Careful Thoughts

The topic of abortion is one of the most sensitive topics in the United States. Its a topic that lends itself to wonder, how can a man decide what a woman should and shouldn't do with her body? Who died and gave man that right? On the other hand, giving birth to a child is the closest thing to death each and every time a woman gives birth to a child. Giving birth to a child is something man has taken for granted and never talked about. Did you know that the average man has absolutely no clue about the physics of a woman's body? Are you also aware that a woman is three times likely to die from giving birth to a child in the United States? Are you also aware that 830 women die per year from giving birth to a child? Perhaps women should start reminding men of these statistics the next time they ask a woman to give them a child, lets see how sensitive they are to the health of a woman then.


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