
Showing posts from 2013

A simple thought

Have you ever noticed how some people hit a brick wall in life, never seemingly able to grow internally? Many times these brick walls are a direct reflection of ones unwillingness to expand their knowledge, choosing only to remain stagnant with no desire to grow. It's those same individuals that will never acknowledge the growth in you, opting only to speak negatively of you. Sometimes in life its difficult accepting ones lack of growth due to our once fondness and love for that individual, as true love never dies.

Food for Thought

If a loose woman is considered a Jezebel, does it lesson her self worth as a woman? According to today's society, loose women have a plethora of titles placed upon them by man, as well as being lessened by the common man. If indeed a woman carry similarities of Jezebel, why doesn't God lesson them? Yet it appears MAN has created his own standards in which women are defined by. Placing titles as if he were the creator of woman. Fortunately for women, MAN did not create woman, nor is he qualified to set the guidelines for women to follow that define them as a woman. But then, maybe if man were to be the MAN God created him to be, Jezebel's would never exist. Man is not qualified to neither change, judge, manipulate, or characterize God's creation in his creating of the common woman.

Just a thought

It's so easy to love someone YOU choose to love, knowing you can direct your feelings towards the person of YOUR choice. But we must learn and understand, its important to love unconditionally, filtering and eliminating those wrongful thoughts that prevents you from loving those that need your love. It's nothing wrong with loving your enemies, it's nothing wrong with loving those that betrayed you, nor is it anything wrong with loving someone just because. Swallow your pride and stop being afraid to love and understand, love is good, love brings peace, and love brings happiness. Always remember, "pride leads to destruction and humility leads to honor". -Proverbs Chapter 18 verse 12.


Sometimes a person can say or do something so hurtful, it angers you to the point of disgust, disappointment, resentment, sorrow, or even pain. But despite of that, one must somehow someway, muster up enough strength to overcome those pitfalls that can lead to these assorted number of emotions that can leads to condemnation. Condemning a person is a definitely no no, especially since you know you aren't perfect, knowing you have said and done things you can be judged by in the eyes of God. FYI: Don't condemn others and God won't condemn you as he will be as hard on you as you are on others. Matthew Chapter 7 verses 1-2.