Rooted Thoughts

Are you aware of who your friends really are? Many of you may THINK you do, but don't pat yourself on the back too soon people, because your awareness is not as keen as you think it is, believe that. We're living in a time in the 21st century, comprised of perpetrators, infiltrators, and impostors, fully disguised as chameleons, watching your every move, retrieving all the information about you as they possibly can, just so they can elevate themselves above you. With the sad part being, it's not like you're in a place in life that no other human being can achieve, nor do you pretend to be in a place nobody is incapable of achieving. It's all because they want to be you, but can't, plain and simple. WARNING, if you possess a large circle of friends, chances are 70% of those friends are chameleons, (guaranteed). So do yourself a favor, and shrink that circle, shrink it down to it's lowest terms, filter out all the cosmetics, go back to your grass roots, and stay with what you KNOW. That's keeping your life simple.


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