
Showing posts from September, 2017

Strong Thoughts

Have you ever had a thought so strong it came true? Upon having those thoughts, did you have a strong visual as well? Rarely do we have such convictions, but when we do, its like tapping into supernatural powers beyond your imagination. And what's even more strange, is that you have no control over those convictions once they occur. If only we could tap into those powers on command. Strong Thoughts

Emotional Thoughts

Sometimes in life we get so caught up in our own feelings, we fail to see the blessings God has in front of us. It just comes a time in life as we get older, that we must stop thinking about ourselves, remove the emotions, and look at what's in front of you. Until you do that, you'll never be able to enjoy the fruits of life that God gave you. STOP thinking about yourself and remove the emotions, its that simple.

Marinating Thoughts

Is it possible to run out of love? If so, how? Because in the end, it doesn't matter what a person does to you, running out of love should never be an option. Where would we be today had Jesus ran out of love 2000 years ago? Marinate on that for a moment. And while your marinating those thoughts, think about everything you've learned about Jesus and his suffering. Think about those that mocked him, crucified him, and doubted him. Yet his love NEVER wavered, not once. And now look at you, just look at you. 2000 years later, here we are reaping the benefits of his unwavering love. Now with all that being said, if you can't find it within yourself to forgive, let go, and still love unconditionally, something is truly wrong with you.

Vindicated Thoughts

Are you vindictive? Many would probably say no, falsely saying they've moved on and haven't looked back. Yet at first chance, most consciously/unconsciously would jump at the first opportunity to even the score secretly. Why secretly? It eliminates being judged for committing the exact same act. Others would prefer being incognito because of the negative perception that follows foul decisions. But in the end, ask yourself this, "What did you gain from it"? "Did it make you feel better about yourself"?

Amazing Thoughts

Have you ever just sat back and thought about some of the things you did in the past and thought, "Wow"? You probably even wondered how did you even make it through those times? Or how did you even manage? It's because your script was already written at birth. As promised in God's word, he would NEVER put more on you than you can bare. Remember that? Keep that in mind for future considerations during troubled times, it to will pass, and that God will see you through it as he's done all the other times you've endured problem situations. Know that whatever it is your going through, its ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel.