
Showing posts from March, 2025

Silent Thoughts

  Group conversations can be very educational, but not in a sense from the topic itself. It's the people engaged in the conversation that teaches you something you overlooked from all the years you knew that person. The less you talk the more you learn. You'll be shocked at what is revealed about a person by remaining silent, focusing only on the inner spirit that person generates.

Perished Thoughts

  It's mind boggling how many people would prefer to remain ignorant over educating themselves. Refusing to receive knowledge is very harmful to your overall way through life. It doesn't take a genius to know that wisdom breeds success in life. When the Lord says you will perish from lack of knowledge, that's exactly what he meant.

Lord Thoughts

  Christianity has been tainted for over 2000 years despite our commitment to our perspective religions. Many people love the Lord yet are unwilling to obey his commands, go figure. We're now living in a world defined by the size of your bank account, size of your house, complexion of your skin, size of your waistline, and the whiteness of your teeth. where are we going with this? Does anyone even talk about the Lord anymore?