
Showing posts from May, 2017

Designated Thoughts

According to the blueprint designed strategically for you, you've experienced the worst that life has to offer. Or maybe you're in the midst of the worst that life has to offer. You've probably even shared those experiences with close friends and relatives, needing that listening ear in times of despair and confusion. Listen, do yourself a favor, and stop with the chattering about your problems, we've all got problems. Stop wallowing around in your own mess(manure), because that's all your doing. You're stepping in it over and over and over again, so much so that by the time you clean your feet, you're stepping in it all over again. You must move forward, stop reflecting, stop complaining, stop blaming others, and stop talking about it. Tomorrow's a new day, new beginning, and new start to your future. We all know the sun doesn't shine all the time, but it doesn't rain all the time either.

Self Loving Thoughts

You must love love love yourself before you can receive the same love in return. STOP expecting people to treat you better than you treat yourself. Don't think for one moment, that a person can't look at you and see what you're trying to hide, because they can. Never set expectations on somebody else that you can even do for yourself. The love you have for yourself is more transparent than you think, you're NOT fooling anybody into thinking otherwise. Love can't be tricked, fooled, manipulated or compromised, especially to those that know exactly how to love themselves unconditionally.

Conveying Thoughts

If you're affiliated with a person you can't even be friends and have a conversation with, why tolerate them? What do you stand to gain from it, other than aggravation? Simply convey to that person you have no desire to converse or interact with them, and remove that person from your life. Why fake it? Not having the capabilities of conveying your true feelings to a person you least desire, kind of sort of makes you a coward in disguise. Life is to short and a peace of mind is priceless.