Cozy Thoughts
Are you comfortable with who you are in life? Yes/No/Maybe? You may not be comfortable with where you are in life, but you should at least be comfortable with who you are in life? Or maybe it's the reverse, being comfortable with who you are in life, versus not being comfortable with where you are in life? In the end when its all said and done, the most important place in life you should be comfortable with, is who you are in life? Because if you're not comfortable with who you are in life this far into your adulthood, you'll never be comfortable in life. Stop concerning yourself with being known, that's not important. Be comfortable with yourself, your inner spirit, the gift of life, and your relationship with God. You should never allow anyone to make you feel bad about loving life, it's a privilege God gave you, and nobody has the right to take that joy away from you, NOBODY.
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