Human Thoughts

Any and everything man has touched, has become tainted, filled with deception and falsifications. So nothing under the sun is pure, including the holy bible, believe that. Christianity is as tainted as high fructose corn syrup, littered with the fingerprints of man's stamp of approval. Nobody is doubting the existence of Jesus Christ, but lets be honest, many things were strategically left out of the bible in order to keep us honest. This is also not to say the bible isn't true to its word, but if it were written in its purest form under the old testament, why would it have to be rewritten? We're talking about 2000 year old documents that were written by scribes, and with the exchanging of hands over the years, God only knows how much information was edited out and added to those documents. But what we do know, is that the bible of today, has been used for nothing more than a tool to judge people.


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