
Showing posts from October, 2018

Less Thoughts

Have you ever had a person try to give you advice, to the point they extended themselves beyond the requirement that's needed in giving advice? Lesson learned, the less you speak, the louder your words become in delivering your message. Stay away from giving those long sermons on life, because it's not healthy, as it turns into project overkill, turning a simple message into something that becomes nauseating.

Reflecting Thoughts

Have you ever reflected back on some things you did years ago and thought, " what was I thinking"? Since that time you've evolved into a much better person not affiliated with past ignorance. But guess what? 10 years from now you'll reflect on some things you did during these present times, thinking, " what was I thinking"? In other words, you're never totally dissolved from ignorance no matter your age, and you're never above receiving knowledge no matter the person delivering the message.

Penalized Thoughts

Have you ever been around a person totally withdrawn from life? Is life truly that complicated to the point of allowing your inner soul to fall asleep? It's like blackballing yourself from life, penalizing that inner sunshine that's lying dormant inside of you. Do yourself a favor and stop dozing off at the wheel, wake up and keep your eyes on the road, and know that life has far more to offer you than you're allowing it to give you.

Normal Thoughts

What is normal? Most people would define normal as something commonly done by the majority. Well, ask yourself this, "How do you know the majority"? It doesn't matter that most people will openly agree with the majority in an open forum. Truth is, it's no such thing as "normal", nor can anyone give the true definition of "normal". Look at it this way, if "normal" were the common theme for all to follow, why do most people hide and keep there thoughts to themselves? Think about the things you think about that are off script, things you choose not to share in fear of being judged, so you have to know, it's millions of people with even more bizarre thoughts than you. So once again, what's normal?

Secret Thoughts

It's a cardinal sin to sit around bragging on your friends and affiliations, placing them on a pedestal you have no idea who they truly are in life. Do you know who they are laying in bed with? No not literally, but there affiliations? See this is how people creep into your backdoor and create havoc in your life, not knowing who they (really) are, meaning the people they affiliate themselves with. It's those affiliations(whom are faceless), people that know you but you don't know them, can cause the most problems in your life. Those are the Trojan horses you can never rid yourself of, not even knowing where to start? STOP bragging on your friends, because those very same people you're bragging on, could be walking around with a pocket/purse full of Trojan horses, waiting to unleash on you right under your nose.

Common Thoughts

If you know better you'll do better. If you don't know better you won't do better. Now in saying that, what about those that actually know better, yet refuse to do better? It's one thing to walk around in ignorance, being punished in life through our own negligence, but it's another thing to already have the knowledge, and still refuse to do the right thing(common sense). It's been said that it doesn't take a brain surgeon to use common sense. On the other hand, acquiring a brain surgeon to (inject) that common sense would probably be the best choice.

Careful Thoughts

Have you ever passed judgment on a person, only to find yourself in the exact same position of the person you've judged? If you're wondering how you ended up in that position? These are the things God will do to you to silence you from judging people in the future.

Narcissistic Thoughts

Nothing is more humiliating than someone reminding you of your own shortcomings. What human being desires to be reminded of their own faults? It's that sort of narcissistic behavior, is why a growing number of people desire to stay to themselves away from people in general. It's also that exact same narcissistic behavior that provokes people from staying away from the church as well. Think about it like this, if an Atheist ever notion the thought about attending a church to discover who God really is or if he indeed exist, those thoughts were quickly wiped away upon coming across one of (those) type of church going people. Lesson learned, (stop judging people), and stop pretending to be something that you aren't, because the things you think you're doing in trying to help a person, can very well be hurting and running them away.