
Showing posts from August, 2019

Old Thoughts

Where are you now? Can you answer that question? Because if you're the same person at 50 as you were at 20, you've just wasted 30 years of your life, period. We've all been down that road, running into people we haven't seen in years, and they still sound the same, and you're like, " they haven't changed one bit", and that's not good. Its like traveling through a time zone, visiting a place in time you never wanted to see again.

Whole Thoughts

Inner peace should not be generated, or dependent on another individual, even if its your spouse, significant other, friends, family members etc. Only (you) can generate your own inner peace that keeps you whole and complete. Allowing someone to dictate and control your mental state of mind, eliminates any control you thought you possibly had over yourself.

Returned Thoughts

Not all blessings are meant to be shared, as we are all given are own individual private blessings. Now with that being said, its also equally important to be a blessing to those that have blessed you, despite the benefits of those blessings you received, (courtesy) of that person that blessed you.

Precious Thoughts

Life is so precious, that if you could turn back the hands of time, to change the fate of your current place in life, you would. Life is so precious, that if you allow your baggage to trickle off into your children, it could impact and stunt the growth of your children, well into adulthood. Life is so precious, that the impact of your tongue can impact the way you are perceived. Life is so precious, that one wrong decision can impact your longevity in life.