictates our longevity in life, as we must learn from those experiences, understanding that those experiences, can become a platform for the counseling of those in need guidance and understanding on life. It's for (that) reason God created you in his own image. And don't you ever forget it.

Historic Thoughts

Why do so many people want to (hide) history? And why is it the ugly truth about history isn't taught in lower and higher level institutions? Its been said that we must remember history in order to prevent history from repeating itself. Well, if that's true, why isn't it being taught? The purity of history, reflects the nastiness of the present, with the powers that be, strategically hiding its character. You want proof? Look no further than the elected officials of the United States Senate. And until the United States decides to overhaul that entire committee, this country will wallow in misery until God decides to rid the world of its entire population.

Loving Thoughts

The most we'll ever be loved in life, is when we're born, and when we die, with everything in between being a crap shoot. Now that is not to say you're incapable of receiving the love you so long desire, because that would be inaccurate. But just know, that the love you so desire, will maximize itself after you're gone.

Wrongful Thoughts

Just because a person doesn't conform or agree with the things you say, doesn't mean that person does not love you, nor does it mean they don't care about you. It just means they have an alternative vision on life than you do. Far to often relationships, friends, and even family members, disconnect from each other, all for the wrong reasons on life. If a person does not agree with you, don't undermine them by insulting there intelligence. If a person does not agree with you, don't attempt to manipulate them through fabricated stories or lies. Simply accept them for who they are, and understand our existence is determined by God, not by (you).

Derailing Thoughts

Have you ever met a person that had absolutely no ambitions, yet will try and tell you how to live your life? Chances are you probably have, as many of you probably even fell prey to people with negative ambitions on life. Such people will inject enough negativity into your bloodstream, it will literally kill anything you thought you had going for yourself. Its at that point you will find yourself later in life, wondering how did you allow your hopes and dreams to drift away from you? If you think back, you can trace it back to those negative injections you received in the prime of your life. (Derailing advice).

Stunted Thoughts

Have you ever come across a person that's always referencing on the past? They can never have a conversation without always resurrecting negativity nobody wants to hear, into the conversation. If indeed you come across a person that does this, those are people that are completely (stuck). They have a inability(mentally) to grow, move forward, and release themselves from the past. Its those same people that will train and condition there own children into adopting those same concepts on life. So if a person is willing to unconsciously/consciously, inject that concept into the blood stream of there own children, you don't stand a chance in holding down a constructive conversation with them.

Futuristic Thoughts

You probably couldn't fathom the thought of being where you are now in life. You definitely couldn't envision the struggles you've involuntarily incurred during that same time frame. Now with that being said, where are you presently in your life (mentally).

Opportune Thoughts

Have you ever search for something so long in life, to the point you decided it just wasn't meant for you to have, only to have it fall directly into your lap? It probably didn't even feel real in the beginning, especially knowing how long you've waited to get to this point. But then you took a step back, reflecting on your long journey through life, and here it is, exactly the way you wanted it. Now you have a choice to make, do you accept it? Or do you walk away from it, knowing that opportunity may never cross your path again in life. Lesson learned, (its some things in life that only roll around once), its up to you what you do with it. But remember, (it only rolls around once).

Grounding Thoughts

It doesn't matter how grounded you are in life, life itself will change you. It doesn't matter how financially secure you are in life, life will change you. It doesn't matter the number of people you've helped in life, life will change you. It doesn't matter the crimes you've committed in life, life will change you. It doesn't matter the number of people you've hurt, life will change you. Life has a way of grounding the strongest of individuals, humbling them, and reducing them down to the point our voices become mute. So don't think for one moment that it can't happen to you, because it can. Stay humbled, and don't take life for granted, but have as much fun as you possibly can along the way, you owe it to yourself.

Significant Thoughts

Have you ever came across a person that's always talking about faith, elaborating on the strength of there faith? Yet in times of trouble, when things start truly falling apart, you see no signs of faith. What good is it to say you have faith, when you don't do anything to show you have faith? (James) Chapter 2 verse 14. The proof is in the pudding, its that simple.

Compatible Thoughts

Companionship can be a very sensitive area when it comes to happiness. If you like what you like, why would you concern yourself with what others think? You only have one life to live, and its yours to do whatever you choose to do with it, whether good or bad. Good companionship should not be based on what a person can do for you, financial status, or physical presence. If you can't love a person for who they are, you'll never find happiness in your life.

Rekindled Thoughts

Some of the most hurtful things in life, aren't the people that currently exist present, or even in your past life. its the people that no longer exist in life period, that brings the most pain. You know those people, the ones that made the biggest impact in your life that no other person could ever bring. The feeling you can no longer resurrect in your life no matter the love you receive from current people in your life. Its the type pain that lies dormant, until certain reminders rekindle those fond memories of that person. Its those type memories that will place you in a temporary coma, suspending you from your surroundings in order to appreciate the love you miss.

Wise Thoughts

We've all made bad choices in life, some worse than others. We've also had dear friends whom have made bad choices as well, with some being very severe and hurtful. So with that being said, why do we (mentally) throw away those that suffered through poor decisions in life? If you believe in the power of prayer, you would know that prayer changes things, changing lives and performing miracles. Why not pray for them? You may not know it, but it's a plethora of things that favored you in your life, stemming from the prayers of others thinking about you and your welfare, why not return that favor?

Appreciative Thoughts

Have you ever noticed how some people will wake up in the morning, complaining about life? Some will even carry yesterday's trash into present day, persistent that they aren't having a good day? How can a person say they aren't having a good day, and was granted the privilege by God to wake up? Understand this, it is not a foregone conclusion you will see the next day, as you should never take the value of life itself for granted.

Fabricated Thoughts

Why do some people feel its a written rule on how we should live our lives? Life has no set blueprint on how we should live our lives, nor can anyone dictate or judge us on how we should live our lives. No human life form can control our destination to the after life, nor can they predict it. We're all only here for a short period of time, whether that be death after birth, death after 100 years, or anything in between. We're all only here for a temporary period of time, so you might as well enjoy it while you can, and (stop) trying to live according to man's fabricated standards, and live life to the fullest.

Sedated Thoughts

Missed opportunities are just what they are, missed opportunities. But don't kid yourself, thinking that missed opportunities doesn't carry value, because they do. Why? Because life itself carries a limit to the opportunities it provides. Stop walking around thinking life will regenerate itself, giving you better opportunities than those you missed, that's not true. Sometimes life will present you with (one) offer, putting you in a temporary sedated place that leaves you speechless. Once you decided to turn down that offer, it's only then that you discover you lost out on life's golden opportunities. Lesson learned, life is about chances, sometimes you win even when you lose, but you won't know it until you take that chance.

Brief Thoughts

If you sit back and think about where you were 20 years ago, you can see that the time you have left is limited. We're only here for a brief period of time, and then we're gone, as if we never existed. Don't waste the rest of the existing time you have left, holding grudges, because the very same person you're holding a grudge against, can very well be the exact same person standing over you, viewing you in a casket.

Likely Thoughts

Sometimes we experience unexpected suffering we have no control over, nor can be provoked. But its (accountability), that prevents us from accepting responsibility for our own actions, not recognizing the suffering we inflicted upon ourselves. Its (that) lack of accountability, that increases the likelihood of continuous suffering to silently enter your life.

Compact Thoughts

If you're confident in yourself, don't allow anyone to place you in a box. If you (lack) confidence in yourself, don't allow anyone to place you in a box. Far to often someone will place you in a box, based on how (they) view you. Why should you care?

Eroding Thoughts

We're only granted so many opportunities in life, why waste it? If you have an opportunity to accomplish something you've never done, or finish something you started, don't let it sit idle and erode away into nothing. Stop wasting energy on something (you know) isn't going anywhere, and exercise that energy, finishing what you started.

Opposing Thoughts

Some people find it difficult to accept what they see in the mirror, refusing to be honest with themselves and accept reality. Many would opt to live a lie, pretending to be something they aren't despite the reflection in the mirror. Now ask yourself this, "at what point in your life did you look yourself in the mirror and accept the image you've projected"?

Impartial Thoughts

Why is it that anger is rarely ever a topic of discussion in the United States? Why isn't anger even addressed? We have people that are literally walking around angry for no reason. If you're one of those individuals that would allow the actions of others to dictate your emotions, you are spiritually in the wrong place with your life. Each and every time you allow someone to make you angry, is indicative of a person that exhibits lack of self control within themselves.

Mystified Thoughts

Have you ever wondered how information about your life (mysteriously) leak out to the wrong people? Jealousy and hatred are almost always the foundation for unnecessary leaks. Problem is, often times these leaks can sometimes take years to circulate back to its original owner. And by that time, so much damage has been done, until the person that originally created the leak, becomes a chameleon and unrecognizable to the naked eye.

No Thoughts

When comfort avoids you, where does your mind take you for peace and comfort? Religion often times can be stale, leaving you lost. Music isn't the answer, as it can often times become demonic, hitting you exactly where it hurts, making matters even worse. Friends and family aren't any help, as they tend to mostly talk about themselves or become to preachy. Crying tends to zap the remaining energy you have left inside of you. So where do you go? Millions and millions of people are walking around with lost souls, working side by side with you, walking past you in stores, or even catering to you in disguise in the form of a nurse. It could be anyone you see on a daily basis, only you have no clue to whom that person is, including yourself?

Peculiar Thoughts

It's a plethora of things in life we simply cannot get away from no matter the circumstances. On the other hand, it's a plethora of things we (can) get away from, but only if we opt to do so. You should never allow yourself to be compromised at the expense of someone else's agenda.

Defeated Thoughts

Why are so many people scared to fail in life? Failure is not designed to lower your value in life, nor is it designed to embarrass you. Failure is strategically designed for us to educate ourselves on life and learn. Feeling embarrassed to fail in life is arrogant and selfish, because in order to succeed, you must fail.

Fatal Thoughts

It's funny how some people will write you off after one fatal mistake in life, yet will seek forgiveness each and every opportunity God allows. How does that work? What would our lives become had we not been allowed to make a mistake?

Wondering Thoughts

It would be nice if we could all live a luxurious lifestyle, filled with comfort and relaxation. Unfortunately that's just not the way life works. If Jesus Christ lived a luxurious lifestyle, where would we be today? How could he have become the teacher he became?

Keen Thoughts

Great insight is something we all have as human beings. It's a natural gift we were all born with at birth, but it doesn't mean our insight is equal. Meaning, some people were gifted with (keen) insight, allowing them to see much further than you. So on that note, if you come across someone that has great insight on situations you feel you can match, humble yourself, listen, take a step back, and know that's it's always someone greater than you.

Smart Thoughts

If you know what you know, and you have facts to back up what you know, why would you debate with someone that doesn't know? Debating with someone that doesn't know, is basically arguing with ignorance, and that's not being smart. You can't change, redirect, or reason with ignorance, therefore you must leave it as you found it, move forward and don't look back.

Unrealistic Thoughts

What if society operated off potential, as opposed to what you can actually do? Where would the world be today? Marinate on that for a moment. Because if we had to take an educated guess, 90% of the human race, never live up to there full potential, and that's probably being modest. Yet modern day relationships, continue to fail miserably, for the exact same reason 90% of society continues to do on a daily basis. So to put this in laymen's term, take your foot off the gas and look in the mirror at yourself, before you start holding someone to unimaginable expectations that can't be met.

Peculiar Thoughts

It doesn't matter how long you've had relations with your companion, you (don't) know them the way you think you know them. It doesn't matter the things you've shared with them, or the tears you've shed, or the finances you've invested. You still do not know that person the way you (think) you do(life is not set up that way). In fact, if you actually knew that person the way you thought you knew them, you never would have gotten involved with them in the first place, it's that simple.

Open Thoughts

Ignorance is something we were all born with, it's unavoidable because we're human. However, knowledge can be gained by having a willingness to receive knowledge, but (only) with an open mindset. So if someone extends themselves to you in trying to give you knowledge, be a willing recipient despite your inner (controlled) viewpoint. And remember, no 2 people think alike.

Tempting Thoughts

Love is (the) most beautiful feeling anyone can experience in life. Through pain, many tend to feel love isn't as important as it once was before the pain was inflicted upon them. But the truth is, love is always important no matter the degree of pain you've experienced throughout your life time. Why? Because just as love hurts, love heals, plain and simple.

Pocket Thoughts

We've all gone through those pockets in life that brought us hardship, shame, etc. We've also had those moments in life we needed counseling, yet we opted to just deal with it and move forward. Yes, life itself can take us down that road of no return, but it can also rehabilitate us as well, (if we allow it).

Timely Thoughts

Time can be used in a plethora of ways, taking you places you never thought you would go. Time can also be hurtful, revealing hidden secrets within ones own self nobody would ever know about you. We must learn and understand how to use time wisely, and know that time is not our friend, but can be a benefit if used wisely.

Opinionated Thoughts

Why does a person character have to come into question based on an opinion? If a person has a difference of opinion than you, that's exactly what it is, a difference of opinion. Stop judging and becoming angry with a person just because they don't agree with you, that's life. Always remember, your thoughts and opinions are the template for all to follow, so stop acting like you carry the blueprint on life.

Private Thoughts

If someone blesses you with something, why do you feel compelled to share it? Not that you're trying to brag, but it can come off as bragging, especially to certain individuals that are secretly jealous of you. It's not a necessity to share your blessings with anyone, nor is it a criteria. Your life is your life, and nobody can live your life better than you. God did not give you those blessings, but he placed you in a position in life to receive those blessings, so obviously you've done something in your life correctly to receive those blessings.