
Showing posts from 2024

Risky Thoughts

  It's nothing wrong with taking chances in life in trying to create your own happiness. And by the way, if it didn't work, that doesn't make you a failure, it simply means it wasn't meant for you at that moment in time.

Respectful Thoughts

  It is not healthy to allow the death of someone you once loved, pain linger in your spirit, nor is it pleasing to God. It sends a message to God that he made a mistake, and as we all know, God never make mistakes. It's disrespectful in a sense, because it's as if your questioning his decision. Mourning is suppose to be brief as the Lord instructed, yet some people will allow death to linger on for years. We must rejoice and move forward with the understanding that life moves forward, not backwards.

Second Thoughts

  We all have options in life, more than even you realize. However, as you get older those options are "dramatically" reduced with each passing year. So for those that feel they still have as many options now as they had during those prime years, think again. Because if you had the options as you thought you had, why are those options still available if those same options remain in tact?

Intuitive Thoughts

  Inventions are extraordinarily phenomenal and ingenious for those that have the abilities of creating something that benefits all of mankind. And for that, rewarding them with a patent is the ultimate compliment. That being said, what if it were possible to receive a patent for creating something beyond that of physical use that would benefit society as we see it? For example, what if you could receive a patent for curing racism, the birthmark of the United States?

Faded Thoughts

  If physical appearance is the main objective for getting involved with a person, what happens when those physical attributes fade? Because you have to know, it doesn't take long to fade after so long, then what? On to the next person? Beauty will only take you so far in life before is self destructs at some point. Don't fall victim to the outer cover of a book.

Poor Thoughts

  We have people in life that are complete failures because of poor parenting. In other words, some people were set up to fail from birth, no question about it. And this is one of the many reasons the Lord tells us not to judge, because you have no idea what led to a person becoming a complete failure.

Future Thoughts

  If you are wondering what your life will feel and look like in the future, God has already revealed it to you. It's been revealed to you numerous times over but your eyes have been closed. He's been giving you warning signs for years yet you still keep ignoring it. You've had numerous times to make those corrections but you ignored it out of ignorance. Don't look for sympathy once your ignorance catches up to you.

Peaceful Thoughts

  If you aren't willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of peace, you'll never have peace.

Other Thoughts

  It's impossible to live a sin free lifestyle, yet some people will attempt to live life a certain way, believing that God will reward them for living an exceptional way of life. Do you honestly believe that, seriously? Understand, even in the midst of your wrong, God can see the light that shines inside of you, blessing you when others have given up on you and judged you. Meanwhile those that lie to themselves, not only deprive themselves of the joy that life brings, they suffer even more by ignoring God's whispers. So while in your mind you think your gaining, your losing in the end.

If Thoughts

  Life is about what if's? So let's have one of those moments. What if God pushed you for looking back? What if he punished you in the worst way possible for defying is wishes? What if God's punishment for looking back was to turn you into a pillar of salt? As you ponder those thoughts, can you now see how easy you have it in life? Your darkest moment in life pales in comparison to events that took place during biblical times.

Big Thoughts

Sometimes life has a way of revealing the truth within ones self, you just have to take a step back and look at the big picture. For example, sometimes the worse decisions turn out to be the best decisions, because the outcome of that poor decision molded you into the person you are today. Had you not made that decision, where would you be today?  

Revealed Thoughts

  If you didn't know then you should know now, no excuses. Stop walking around with your eyes closed and focus, it's staring you right in the face. Remove those blinders and allow God to reveal what you've been seeking.

Gray Thoughts

  Have you ever had your subconscious mind provide you with the answers you were seeking, only to ignore it because you second guessed yourself? That subconscious was the Lord speaking to you, reminding you that he's with you all the time. Problem is, he's acknowledging you more than your acknowledging him, and that's a shame.

No Thoughts

  Sometimes in life it's not your choice to make even when you have the option to make the choice.

Bad Thoughts

  Word to the wise, if you experiment with something that's beneficial to your inner soul, don't overthink the situation and terminate it because in your mind you think you can do better. If you've figuratively calculated in your mind you can do better, you just sold yourself a lie. And for those that have already executed that lie, your no better off now than you were 5 years ago, with nothing entering your life even remotely close to what you removed from your life.

Unanswered Thoughts

  Throughout our journey in life we sometimes stumble on situation seeking answers that go unanswered. And because they go unanswered we continue to seek those answers passively. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps the answers you seek were already answered? The reason you didn't see it is because you didn't receive it.

Humble Thoughts

  In case you haven't noticed, many people have forgotten how to talk to each other? Words are unfiltered, insensitivity is at an all time high, and they've become very unremorseful. And to top things off, those exact same people that carry around those characteristics are the exact same people that are as sensitive as a crying newborn baby. You can dish it out but you can't take it in return, which is why many are incapable of sustaining relationships, many are incarcerated, and many are incapable of handling the truth when face with it. So here we are.

Peculiar Thoughts

If you knew evil awaited you tomorrow what would you do today? Preventative maintenance? Lets look at this from another perspective, some of the bad things that's happened to you you knew it was coming before it arrived. Not many people will openly admit that. Now admit it, you knew it didn't you?

Life Thoughts

 Self love is the best kind of love you could ever have, without it life carries no purpose.

Lovely Thoughts

  Do you know yourself? Do you know yourself the way you think you do? If you truly want to know who you are, write 2 letters to yourself. In the first letter, write yourself a letter talking about life and your thoughts on life. In the second letter, write yourself a love letter as you would to someone else, only it's written to you. After you've written those letters, go back and read back over those letters and think about your thoughts.

Contempt spirits

  Upon expressing your displeasure of a person behavior, how does it get to the point of hatred? Hatred is an extremely strong term to use in describing your feelings for someone, even if that person took the life of someone you loved. Is hatred going to reverse what's already happened? Is retaliation going to reverse what's already happened? You see where this is going? So you see, despite the sting that's been injected into your heart, having contempt for a person doesn't dissolve the problem. Hatred can be venomous to the inner spirit.

No Thoughts

  If knowledge is something you do not desire, don't knock those that want it. Far to often it's the people that lack desire for knowledge, always seem to be the person that's doing all the talking. You can't receive it if your the one doing all the talking.

Dumb Thoughts

  People that are incapable of gaining knowledge through there own ignorance, seemingly always fail to see the paper trail leading back to themselves. They'll even distance themselves from you because you probably informed them of something they could have avoided.

Mistakened Thoughts

  It's nothing wrong with making mistakes, we all make them. However, although we can't reverse those mistakes, we can correct certain mistakes by first admitting to yourself a mistake was made, and tell the person you made the mistake with, that you made a mistake. It doesn't make you any less of a person for admitting wrong. And it's nothing wrong with eating that humble pie(swallowing your pride) to make things right.

Problematic Thoughts

  Why do some people seem to feel life has a template for all to follow? If you truly believe that, your a very shallow minded person. If life were that simplified, handling our problems would be a piece of cake. Fortunately for us, that's not the way life is designed thank God. The lense that you view life is for your eyes only, not for all to follow. In order for you to understand life and keep an open mind, you must view life through the lense of others and not lean onto your own understanding. If you are indeed incapable of doing as such, the life you live is in a very small box. Impartiality is an absolute must in order to navigate yourself through life.

Consequential Thoughts

 It's a difference between forgiving and forgiving? If your going to forgive a person you must forgive them from the bottom of your heart without contempt in your heart. You see, some people will say they've forgiven, but in actuality they haven't deep down inside. When you've forgiven a person your actions will exhibit as such, it's just unfortunate that's not always the case. If you've forgiven a person and even went as far as to tell that person you've forgiven them, you must do as such with a clean heart. But if your actions say otherwise, it's consequences and repercussions from the lord that you have to deal with. In other words, you can't double back on your forgiveness once you've uttered those words to that person. 

Invisible Thoughts

  Do you know what today's date is? Today's date is not what you were taught it to be, it's the date that's actually seen. Your already older than your actual age, which means your actual age is not your actual projected age. Your aging faster than you think, only it's not visible to the naked eye.

His Thoughts

  Prayer changes things, more than you'll ever know. Do not be afraid to rely on prayer, nor should you be ashamed. Yes it may sound boring and old fashioned, but it's the one thing that has stood the test of time for over 2000 years.

Bright Thoughts

  Sometimes the sun doesn't appear to be shining in the midst of our struggles, as some days tend to be cloudy. But you should always remember, the sun is always shining in the midst of our struggles, even when it's cloudy. The sun never stops shining, remember that.

No Thoughts

  If you run out of things to say, don't say anything at all. If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything at all. If the only thing you have to talk about is yourself, don't say anything at all. If the only thing you can speak about is something negative, don't say anything at all. If the only thing you can do is complain, don't say anything at all. If talking about the lord is an issue with you, don't say anything at all. (if any or all of the above decribes you, apply it to yourself, and you'll probably come away being a hermit).

Peculiar Thoughts

  Keep God in the middle of everything you do in life and you will always be successful. Far to often people forget and they'll try and resolve their daily battles without due process. It's not your fight to fight, always remember that.

Timely Thoughts

  If your dealing with something, pray over it and move forward with your life. Do not sit around waiting on those prayers to be answered, because they will be answered, but only when it's time for them to be answered, not on your time. Keep the faith.

Accepted Thoughts

 You must be very careful and selective with accepting apologies. God says we must forgive, and that's fine, but be very mindful of apologies in the way they are given. For example, if a person says something offensive or embarrassing to you in front of people, (do not accept an apology in private), that's being a coward. The same energy they used in public to humiliate you in front of friends and family or co workers, use that exact same energy and apologize to you in front of those same people, otherwise that apology isn't acceptable. 

Wrong Thoughts

 It's perfectly fine to accept compliments, however, don't let it go to your head, because those same compliments can turn into something you least desire. Compliments can be a prerequisite into being judged.

Discarded Thoughts

 Are you aware that it's a passive aggressive way of bullying? Many people "unconsciously" do it without even knowing it. For example, if you inform a person of something that displeases you, and they (blatantly) disregard your desires despite your displeasure, that is a classic form of passive aggressiveness at it's best. And whether you know it or not, they are basically telling you they do not respect you without even saying it. A person can also bully you through anger, unconsciously/consciously using it as a control mechanism in order to provoke you into conforming to their desires. Another form of bullying can be used through instilling fear into a person through manipulation, using them ONLY at their convenience and discard them later when they are no longer needed. 

Perished Thoughts

 Longevity in a relationship depends on the love you have for a person. Things are not going to be perfect, nor will it go without aggravation and frustrations, it comes with the territory. Relationships have zero tolerance for selfishness centered on personal agendas. Turn your attention and focus on the great things about that person during those dark moments that create tension in relationships, while remaining positive. Maintaining and salvaging relationships requires keeping God in the middle of everything whether bad or good. Do that and you will live peacefully for the rest of your life. 

Selfish Thoughts

 Have you ever had someone to totally ignore you, pretending as if you don't even exist? That same person that ignored you will suddenly reach out to you when they need you, but ONLY when it's convenient for them. Amazing isn't it? Life is funny like that.

Intriguing Thoughts

 Your not as smart as you think you are when it comes to relationships, especially women. Yes, sometimes things can become a big frustrating at times, but that's the way relationships work. It's not designed to roll smoothly, it's not designed to always roll in your favor, it's not designed to satisfy your every need, and it's not designed to conform to all the issues you desire to be the way YOU want them to be. Relationships are tricky like that, however, once you accept that life is not about YOU and you can accept that person for who they are, you've reached the top of the mountain. 

Emotional Thoughts

 If someone says something that hurts or digs deep into your spirit, always forgive them immediately. Don't hold grudges and allow hatred to enter into your spirit, simply forgive them and move forward. Because if you allow the words that people speak to dictate your inner emotions, you've allowed them to enter your inner spirit and control them, and that's giving them power. Forgiveness is always the key ingredient to moving forward in life. 

Selfish Thoughts

 Why do you always have to make it about you? Through close observation, often times in conversations most people will flip the topic and make it about themselves, redirecting the entire conversation. That is very selfish. Stop talking about yourself and allow someone else to have the spotlight besides you.

Thinking Thoughts

 It appears that less and less people are using logic as a way of navigating themselves through life, why? Logic requires consistent use of the brain that allows you to configure your brain cells. So why not use them? Through close observation, many people develop brain fatigue when called upon to use those brain cells. Perhaps you should be careful with the things you eat, as some food are laced with ingredients designed to dull your brain cells. Lack of exercise can also cause brain fatigue. Failure to use logic is not a death sentence, but it sure can make your life very difficult in the long run. 

Seeded Thoughts

  It comes a time in life when you have to take a step back, hit the reset button and rethink decisions you "thought" were sound decisions. And please, no need to be embarrassed, because it's no indictment against you to reverse a previously made decision. But what can be embarrassing, is to not reverse that decision, opting to stand firm on an otherwise bad decision. The Lord says, "show me a man with pride and I'll show you a fool". (Proverbs 12:15).

Correct Thoughts

  Not everything in life involving yourself is your decision to make. Just because it's your life, it doesn't mean it's your decision. It comes a time when some decisions are for others to make, because your decision is not always the right decision.

Cleared Thoughts

 Have you ever sat back and thought about people you should remove from your life? It's a plethora of people dangling in your life you probably should have removed eons ago. Perhaps you should give it some thought and begin hitting the reset button in creating space in your life. It would be like clearing unnecessary data from your cellphone. You'll be surprised at the amount of space created. 

Stunted Thoughts

 If you've already prayed about it, the Lord has made the decision for you. So why are you interfering with his work? If your prayers weren't answered, chances are it's because you sabotaged your own prayers.

Sensible Thoughts

 Why would you debate with someone you already know lacks knowledge? Arguing with ignorance is like beating a dead horse, you can't win. The best way to combat ignorance is to simply walk away peacefully. 

Settled Thoughts

 Can you see the paper trail? Most times in life the paper trail leads right back to you. Problem is, you can't see it because your eyes are to focused on things of insignificance. Your problems in life reside within you. 

Visible Thoughts

 Remember all the profits you read about in the bible? They spoke on many things that came into existence. Why do people seem to think profits died after they died? Are you aware they were as human as we are? In other words, true profits didn't die off just because they passed on during the times Jesus walked this earth.  Profits still exist in today's time, with some being as powerful as those during biblical times. One may ask, "why aren't they as visible now as they were then"? Who said they were noticed even back then? The same hand full of people that noticed them back then, are the same hand full that noticed them in present day. Just because they aren't visible to you, doesn't mean they don't exist. If you truly studied the word of God and knew him, they would become visible to you on a daily basis. (Marinate on that). 

Some Thoughts

 Are you aware that lying has become the new norm? Some people will lie for attention, some will lie to gain favor, some will lie because they think it's cute. Some will lie because it's difficult to navigate through life otherwise. Some will also allow themselves to be pressured into lying through peer pressure. Some will even lie because they are incapable of accepting the person they see in the mirror. It's also been situations of people lying because they don't want there true identity revealed. So here we are, a person with no identity. 

Great Thoughts

 Do you view yourself as beautiful? Not everybody view themselves as being beautiful upon looking in the mirror. Many have low self esteem, whether that stemming from childhood into adulthood, or developed well into adulthood. And if this indeed applies to you, ask yourself this, why do you not view yourself as being beautiful? What are you basing that criteria on? Do you base it on how you view others? Do you base it on things others have said about you? Or do you base it on the lack of attention you desire to receive? People will see you the way you see yourself, so if your meandering around with low self esteem, trust and believe others can see it as well. Loving yourself is all that matters, nothing more. The views of others is pointless.

His Thoughts

 You must always remember, just because your nice to a person, doesn't mean that person will be nice to you. And just because that person isn't nice to you, doesn't mean you have to lower your standards and give them the same treatment in return. Lowering your standards to match ignorance, undermines the person God created you to be. 

Corrupt Thoughts

 We're suppose to chastise our children in raising them. However, you must choose your words wisely and not abuse your authority upon correcting them. Because remember, you were once an adolescent as well, so don't forget where you came from. You must nuture your offspring accordingly along with learning the skills of speaking. It takes special skills and special talents in raising children. Not everybody is born with those skills as evident with the crime and corruptivity seen on a daily basis. 

Selfish Thoughts

  Why would you take the life of another human being? Despite the circumstances surrounding your reasoning, is it going to make your life whole again? Is it going to restore what was taken from you? If you felt in your mind it was worth it, what does that make you? The bible says "thou shall not kill". Are you even aware that Jesus did not permit killings? Perhaps that means nothing to you because your leaning onto your own understanding. Didn't Jesus say " Lean not onto your own understanding"? If these words fall on deaf ears, your soul is totally lost.

Guided Thoughts

 The best is yet to come, but you aren't able to receive it because you can't get out of your own way. Stop blocking your blessings. 

Calm Thoughts

  Sometimes in life it's the smallest things that dig into your spirit, causing you to go out of character and say things you wouldn't ordinarily say, or do things you wouldn't ordinarily do. It's at that moment you have to take a step back, take a deep breath, relax, say a small prayer, and remind yourself that ignorance isn't worth your energy.                    

Body Thoughts

 You should never allow someone to dictate the way you see yourself. Speak positive things about yourself and your body will respond to it. Why? Because your body doesn't know the difference one way or the other. You are what you speak, remember that. You can actually cast a spell on your body by speaking positivity of yourself. So if you're not changing the things within yourself, you're also choosing unconsciously. 

Corrective Thoughts

 If someone corrects you in your wrong, don't feel embarrassed, your human. Feeling embarrassed for being wrong is arrogant, and that's displeasing to God, because nobody is perfect. So if someone corrects you in the midst of a conversation, do not elevate your voice to be heard. Elevating your voice does not translate your words into correctness, it makes you a fool.

Resourceful Thoughts

 In life we encounter a plethora of wars we simply cannot win regardless of the resources we have at our disposal. And that's fair, because life is not designed for us to win every war we're involved in. However, we must tackle the wars we can win, and learn from the wars we lost. But we must first learn how to lose in order to learn how to win. 

Glowing Thoughts

 Far to often people will concern themselves with things beyond their control, why? Why not simply rely on the gift that God gave you, "common sense"? When God is for you nobody can be against you. His light will shine on you regardless of the things said about you. His light will shine on you without you uttering one word. His light will shine on you in the eyes of others. Stay the course, remain silent, and always take the high road. 

Privileged Thoughts

 It's the small things that are the most impactful in our everyday lives we totally ignore. The things you take for granted are the things that will be removed, including life itself. We must learn to be grateful and understand that life is a privilege, not a right. 

Invalid Thoughts

 Some people believe in Jesus, some don't, that's a given. But for those that don't, have you ever tried him? Have you ever just sat back and taken the time to read about him. Oddly enough, many people that don't know him, have never taken the time to even read about him. So if you've never read about him, how can you dispute someone you know nothing about? That would be like saying you dislike a food you've never tried, how does that work? If you'd rather walk through life ignorant, that's on you, however, don't push your values on others based on your own ignorance. 

Healthy Thoughts

 For some people, it's amazing how unimportant the value of health is until you start staring at deaths door. You passed up on a plethora of opportunities to get yourself together, yet you ignored it because it wasn't important to you at that moment in time. But when the moment comes to meet your maker, everything changes. Why not fix it now before that time comes?

His Thoughts

  It doesn't take a genius to know that unconditional love is the formula to peace and happiness, it only takes common sense. On the other hand, if your incapable of seeing that, than perhaps you need to check in with Jesus Christ, learn him, and adopt his vision on life to understand.

Patterned Thoughts

 We've as people have experienced a plethora of setbacks and disappointments in life even though we've moved on without giving it a second thought. However, the one hurdle that always stands in our way without notice, is Lucifer. He's more powerful than you can ever imagine as he is the ultimate chameleon in our lives. He's never visible although he's always watching you and you don't even know it. His spirit is stronger than you'll ever be. His #1 target is our children, followed by an erray of people you see on a daily basis as his spirits lies within them, always watching you. Who are those people? You'll never know because Lucifer has blinded you from ever finding out. And it's probably someone you hold in high regards.

Sustained Thoughts

  The pressure is not on you to be great, nor does it have any impact on your longevity in life. So stop taking the most simplistic of things and turning it into Mt. Rushmore, because it's not that serious. Your job in life is simple, (stay alive and stay healthy), God gave you that much, it's just up to you to maintain it.

Reverse Thoughts

 Sometimes in relationships, decisions are made that you "thought" was the right decision, only to find out that you made the wrong decision. Can that decision be corrected? That depends on the individual. It's difficult to reverse a decision you made when you've pre programmed your brain into thinking one way. Humility is always your best option in reversing a costly decision. 

Chanced Thoughts

 What are you doing every chance you get? Chances are your probably pacifying yourself with one of your many addictions that soothes the soul. What about taking the time to get to know yourself? Now in saying that your probably thinking, "I know myself already". But do you? Whether you know it or not, you don't know yourself the way you "think" you do, because if you did, your outlook on life would be different. Stop using death as the reasoning for changing your outlook, that's an excuse. Do yourself a favor and do some soul searching, digging deeper into the person God created.

Savored Thoughts

  Some people tend to feel life is taken to serious, some people tend to feel life isn't taken serious enough. Either way, it can be deemed as subjective pending on the person being asked. That being said, cherishing the moment is what life is all about. "Cherishing"would be the better way of approaching life because it's the softer more feel good approach that doesn't require deep thought. It also gives you more of a visual on life that allows you to see the past and the present all at once, reminding you that time is of the essence.

Sound Thoughts

 It doesn't hurt to improvise your way through life. But in doing so, it requires patience, prayer, understanding and humility as your foundation. Life itself can present a plethora of unexpected challenges from one day to the next. Refusing to use those fundementals as your platform through life, lowers your ceiling to sustaining peace and happiness.

Yesterday's Thoughts

 If not today, tomorrow? If not tomorrow, when? At what point does the procrastination cease and you take care of business? You've been passively coasting along in life ignoring the inevitable as if it doesn't exist, yet life is passing you by. What's next for you as these years keep adding up? 

Tinted Thoughts

 Have you ever sat back and ask yourself, "are the friends you proclaim to be friends, truly your friend"? Many people are quick to embrace people they can benefit from, whether that be family or friends. However, if you truly want to know exactly where you stand with a person, (hold a mirror to them and observe the responses). You'll be surprised. And oh by the way, upon holding up that mirror, don't get so beside yourself that the same exact mirror can't be rotated around towards you to see your response. Sometimes in life you have to test the waters just to see where you stand on the totem pole with people you hold in high regards.  

Listening Thoughts

 If someone tells you something that you already know, do not remind them by referencing " I know" to them, that's arrogant. Exercising humility can be very difficult, even during the most simplistic of moments. Attentative listening can take you a long way in life.

Wondering Thoughts

 Whatever it is your looking for in life is looking for you, and everthing you ever wanted to be is sitting in front of you. Truth and honesty has taken a back seat to lies and deception. People cringe over the truth because they've denied the person they see in the mirror. That being the case, what is your purpose in life? Because without a purpose you have nothing. 

Skilled Thoughts

 Did you know that not everybody has good communication skills? Just because you can put together a complete sentence with a sound mind, it doesn't automatically qualify you as a skilled communicator regardless of your place in life. So if your one of those individuals that's skilled with communicating with people, do not become alarmed with those that do not possess that same gift. Some people have it, some people don't, it's just one of those things. 

Situational Thoughts

 Ignorance can be very difficult to ignore when it's unprovokedly forced upon you. However, it can be done by simply walking away in silence. Nobody can force you into something you opt not to engage in.

Useful Thoughts

 If the answer is always no, how can you enjoy life? What is the alternative and is it worth it? It comes a time in life when you have to ask yourself, how did you get to that point of using rejection as your sole foundation to life? Your probably saying to yourself, you know what the other side looks like based on previous experiences. Problem is, you can't use previous experiences as the foundation of the future, because every situation is different.

Learned Thoughts

 Once you discover a person doesn't know God, don't crucify them for it, simply pray for them. It's not easy getting acquainted with the lord, as it takes a lot of sacrifice and determination. So don't judge them based on your own learning curve, because you had to learn him as well. 

Perceived Thoughts

 When you looked yourself in the mirror, how did you envision yourself 10 years ago? When you looked yourself in the mirror, how did you envision yourself 20 years ago? When you look yourself in the mirror today, how do you envision yourself? If you happen to have some previous photos from years past, ask yourself those same questions upon viewing those pictures and see what you come up with? You'll be surprised at what you see.

Special Thoughts

 You've worked hard most of your life to finally find that place of peace, why would you allow someone to take that away from you? Once you've found that special place of peace, do not allow nothing or anyone come between you and that special place, it's not worth it. 

Stunted Thoughts

 If it is difficult for you to fall in love, why not try growing into love? Mental health is something that should be taken very serious, simply because it is those issues that creates mental interference. What is it that is preventing you from having the desire to fall in love? Something that's happened in your past correct? What is it that's preventing you from moving forward and loving all over again, the past? Exactly the point. Stunted growth.  

Hidden Thoughts

 It's not meant for you to be liked by everyone, that's not the way life works. It's always going to be someone lurking in the weeds that's jealous of you because they are insecure about themselves. You might be wondering, who exactly is that person that's jealous of you? The person that's jealous of you is staring you right in the face, but you can't see them because they are chameleons in your life. Now in your mind you may "think" you know who that person is, but in actuality you don't. Always remember, the answer always lies in your face inexplicably. 

Affordable Thoughts

 Open your eyes and show some understanding on life. Stop looking for things to fall in your lap. Stop seeking the easy way out. And stop thinking life owes you something. Sometimes in life conveniency comes with a price tag. Meaning, sometimes you have to put forth a little more effort and time in order to enjoy the fruits that life has to offer.

His Thoughts

 Are you the type of person that hold grudges? Not everyone holds grudges, however, for those that do, ask yourself why? It makes absolutely no sense to hold a grudge against anyone regardless of the circumstances surrounding those feelings. Why? Because whatever it was that happened to you to provoke those feelings in the first place, God allowed it to happen for a reason. Now in saying that, it doesn't mean you have to abruptly sit down and have dinner with that person. But what it does mean, is that you need to forgive and move forward with your life without prejudice. 

Placed Thoughts

 If you gave it your best and still failed, it doesn't mean your a failure, it simply means it wasn't meant to be. It's a myth that hard work pays off, that's simply not true, because it's people out here that put maximum effort in relationships, jobs etc, and still fail. Sometimes in life you have to play with the hand your dealt and find that place of peace while continuing to love yourself and love life. 

Intriguing Thoughts

 It's very difficult to convince a negative minded person into optimism. They've preconditioned themselves into thinking one way, therefore it's the only thing they know.  So much so they'll gravitate to anything associated with negativity. It tends to make you wonder, what and how does a person allow themselves to get to that place in life? Which raises the question, can a person protest to have faith in the lord and be a negative minded person? How can the two coexist? 

Profitable Thoughts

 Pushing the envelope can work for or against you, pending on the circumstances. If your trying to get to a certain place in life, pushing the envelope can be profitable. But if your one of those individuals that tends to procrastinate or be passive on your agendas, persistenly pushing the envelope on that end of the spectrum can work against you. 

Mysterious Thoughts

  Sometimes in life it's the smallest things in life that will stop you in your tracks and you unconsciously don't even recognize it. It can be something as subtle as a song that has a melody that throws you into a temporary coma. Or it could be someone you find vastly attractive that throws your thought pattern completely off. It can also be something someone said that was so profound, you thought about it for days after those words were spoken. It can even be a sexual experience that only this one person can give you each and every time you interact with them. Or perhaps it can be something as subtle as a touch that instantly sends you into ecstasy. Or it could be a person that has a certain look, a certain walk, a certain natural body scent that instantly grasp your attention. The mysteries of life that goes unexplained.

Certain Thoughts

 Do you know what's meant for you? Do you know what's for you? Chances are you don't know the answer to the first question, and you probably answered the second one correctly. If you knew what was meant for you, chances are your life would be different. You see, the things that were meant for you, are the very same things you take for granted and lack interest, which is why your in the postion your in today. 

Bitter Thoughts

 So many people desire to have love, but do not understand everything that comes with it. Because if you are under the mindset that love is painless, your sadly mistaken. You must take the bitter with the sweet and understand that love isn't perfect, it doesn't come with conditions, and it's designed to hurt. The pain you've felt from past love pales in comparison to the pain Jesus felt when he gave his life for all of us to live the life we live today. 

Delayed Thoughts

 Sometimes no means yes, and sometimes yes means no. If your confused on what to say, simply inform them you'll give it some thought. 

His Thoughts

 Have you ever went to the lord for questions about things you were going through? You were seeking answers correct? Well, if you know the lord as you say you do, why didn't you allow him to answer your questions? You see, most people that converse with the lord, are always the one doing all the talking, while never thinking to sit back and allow the lord to respond. Stop being selfish and allow the lord to talk. He's trying to talk to you, but your always doing all the talking after you make your request. You'll say what you have to say and roll over to sleep. And you wonder why your prayers weren't answered?

Lost Thoughts

  Have you ever been around a person that denies your company? If so, do not concern yourself with ignorant behavior, because at the end of the day it's there loss not yours. It's so many people that suffer in life from blatant ignorance, don't let that be you.

Evil Thoughts

 Unconditonal love can be very difficult to give, especially when your not receiving return value for your efforts. So if your looking for returned value for anything you do in life, obvious you don't know the lord. Many people seem to think you receive what you put into life, and that's simply not true. Because if that were true, many millionaires would not have become millionaires, evil people wouldn't live such long lives, good people wouldn't die so young, great people wouldn't become homeless, and good people wouldn't encounter such hard luck in life. If this message comes off a bit to deep for you, go read your bible, it's written in his word. 

Figurative Thoughts

 If you see someone constantly being patted on the back by people you've considered questionable in character, do not concern yourself with the person that's in question, concern yourself with the person being patted on the back. 

Inner Thoughts

 Losing your composure through disappointment only validates that you've lost your focus with the Lord. Loving the Lord doesn't mean you know him, because if you truly knew him it would reflect in your character. Chances are you've somehow lost your way in the midst of the storm and can't seem to find your way back. finding that inner peace starts with humility and focus.

Fools Thoughts

 Have you ever came across or been involved with a person that's quick to anger and hold a grudge? Do not concern yourself with people like that, simply ignore them. "Only fools get angry quickly and hold a grudge".(Ecclesiastes) Chapter 7 verse 9. You must allow a fool to be a fool and wallow in their own misery.

Worthless Thoughts

 If you don't like what you see in the mirror, how can you love someone else? If you don't like what you see in the mirror, what are you going to do about it? If you don't like what you see in the mirror, others will see you the exact same way. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Excuses are for weak minded people that don't want anything out of life. They are content with living a life of mediocirty. 

Mental Thoughts

 Always be mindful of the feelings of others, it's the right thing to do. Why? Because you cannot determine the mindset of the person your dealing with. For example, if a person tends to be overly aggressive towards you based on something that can be defined as adolescent at best, you could be dealing with a person that's dealing with depression. Such things cannot be determined until that person starts reacting abnormally. Mental illness is real, always keep that in mind at all times through your walk in life. 

Projected Thoughts

 If your not open to change, where do you go from here? Your trajectory in life has been lowered due to your constant inability to change, leaving you with a very low ceiling to work with. It's like minimizing your blessings in life. 

Failed Thoughts

 You don't have to be an expert on life to know forgiveness heals the soul. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else. And it all starts with loving the Lord, because when you love the Lord, everything else falls into place, but you have to know him to love him. 

Sparkling Thoughts

 What is it about looking up at the stars that brings us so much peace? Although we know what a star actually is, far away we see a sparkling image that's beautiful to the eyes and brings peace to the inner soul. It's the one place you wish you could go and live healthy forever, removing you away from all the drama and pitfalls that surrounds us on earth. They look oh so close yet are so far away. If only we could reach for the stars and live in eternity.

Personal Thoughts

 No cause for concern when things aren't favoring you during troubled times, it's just God's way of building strength within you for future problems in life. 

Prayerful Thoughts

 The reason your prayers weren't answered is because you keep getting in the way. Stop trying to do his work for him, you'll only make matters worse in doing so. 

Displeasing Thoughts

  Just think, you survived Covid-19 and lived to tell about it. Don't ever forget those that were with you during those rough times. And especially show your appreciation. Lack of appreciation exhibits poor character, as that is displeasing to the Lord.