
Showing posts from May, 2019

Rekindled Thoughts

Some of the most hurtful things in life, aren't the people that currently exist present, or even in your past life. its the people that no longer exist in life period, that brings the most pain. You know those people, the ones that made the biggest impact in your life that no other person could ever bring. The feeling you can no longer resurrect in your life no matter the love you receive from current people in your life. Its the type pain that lies dormant, until certain reminders rekindle those fond memories of that person. Its those type memories that will place you in a temporary coma, suspending you from your surroundings in order to appreciate the love you miss.

Wise Thoughts

We've all made bad choices in life, some worse than others. We've also had dear friends whom have made bad choices as well, with some being very severe and hurtful. So with that being said, why do we (mentally) throw away those that suffered through poor decisions in life? If you believe in the power of prayer, you would know that prayer changes things, changing lives and performing miracles. Why not pray for them? You may not know it, but it's a plethora of things that favored you in your life, stemming from the prayers of others thinking about you and your welfare, why not return that favor?

Appreciative Thoughts

Have you ever noticed how some people will wake up in the morning, complaining about life? Some will even carry yesterday's trash into present day, persistent that they aren't having a good day? How can a person say they aren't having a good day, and was granted the privilege by God to wake up? Understand this, it is not a foregone conclusion you will see the next day, as you should never take the value of life itself for granted.

Fabricated Thoughts

Why do some people feel its a written rule on how we should live our lives? Life has no set blueprint on how we should live our lives, nor can anyone dictate or judge us on how we should live our lives. No human life form can control our destination to the after life, nor can they predict it. We're all only here for a short period of time, whether that be death after birth, death after 100 years, or anything in between. We're all only here for a temporary period of time, so you might as well enjoy it while you can, and (stop) trying to live according to man's fabricated standards, and live life to the fullest.