
Showing posts from June, 2017

No nonsense Thoughts

Have you ever had someone say something to you that truly made you angry? Was it enough to make you want to harm them? Or did it make you say some truly nasty things to them? If so, why would you even react to it? For example, if someone made some derogatory comments towards you disrespectfully, why not just ignore them and walk away? You're making it seem like one word will ruin your entire life, as if your world will come crumbling down,over the ignorance of a foul tongue. Because if all it takes is the mere words of stupidity to send your world into a tailspin, you truly have life figured all wrong, and you definitely haven't found Jesus.

Strategic Thoughts

Most of our toughest challenges in life, are those that come from within, coercing us into irrational thoughts, irrational behavior, and limited vision. Scientifically speaking, its unclear how the human brain can cause blindness in times of trouble. But what we do know, is that visual blindness can be avoided, by allowing our brains to open up and receive God's blessings as they come. Ignoring his presence can be futile if consciously/unconsciously not respecting and acknowledging his blessings he;s given us by HIS choice.

Thoughts of acceptance

If you (hate) someone because of something they said to you, how can you (love) someone for the same reasons? That absolutely makes no sense whatsoever. Because to allow your feelings to get THAT deeply wound into some mere words that truly DON'T define you, means your heart is truly in the wrong place. On the other hand, you cannot love someone over some mere words they've said to you, only to exhibit hatred towards someone you least desire. The saying (It's a thin line between love and hate), is one of the biggest myths ever told. Love and hate can never be used in the same sentence in the eyes of God, nor can be accepted. And besides, if hatred could be THAT easily exhibited and accepted, we would ALL be dead by now over the sins we've committed over the years.

Joyful Thoughts

Joy doesn't just come when times are good. Joy can also come when times are bad. You see, during those times of trouble, we become so consumed with our problems, we fail to see the good that comes with the bad. In other words, that light never stopped shining on you, even during those times of darkness. In fact, even in death, that light will never stop shining on you, because even then, you will shine in heaven. You can't see what's in front of you if you're always looking back. DON'T become that pillar of salt.

Your Thoughts

Never allow a person to dictate to you how to think, as if to say your thoughts are irrelevant. Rule to follow, "no two people think alike". We were all born in our own uniqueness, our own beauty, our own minds, and our own beliefs. Once you've discovered who you are, NEVER allow anyone to take that away from you. Be who you are, because you can only be you.

Inexcusable Thoughts

Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue being a drunkard. Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue doing drugs. Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue smoking cigarettes. Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue poor eating habits. Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to continue being stubborn.Although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to not exercise. And although tomorrow isn't promised to us, don't use that as an excuse to not seek Jesus.

Paranoid Thoughts

Paranoia is THE biggest form of insecurity a person can possess, lending itself to second guessing, lack of confidence, twisted perception, low self esteem, and quitting. And we all know, its nothing worse than a quitter. Sure we've all had our bouts with paranoia at some point in our lives, but you should never allow yourself to be consumed with negative thoughts to the point to lose site of what's in front of you, because in doing so, you'll drive yourself further and further into a hole with no way out. When have you ever known God to use paranoia and faith in the same sentence? Real troopers aren't paranoid, nor do they allow themselves to be consumed with negative spirits. Prayer changes things, use it, and use it constructively.

Thoughts to release

Now that you've taken life's worst punch, where do you go from here? It's okay, you can exhale, relax, reflect, gather your thoughts, and know that God had your back through life's worst times. Sure you'll have some more hiccups waiting in the bushes, looking to ambush you the moment you let your guard down. But see that's it, DON'T let your guard down. You've chased off those demonic spirits that consumed you much longer than you desired. Now you're cleansed, cleansed of all the things that stunted your inner growth. Keep that guard up, remain prayerful, and know you have a higher power that will protect you in times of trouble.