
Showing posts from January, 2019

Open Thoughts

Ignorance is something we were all born with, it's unavoidable because we're human. However, knowledge can be gained by having a willingness to receive knowledge, but (only) with an open mindset. So if someone extends themselves to you in trying to give you knowledge, be a willing recipient despite your inner (controlled) viewpoint. And remember, no 2 people think alike.

Tempting Thoughts

Love is (the) most beautiful feeling anyone can experience in life. Through pain, many tend to feel love isn't as important as it once was before the pain was inflicted upon them. But the truth is, love is always important no matter the degree of pain you've experienced throughout your life time. Why? Because just as love hurts, love heals, plain and simple.

Pocket Thoughts

We've all gone through those pockets in life that brought us hardship, shame, etc. We've also had those moments in life we needed counseling, yet we opted to just deal with it and move forward. Yes, life itself can take us down that road of no return, but it can also rehabilitate us as well, (if we allow it).

Timely Thoughts

Time can be used in a plethora of ways, taking you places you never thought you would go. Time can also be hurtful, revealing hidden secrets within ones own self nobody would ever know about you. We must learn and understand how to use time wisely, and know that time is not our friend, but can be a benefit if used wisely.

Opinionated Thoughts

Why does a person character have to come into question based on an opinion? If a person has a difference of opinion than you, that's exactly what it is, a difference of opinion. Stop judging and becoming angry with a person just because they don't agree with you, that's life. Always remember, your thoughts and opinions are the template for all to follow, so stop acting like you carry the blueprint on life.

Private Thoughts

If someone blesses you with something, why do you feel compelled to share it? Not that you're trying to brag, but it can come off as bragging, especially to certain individuals that are secretly jealous of you. It's not a necessity to share your blessings with anyone, nor is it a criteria. Your life is your life, and nobody can live your life better than you. God did not give you those blessings, but he placed you in a position in life to receive those blessings, so obviously you've done something in your life correctly to receive those blessings.