
Showing posts from 2018

Unique Thoughts

If someone is going through something, you should never measure yourself up against them based on (there) breaking point. Why? Because we all have our own breaking points, so you should never attempt to give someone sound advice based on (your) breaking point, that's terrible advice. God created us all differently, not evenly, with our own individual uniqueness. Therefore you should never ever compare your uniqueness against someone else's, that's not a fair assessment on life. You can help them by comforting them, never by comparisons.

Established Thoughts

Do you have what it takes as a parent to nurture your child/children into adulthood? Most parents probably would say yes, but if your infrastructure is questionable, the foundation for that child may not be as solid as you think. Balance is always key in establishing a sound infrastructure, giving that child an honest and clear foundation entering adulthood. Without it, more times than not, children aren't prepared or willing to leave the nest and live a quality life.

Honest Thoughts

Have you ever met a person you had very little chemistry with, but found them to be a truly wonderful person? It's like trying to find the right outfit that better fits your personality. Sometimes in life we come across people we don't necessarily gel with, but it doesn't take anything away from the greatness that resides within them. This is why it's always important not to judge people, but rather accept them for who they are and keep pushing forward.

Rightful Thoughts

Why is it so hard to accept a person for who they are without judging them? The easy thing to do would be to simply walk away, avoiding any affiliations with that person. OR, you could accept them for who they are, and try to learn something from them. Yes we can pick and choose whom we affiliate ourselves with, but you can't pick and choose knowledge, it's the pipeline to longevity in life.

Met Thoughts

It's perfectly fine to set high expectations for yourself, and it's perfectly fine to set high expectations on your inner most desires. But you simply cannot set those same high expectations on someone else you desire. If the person you desire doesn't meet your requirements, don't try and force your requirements on them. Either they meet them or they don't, plain and simple.

Clear Thoughts

Have you ever noticed how bright the sun shines when you distance yourself from people of negativity? The air smells cleaner, your thoughts become clearer, and your vision on life becomes clearer. Notice, affiliating yourself with people with positive minds, will encourage you to chase off negative spirits that enter your space. Also, if you pay close attention, negative minded people want nothing to do with people of positive minds, because they can't influence you with that negative thinking, so they stay away from you. Negative minded people will always find something negative to say about you, even in undertone, in the form of an Innuendo(sneaky) so to speak. Even if it's your own flesh and blood, they'll avoid contacting you at all cost, opting to wallow in the bed with people of there own kind(misery loves company), swimming in negativity.

Gifted Thoughts

If you are indeed in touch with the gifts God gave you, why should you feel embarrassed to have it? You should never feel guilty of having a gift someone else craves to have. It's not your fault you possess something many people wish they had, nor should you apologize for having it. So stop walking around with your head down feeling ashamed of the gifts you were born with, because in actuality, it's more shameful in feeling shameful that you possess such a gift.

Wasted Thoughts

Have you noticed how more and more people are transforming into incredibly petty individuals? Why is that? So many people are taking the smallest of situations, and elevating it into something that means nothing. It's truly amazing how such a growing number of people, place so much value into things of insignificance. Stop trying to control the narrative, because you can't. Stop exerting so much energy into (nothing), thinking it's important, because it isn't. In order for you to enjoy life, you have to allow life to enjoy you.

Glaring Thoughts

It's funny how we can look at others, noticing the glaring issues that lies within them, being quick to point them out. Some people will even point out those glaring issues, singling them out as if they lack the criteria of what it takes to survive in life. Now lets turn the tables, and imagine how you would feel if someone were pointing out (your) glaring issues that lie within you? You see, it's easy to throw darts at someone else, knowing they are a sitting target primed for your attacks. But those darts sure don't feel good when they are being thrown back at you do they?

Slowing down your Thoughts

It's so funny how most middle aged people go out of there way to look younger as they get older, yet are in such a rush for days to go by just to have time off of work. How does that work? You can't rush to enjoy life and later try to defy father time, it just doesn't work that way. We must take life one day at a time, enjoy each and every day we wake up, and appreciate the life that was given to us no matter the difficulties we've endured in the past.

Less Thoughts

Have you ever had a person try to give you advice, to the point they extended themselves beyond the requirement that's needed in giving advice? Lesson learned, the less you speak, the louder your words become in delivering your message. Stay away from giving those long sermons on life, because it's not healthy, as it turns into project overkill, turning a simple message into something that becomes nauseating.

Reflecting Thoughts

Have you ever reflected back on some things you did years ago and thought, " what was I thinking"? Since that time you've evolved into a much better person not affiliated with past ignorance. But guess what? 10 years from now you'll reflect on some things you did during these present times, thinking, " what was I thinking"? In other words, you're never totally dissolved from ignorance no matter your age, and you're never above receiving knowledge no matter the person delivering the message.

Penalized Thoughts

Have you ever been around a person totally withdrawn from life? Is life truly that complicated to the point of allowing your inner soul to fall asleep? It's like blackballing yourself from life, penalizing that inner sunshine that's lying dormant inside of you. Do yourself a favor and stop dozing off at the wheel, wake up and keep your eyes on the road, and know that life has far more to offer you than you're allowing it to give you.

Normal Thoughts

What is normal? Most people would define normal as something commonly done by the majority. Well, ask yourself this, "How do you know the majority"? It doesn't matter that most people will openly agree with the majority in an open forum. Truth is, it's no such thing as "normal", nor can anyone give the true definition of "normal". Look at it this way, if "normal" were the common theme for all to follow, why do most people hide and keep there thoughts to themselves? Think about the things you think about that are off script, things you choose not to share in fear of being judged, so you have to know, it's millions of people with even more bizarre thoughts than you. So once again, what's normal?

Secret Thoughts

It's a cardinal sin to sit around bragging on your friends and affiliations, placing them on a pedestal you have no idea who they truly are in life. Do you know who they are laying in bed with? No not literally, but there affiliations? See this is how people creep into your backdoor and create havoc in your life, not knowing who they (really) are, meaning the people they affiliate themselves with. It's those affiliations(whom are faceless), people that know you but you don't know them, can cause the most problems in your life. Those are the Trojan horses you can never rid yourself of, not even knowing where to start? STOP bragging on your friends, because those very same people you're bragging on, could be walking around with a pocket/purse full of Trojan horses, waiting to unleash on you right under your nose.

Common Thoughts

If you know better you'll do better. If you don't know better you won't do better. Now in saying that, what about those that actually know better, yet refuse to do better? It's one thing to walk around in ignorance, being punished in life through our own negligence, but it's another thing to already have the knowledge, and still refuse to do the right thing(common sense). It's been said that it doesn't take a brain surgeon to use common sense. On the other hand, acquiring a brain surgeon to (inject) that common sense would probably be the best choice.

Careful Thoughts

Have you ever passed judgment on a person, only to find yourself in the exact same position of the person you've judged? If you're wondering how you ended up in that position? These are the things God will do to you to silence you from judging people in the future.

Narcissistic Thoughts

Nothing is more humiliating than someone reminding you of your own shortcomings. What human being desires to be reminded of their own faults? It's that sort of narcissistic behavior, is why a growing number of people desire to stay to themselves away from people in general. It's also that exact same narcissistic behavior that provokes people from staying away from the church as well. Think about it like this, if an Atheist ever notion the thought about attending a church to discover who God really is or if he indeed exist, those thoughts were quickly wiped away upon coming across one of (those) type of church going people. Lesson learned, (stop judging people), and stop pretending to be something that you aren't, because the things you think you're doing in trying to help a person, can very well be hurting and running them away.

Peculiar Thoughts

It's funny how some people can remember things of insignificance, things that carry little to no impact or substance on life, yet will develop amnesia on things of great importance. How does that work? That's a perfect example of a person with low morals, poor priorities, lack of focus, lack of direction, illegitimate friends, and a person consumed with bad spirits.

Complicated Thoughts

How can you feel loved if you don't allow yourself to be loved? Stop going through life playing those private internal mind games with yourself, peeping at life through a small window. Life is complicated enough without you filling the limited space you have with unnecessary tension to your life. You've got to take a step back and enjoy life, and allow life to breathe itself into your spirit, otherwise you'll continue to float through life wondering where is the love you so long desire?

Giving Thoughts

Why is it so hard for many people to give from the heart? If you are unable to give, don't, because if you give when you're unable to give, and place yourself in a bad situation personally, it will only provoke you into not giving in the future. Secondly, don't give for the sake of expecting something in return, because if you do, your heart wasn't genuine in the beginning. You should never ever give, knowing subconsciously in your heart you're expecting something in return. Also, you should never give out of sympathy, because in doing so your heart is not in the right place. Giving out of sympathy simply means you're feeling sorry for that person, and that's against God's wishes. Feeling sorry for a person will backfire on you more times than you think. And lastly, giving doesn't require sharing your good deeds to the world, that's boasting. The only person that should know your contributions is the person you've helped and God, nobody else....

Mourning Thoughts

If you lost a family member over the age of 90 years old, why in the world would you mourn that loss? That's 20 years past the age God gave us technically. Is it anything wrong with mourning the loss of someone over the age of 90? No, but we should also understand that with mourning comes celebration. One of the most forgotten traditions that at one time use to be the standard is ALL households, is immediately after mourning the death of loves ones, we're suppose to gather together, sit around and talk about all the good times, along with highlighting all those funny moments that made us all laugh. But instead, many people will sit around and mourn not only after the burial, they'll mourn for days, weeks, months, and even years afterwards. Do you realize how "disrespectful" that is to God? That's like standing in the face of God and telling him he made a mistake. Are you bold enough to stand before him and do that? If God can take his own begotten son in Jesus...

Open Thoughts

If you were to ask the average person, do they have options on the open market in obtaining companionship, 99& of them would tell you yes. If that were true, why are so many people single? Chances are, you've explored many of those options you THOUGHT you had, and later found out it wasn't what you thought it was. It's at that point doubt begins to leak into your subconscious mind, feeling as though the market has gone dry on genuine companionship. No, the market hasn't gone dry, it's the person in the mirror that needs to be addressed, because remember, "you are what you attract". Your value on the open market is not what you've created in your mind to think it is, nor will it ever be. In fact, your value on the open market is so limited, it would serve you better to go home and eat some humble pie and hit the reset button, understanding that this is what it is and live with it.

Appreciative Thoughts

Did you know that stress can cause cancer? You can make the best of the short time your here on earth, or you can waste it away sitting around stressing out on life, it's your choice. Why sit around stressing over other people? Why go to work stressing over your job? Why sit around stressing over things you desire? Why not be happy with what God gave you? Understand this, the more material possessions you acquire, the more you want, and the more you want, the more you desire, and the more you desire, the less appreciative you'll become about life. Marinate on this, ( If money is so important to our lives and longevity, why is it certain countries in the middle east live much longer lives than we here in the US)? Why is it they don't have the cancer epidemic as we do? And why is it they don't have the health issues that we have? Think about that.

Cozy Thoughts

Are you comfortable with who you are in life? Yes/No/Maybe? You may not be comfortable with where you are in life, but you should at least be comfortable with who you are in life? Or maybe it's the reverse, being comfortable with who you are in life, versus not being comfortable with where you are in life? In the end when its all said and done, the most important place in life you should be comfortable with, is who you are in life? Because if you're not comfortable with who you are in life this far into your adulthood, you'll never be comfortable in life. Stop concerning yourself with being known, that's not important. Be comfortable with yourself, your inner spirit, the gift of life, and your relationship with God. You should never allow anyone to make you feel bad about loving life, it's a privilege God gave you, and nobody has the right to take that joy away from you, NOBODY.

Life Thoughts

Once you given up on something that was working for you in your favor, you've given up your right to have the final say in reestablishing what was handed to you on a silver platter. Privately we've all at some point been handed pleasurable opportunities that's satisfied our secret appetite nobody knows about, so let's not play crazy here. But don't kid yourself, and think that you have a plethora of those same opportunities knocking at your doorstep, because you don't. So if something or someone comes rolling into your life, if only for a brief period of time, you'd be wise to maximize those opportunities while it last, because gifts in life don't come with an encore.

Triggered Thoughts

Have you ever come across a person that had a trigger happy personality? Meaning, very quick to jump to conclusions, very quick to make assumptions, very quick to pass judgment, very quick to give up, and very quick to jump on top of the words you speak. Sounds familiar? Using the term, "trigger happy", might come off as a bit abrasive on the surface, but it does aggressively paint a visual picture that's descriptive and concise. So if you know of anyone that fits that exact description, approach with caution and be very slow to speak.

Rooted Thoughts

Are you aware of who your friends really are? Many of you may THINK you do, but don't pat yourself on the back too soon people, because your awareness is not as keen as you think it is, believe that. We're living in a time in the 21st century, comprised of perpetrators, infiltrators, and impostors, fully disguised as chameleons, watching your every move, retrieving all the information about you as they possibly can, just so they can elevate themselves above you. With the sad part being, it's not like you're in a place in life that no other human being can achieve, nor do you pretend to be in a place nobody is incapable of achieving. It's all because they want to be you, but can't, plain and simple. WARNING, if you possess a large circle of friends, chances are 70% of those friends are chameleons, (guaranteed). So do yourself a favor, and shrink that circle, shrink it down to it's lowest terms, filter out all the cosmetics, go back to your grass roots, and st...

Extended Thoughts

If you don't feel like being bothered, why do the thoughts of that person linger in your head? Once you've made up your mind you're not going to entertain bad spirits, obey your inner spirit and do as such by moving forward. Extended thoughts of someone that does little to nothing to elevate your inner spirit, will only bring you down in the long run, so why bother?

Undivided Thoughts

Randomly we will come up with a thought, marinate on it, wondering what, when, why, or how we should handle that thought? Other times we will blow it off as if that thought never occurred, eliminating any possibilities of that thought coming into fruition. And that can be a good thing, pending on the extremities of that thought. On the other hand, it would be wise to re-evaluate those subtle thoughts that carry great significance. You know those thoughts, the ones that require a little more attention than the norm that we otherwise are passive about? It's THOSE thoughts that require our undivided attention.

Clear Thoughts

We've all gone through rough patches in life, with some being worse than others. Now in saying that, we must also (always) be mindful and respectful of those whom have gone through worse. Sometimes we tend to take the little things in life for granted, feeling that just because we haven't heard from the people we love the most, that the love we feel for them isn't mutual in return. That's not necessarily the case in all cases, nor is that the way life is designed. Understand, life is not all about YOU, and the life of others do not revolve around yours. You never know what a person is going through until they reveal it to you, and until they do, we should always remain positive, keep a clear conscious, cleanse your spirit of negative thoughts, and be prayerful of the people you love the most are doing fine.

Past Thoughts

If you're currently still worrying about something that happened last week, the problem isn't the problem, the problem is YOU. If you're currently still worrying about something that happened 2 days ago, the problem isn't the problem, the problem is YOU. How can you see what's in front of you if you're always looking back?

Strong Thoughts

Why do many people unconsciously/consciously gauge people's best against our own best? Do you honestly think that's fair to them? God DID NOT create us all equal in that we're capable of the same output in life, therefore you cannot expect or measure someone else's efforts based on yours. Please understand, in certain situations, your maximum output may be half of what someone else can put out, so to say someone isn't putting forth there best, is basically raising the bar of expectations based on YOUR expectations, and who are you to judge? Also keep in mind, our maturation level varies from person to person, further validating the fact that God did not create us all equally, only that he treats us equally.

Compelling Thoughts

Why is it more and more relationships are failing at an alarming rate? Could it be that not everybody is equipped to maintain and sustain a relationship? Or could it be that not everybody were meant to have a relationship? As odd as that may seem, these possibilities exist. Not every man knows how to treat a woman, and not every woman knows how to treat a man. Relationships are about give and take, understanding that not everything is going to be perfect. So just because two people love each other, doesn't mean that person should succumb to your wrongful thinking. Stop trying to control your mate through your emotions, that's bullying and cowardly of you. Accept a person for who they are, meet them halfway, and understand that you're not always right, and that person is not always wrong.

Manipulative Thoughts

Have you ever had someone to use your weakness against you? They sit back and study you, and study you, and study you, finding out what makes you tick, only to turn it around and use it against you at there own convenience. In fact, they will in a subtle way, manipulate you, by taking away what they know you enjoy the most, and use it at they see fit. They will often times even agitate you with simple minded behavior, strategically designed to provoke you into saying something they can turn around and use against you. It's those times you must exercise (extreme) patience, remain silent, stay strong, and know that in the end it will only make you stronger and help you develop great character like you've never had before. Because in the end, they can never match wits with you no matter how hard they try to undermine you.

Listening Thoughts

It's always good to lend a listening ear to people trusting you with there problems, it's a good learning curve in life. You should never ignore or blow off someone that trust you in sharing a life story. And please, (never) allow yourself to become so consumed with yourself that you fail to see the value in the life of others, that's selfish. Because remember, no matter what you're going through in life, it's NEVER about you.

Helpless Thoughts

How would you feel if you were helplessly lying motionless on the ground, watching everybody walk past you without offering you any assistance? You probably couldn't even imagine as such in your wildest dreams, wondering how could people be so cruel with no sense kindness for human life? It's a plethora of things you couldn't imagine yourself becoming victims of, being accused of acts against your character knowing you were innocent. Now you know how Jesus felt.

Impacting Thoughts

Forgiveness is one of the most important qualities that automatically puts us in God's favor. Forgiveness can also impact the way you make quality decisions in life, creating internal peace, molding you into a person of great character. We must swallow our pride, be humble, and understand life is bigger than YOU.

True Thoughts

Have you ever met a person that's never offered you a compliment on anything? Did they ever have anything good to say about you? You've probably on several occasions, offered many compliments to this same person, helping them to understand how much you truly appreciate them as a person. Such people in there own quiet way, feel they are better than you, and don't feel the need to offer you something(in there mind) you don't deserve. That's funny, because if you sit back and take a closer look at them, they aren't what you thought they were, and in the end, something unforeseen will take them down a peg or two, revealing to you what you thought of them was really true.

Collective Thoughts

Where do your connections lie? Unconsciously many people have connections to things of insignificance, creating narratives to things that carry no foundation. But then if you tell yourself the same thing over and over again, despite it's contents, you'll believe it.

Endearing Thoughts

Have you ever liked a person that didn't like you? Did you find yourself softly trying to facilitate a conversation with them, only to find your efforts blatantly rejected because they refused to allow your kindness to embrace them? They'll even fight you tooth and nail on basic conversations, all in efforts to show you the feelings aren't mutual. You've probably even lost a few hours of sleep over them, wondering how can ignorance consume such a wonderful person. In such cases, you have to allow ignorance to run its course, and hope that common sense will one day bring them back to you.

Regrettable Thoughts

Just because a person openly commits sins, that doesn't give you the right to judge them, nor elevate yourself above them. A person that openly commits a sin, is no worse than a person that privately commit sins. No human life form on this earth, is without committing sins, NOBODY. So it doesn't matter that you attend church several times a week, it doesn't matter how many great deeds you've done in life, nor does it matter the amount of humanitarian work you've done in the past, you're still a sinner, and you'll always be a sinner til the day you die. At least the person that openly commit sins, is honest with who they are, and don't try to hide from it. Heck those that are in hiding, are the most dangerous sinners of all.

Pointless Thoughts

We say we love our children unconditionally, but do we? Loving your children is defined by setting aside your differences for the sake of doing the right thing, removing your inner feelings despite any pain that's been bestowed upon you. Unconditional also includes seeking God for understanding, and not taking matters into your own hands for the sake of your own personal satisfaction. What good is a child without his parents? Keep this in mind, it doesn't matter how much money or time you spend with a child in providing for his/her needs for happiness, nothing can replace a parent in a child's life. You never know what goes through a child's mind during the absence of one parent? They'll NEVER tell you. And for those that were raised by one parent, it's funny how you forget where you came from, so why would you subject your child through the same exact thing knowing how that felt? That's NOT unconditional love.

Calculated Thoughts

If you love someone, why would you crucify them for making a mistake? Don't we all make mistakes? One might say well, what if they repeatedly make the same mistakes, should we continue to forgive them? The answer is yes. Not only are we suppose to forgive them, but we must remain supportive of them despite the mistakes that were made. God says we must extend our forgiveness no matter the amount of mistakes that were made. You can't have it both ways, meaning, you can't walk around telling everybody how strong your love is for God, knowing deep down inside, you have an extremely willingness to NOT forgive and let go as God instructed, that's hypocritical. You're either ALL in or you’re not, plain and simple

Influential Thoughts

Why would you dispute information given to you, designed to improve your health? If what you're doing isn't working, why not try something different? Stubborn is what stubborn does, and if you aren't willing to accept information given to you to help you improve your lifestyle, accept the consequences and repercussions that follows your ignorance.

Love Your Thoughts

If you can't love the one you're with, who can you love? it's plenty of love you can spread around, but you won't find that type of love in return. So if you already have someone you can love, you may as well place all your chips on the table, roll the dice and see what you come up with, because life itself doesn't love you, you have to love yourself. Love yourself, and life itself will allow you to love IT. Love don't love nobody.

Darkness in Thoughts

Most people seem to think your character is judged by your body of work as a person. Some even think it's based on your contributions to society, and accountability as a family person. Truth is, the things we do to satisfy MAN, doesn't count, even in the event of being acknowledged by your fellow peers, doesn't count. It's the things we do in total darkness for nobody to see, are the things that define our true character as to who we are as a person (Per God).

Intuitive Thoughts

Just because a person doesn't share the same interest as you, like the same things you like, value the same things as you value, or do the same things as you do, doesn't mean they are different. Nor does it mean something is wrong with them. Why can't it be, God just made two people different? And besides, that same person could easily flip that same script all the way around on you, and say, "It's something different about you", for those same exact reasons you used on them. In other words, your views, thoughts, ideas, and desires, aren't the foundation for all mankind to follow. Now do us all a favor, and STOP judging people because they aren't of your likeness.

Wavering Thoughts

We've all been through those dead spots in life when we thought we were less than how others perceive us be. But we've also had those patches in life when certain people REMINDED us that we're less than how we view ourselves to be. Lesson #1 on life 101, nobody is less than nobody no matter their place in life. Lesson #2, if someone blatantly attempts to devalue your place in life, ALWAYS consider the source. Lesson #3, Our place in life is decided by God, NOT by man. and Lesson #4, NEVER allow your misfortunes in life to dictate and derail the great person God created you to be.

Cleansing your Thoughts

What was the worst decision you ever made and how did it impact your life? Did you carry that resentment around with you, and if so, what did you accomplish from it? Just because you make a bad decision, doesn't mean you have to carry it around with you no matter the consequences. Our sufferings are designed to make us better, improve our character, and eventually transform us into quality individuals in life. We should never allow poor decisions to harden our hearts to the point of no return, because in doing so, not even God can do anything with you to help you under those circumstances.

Unified Thoughts

If it's accepted for women to be submissive to men, why can't the same be done towards women? Is it an unwritten rule stating that men cannot be submissive towards women? Does it take away a man's masculinity, and if so, how? One would think submissiveness coincides with bonding, connecting two people together and sharing each other souls in unison. It's more to being a man than making money, fertilizing eggs to create children, and releasing testosterone, that's the easy part. It's much harder for a man to be a man than it is for a woman to be a woman, much harder, because the stakes are higher and the responsibilities are greater. And being submissive toward a woman takes absolutely nothing away from the masculinity of a man. In fact, it adds to it, think about THAT.

Young Thoughts

Remember when you were 15 and couldn't wait to be 20? Remember when you were 25 trying to act like you were 35? Remember when you were 35 acting like you were 45? But then something changed as your approached 45. Your body at 45 started FEELING like 55, only you wanted to look and dress like 35. Isn't that amazing? You took your youth for granted because you were in this great big hurry to become this mature minded adult. And now that maturity has caught up with you (dropping kids along the way)(In and out of pointless relationships), you wish you had maximized those youthful years more effectively.

Happy Thoughts

It comes a time in life you have to stop highlighting all the bad things happening in your life. Far to often people are quick to reveal how badly has been to them, walking around acting like life has dealt them a bad hand, as if life owes you something. Sometimes in life the decisions we make displays confusion, revealing on that of bad rather than good. Why not try showcasing the good things in life, showing the world that it's perfectly fine to be happy? Happiness is what fertilized the seed to your existence here today, not sadness.

God's Thoughts

If you know and recognize your beliefs, why would you allow someone to change it? God placed those thoughts and ideas inside of you, as only he knows what you can and cannot do, You should never allow a person the power to take away what God gave you, its your right, nobody else's. You see, once you allow a person the power to discourage you away from what God gave you, you've then allowed the enemy to defeat you. It's oh so easy to talk negative, think negative, and see negative. So why not turn all those negatives into positives, and bring your beliefs into reality?

Released Thoughts

You can't miss what you never had, so why hang on to something that's not working? If at first you don't succeed, try it all over again. If you don't succeed again, try it all over again. If you don't succeed again, try it all over again. If you don't succeed again, it's time to move on to something else and let it go. It just comes a time when you have to move forward and try something different.

Open ended Thoughts

Have you ever had someone try to give you healthy advice, but didn't know how to give healthy advice? For example, some people will give you advice (without) an option. That's not good advice, because life itself ALWAYS gives us an option. You can't help someone using close ended techniques, as if to say its this way or no way. Healthy advice is advice that has options, allowing that person to pick and choose the direction they want to go in. Advice without an option is like backing a person into a corner without an outlet, forcefully coercing them into your way of thinking, and that's not good.

Non reversible Thoughts

If a person says something mean to you, only to turn around and proclaim to not mean any harm by it, how can you not take those words serious? Sure, anyone can reverse course and say it was only meant in humor, but even in humor, hidden messages can be decoded to find what your heart truly meant. That's why its always important to be careful in the words you speak, and be quick to listen, because once those words are spoken, you cannot take them back, as your heart is genuine in the words you speak despite its intentions.

No Thoughts

If you aren't willing to share the (full) story about who you are as a person, don't share all the great things about yourself in efforts to elevate yourself above the average person? So many people want to boast and brag about their lives, yet aren't willing to share the things that might make people judge them. Now unless you're being a testimony to someone in need, why not just keep your fairy tale stories to yourself? Our private lives aren't for public consumption. And besides, God totally despises of people that boast and brag, its against his beliefs, and we should honor that with respect. Because one thing is certain, we all have skeletons in our closets, as we've all done and thought things we absolutely want nobody to know, and you know it.