
Showing posts from July, 2019

Intense Thoughts

Perseverance is the game of life, as it takes us through every possible avenue, every nick and cranny, leaving nothing for the imagination no matter the severity of our suffering. In fact, our perseverance in life dictates our longevity in life, as we must learn from those experiences, understanding that those experiences, can become a platform for the counseling of those in need guidance and understanding on life. It's for (that) reason God created you in his own image. And don't you ever forget it.

Historic Thoughts

Why do so many people want to (hide) history? And why is it the ugly truth about history isn't taught in lower and higher level institutions? Its been said that we must remember history in order to prevent history from repeating itself. Well, if that's true, why isn't it being taught? The purity of history, reflects the nastiness of the present, with the powers that be, strategically hiding its character. You want proof? Look no further than the elected officials of the United States Senate. And until the United States decides to overhaul that entire committee, this country will wallow in misery until God decides to rid the world of its entire population.

Loving Thoughts

The most we'll ever be loved in life, is when we're born, and when we die, with everything in between being a crap shoot. Now that is not to say you're incapable of receiving the love you so long desire, because that would be inaccurate. But just know, that the love you so desire, will maximize itself after you're gone.

Wrongful Thoughts

Just because a person doesn't conform or agree with the things you say, doesn't mean that person does not love you, nor does it mean they don't care about you. It just means they have an alternative vision on life than you do. Far to often relationships, friends, and even family members, disconnect from each other, all for the wrong reasons on life. If a person does not agree with you, don't undermine them by insulting there intelligence. If a person does not agree with you, don't attempt to manipulate them through fabricated stories or lies. Simply accept them for who they are, and understand our existence is determined by God, not by (you).