
Showing posts from 2025

Silent Thoughts

  Group conversations can be very educational, but not in a sense from the topic itself. It's the people engaged in the conversation that teaches you something you overlooked from all the years you knew that person. The less you talk the more you learn. You'll be shocked at what is revealed about a person by remaining silent, focusing only on the inner spirit that person generates.

Perished Thoughts

  It's mind boggling how many people would prefer to remain ignorant over educating themselves. Refusing to receive knowledge is very harmful to your overall way through life. It doesn't take a genius to know that wisdom breeds success in life. When the Lord says you will perish from lack of knowledge, that's exactly what he meant.

Lord Thoughts

  Christianity has been tainted for over 2000 years despite our commitment to our perspective religions. Many people love the Lord yet are unwilling to obey his commands, go figure. We're now living in a world defined by the size of your bank account, size of your house, complexion of your skin, size of your waistline, and the whiteness of your teeth. where are we going with this? Does anyone even talk about the Lord anymore?

Adolescent Thoughts

  If your one of those people that hate children, remember this, you were a child once. Children are the pipeline to our future, and those same children may be the very ones that end up taking care of you one day.

Sane Thoughts

  We're all born in ignorance, however, do not allow ignorance to be the foundation that defines your character. Embrace knowledge and understand that your survival in life depends on it.

Loving Thoughts

  If you don't love yourself enough to take care of yourself, how can you expect others to love you? Self love is the best kind of love anyone can have, without it life is pointless.

Different Thoughts

  If you hadn't already, one day your going to wakeup an wish you had chosen a different path in certain areas of your life. Once you've done that, your perspective on life will change instantly. Relying on prayer for every moment of your life will always keep the light shinning, even in your darkest moments. It's at that point you'll realize you should have done some thing differently with your life.

Wrong Thoughts

  It's almost baffling how some people can conveniently create a plethora of excuses to benefit themselves. And yet when it comes to being creative to things that carry substance, that creativity is thrown completely out the window. Why is that? Why is it so hard to be creative when it counts the most? Does everything always have to be about you?

Motionless Thoughts

  If you know it’s coming, why do you allow yourself to be engulfed in it? There are too many things in life that you can avoid, but you’d rather remain stationary. Sure, there are some things in life that will mentally paralyze you for a brief moment in time, but you can’t allow your brain to be suspended on life.

Unspoken Thoughts

If someone is offended by something you said, exercise humility and apologize. It's not your decision to decide on the validity of the words being spoken. that decision lies only to the recipient of your words.

Forgotten Thoughts

  If you aren't willing to put your best foot forward in a relationship, stop expecting the same in return. And oh by the way, if you have high standards for yourself and still failing to sustain a relationship, obviously you've priced yourself off the market to the point you aren't marketable. It's at that point your nothing more than an attractive picture not worthy of hanging on anyone's wall.

Calculated Thoughts

  It doesn't take a genius to figure out that with God all things are possible. However, it takes understanding to realize that with God requires a lot of patience, because without it you have nothing. Lean not onto your own understanding when things aren't adding up. Always remember, the Lord is calculated with everything he does.

Apologetic Thoughts

  Once you discover you were wrong while in the midst of your anger, it would be very pleasing to the Lord to admit you were wrong and be apologetic for your emotions. Self correction is one of the most humble gestures a person can make. Dialing back your emotions in the midst of your self awareness is even more pleasing to the Lord.

Like minded Thoughts

  Believe it or not, most people are not in touch with there own inner spirit. How well are you in touch with your own spirits? Understand this, the spirit that lies within you can be seen and felt by those that are in touch with the Lord. So you see, no matter how hard you try and hide who you really are, your inner spirit will always reveal itself without you even knowing it. It's an animalistic instinct the Lord blessed us with from birth that we unconsciously carry with us through life for self protection.

Tearful Thoughts

  It comes a time in life when you just have to let those tears flow, accepting life for what it is and move forward. We often times fight those emotions, with the thought process of having to remain strong. Strength isn't built from holding back tears, it comes from releasing those tears.

His Thoughts

  If a person says they love you despite your combative spirit towards them, perhaps you need to take a step back and look in the mirror. You should be grateful of that person willingness to even share those feelings towards you. It's a privilege to be loved, not a right.

Enhanced Thoughts

  Knowledge is not something that is automatically attained life. It has to be an inner desire from within in order to navigate through life. Knowledge can increase your quality of life, extend your lifespan, as it can even enhance your overall character as well. But these things can only be attained if your willing to embrace receiving it, otherwise you will perish in the eyes of God for lack thereof.

Secret Thoughts

  It's people that love and care for you that never make there presence known to you, are you aware of that? Of course not because if you did you would know who they are? Sometimes in life it's the invisible people that love you more than those in your presence. Love doesn't always have to be visible.

Odd Thoughts

  Life doesn't have a definitive answer to everything that arises in our lives. However, we are presented with a plethora of options that will alleviate our issues that would otherwise prevent us from attaining those answers. It's up to you to find them.

Main Thoughts

  Reach for the stars and you'll find yourself accomplishing more than you ever thought you could accomplish in life. At the very least, give yourself a chance, it's the least you can do. Your not a failure for trying, your a failure for not trying.

Prehistoric Thoughts

 It's a plethora of things we can hide in life and take it to the grave, but the one thing we cannot hide in life is (history). Some people will avoid educating there children on history with the thinking it isn't worth rehashing the past. Such a perspective will only provoke history into repeating itself all over again, which is why the bible has been repeating itself for centuries. 

Impacted Thoughts

  Your best friend doesn't necessarily have to be a human, it could be an animal. Your inner soul doesn't necessarily have to be attached to a human, it could be an animal. Companionship isn't the only thing that can extend our lives, animals have the same impact. God created animals for a reason.

Ignored Thoughts

  If only you would have followed your first mind, where would you be today? God was talking with you the entire time but you ignored him, because you had no idea he thought that much of you in the first place.

Presentable thoughts

  If your going to give someone advice, don't present it as if your way is the way for all to follow. Present it in a way that's optional, with the understanding that in life we have options, and its yours to use if you want it.