
Showing posts from March, 2016

Hateful Thoughts

if you hate your job, hate your companion, hate your ex companion, hate your children, hate certain friends, hate your community, hate the way people drive, or even hate certain family members, what don't you hate? Because with that much hate, you can't possibly love yourself. That's entirely too much negative energy for one person to have, much less pass along to someone else. Who would want to be around ir involved with a person THAT grumpy?

Funny Thoughts

You've probably never been told this before, but are you aware that sometimes in life, taking a step back is equivalent to putting your best foot forward? At the time you took those steps back, it probably didn't make sense to you in the midst of your setback. But in taking those steps back, the picture became far more clearer, giving you clarity and understanding you never would have gained had you NOT taken those few steps back. Life is funny that way.

Worldly Thoughts

Although we all live and exist in the same world, we truly DON'T live in the same world, nobody does. You see, its the things in life we were never told, are the things in life that will change the perception of everything we see. The life you see is a mirage, the life you live is reality, as nobody will EVER know the internal thoughts that only you know. Because the world you live in is not the world you live in, as the world you live in, is totally different from the world you live in, including the person you're involved with. In relationships, thinking that you live in the same world, is why conflict arises, because you THOUGHT you lived in the same world.

Procrastinating Thoughts

You can't say one thing and do another, procrastinating as if procrastination is attractive. Memo to procrastinators that internally think its okay, its NOT okay. Stop engaging in conversations you know will place you in a position to be untruthful. Some people procrastinate to the point it becomes a common thread, not realizing the negative impact it can have on life itself. DON'T become that person!